However, Li Qi on the other side was injured because of his shoulder blade. Because of the reason he kept running, he said that the blood of the shoulder blade kept flowing downward, but he was surprised that he didn't slow down because of this little injury. He ran faster and faster, but he ran faster and faster, just like you are a speeding car running on the road, no one can catch up with him at all.

The reason why Li Qi ran like this was not because he was afraid of the snipers behind him, but because he knew that he had to leave the dangerous area now. He didn't know how many people were there waiting to kill him. , Even if he has a high skill, if he challenges others again and again, his physical strength will not be able to accept it.

Chapter [-] I received a lot of money from Master Li

Regardless of whether Huo Qiang is a member of a hidden family or not, Li Wei can't miss this opportunity. Follow him first. Anyway, he can take the opportunity to test it out in the future, but if he refuses now, then he will never have a chance in the future.

Huo Qiang was about to laugh in his heart. Although this Li Wei was not an ordinary person, he still couldn't stand being fooled. He didn't have much effort to fool this guy around.

"The first dog leg is finally done, and it's not worth it to go out in person." Huo Qiang wiped his sweat and breathed a sigh of relief.

With a snap of his fingers, Huo Qiang walked to a luxury hotel not far away: "Let's go, have dinner, I'm in a good mood today, please have a big meal." With money in his pocket, he can go anywhere in the world.

Walking into Shangri-La Hotel, Huo Qiang ordered more than ten dishes before stopping under the dumbfounded gaze of the waiter.On a whim, simply order expensive and not good ones, fully demonstrating what a local tyrant is!It is estimated that this waiter has been on duty for so long, and this is the first time that he has encountered such a prodigal and arrogant guest!

However, Huo Qiang was very satisfied, especially when he felt the shocked expression of the waiter, he became more and more proud!

Just finished eating and was about to check out, Huo Qiang had a brainstorm and asked the system: "System, I'm here to spend money, not for my own enjoyment, but to experience the feeling of a local tyrant, and I'm inviting a dog to eat. This expense It should be counted in the extravagant account, right?" Although he still has 100 million, but if he wants to eat a meal, he will spend tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, and he is still a little painful.

The system was silent for a moment and gave the answer: "Yes."

Huo Qiang was so excited that he couldn't be more excited.

From now on, you don't have to worry about eating, it's not a dream to eat big fish every day with bird's nest and shark fin!

He was so happy that the smile on his face was a little too bright, making Li Wei on the side feel inexplicable, wouldn't he just settle the bill?Does it have to be so happy?

"Waiter, check out!" Huo Qiang called the waiter very proudly.

"5500 yuan, sir." The waiter complained in his heart, but still said with a smile on the surface.

She wondered if this young man in cheap casual clothes could get so much money!

Hearing this, Huo Qiang didn't frown, he pulled out his hand in his pocket, and after a closer look, he actually held a large amount of banknotes in his hand, and he didn't even know how to count them. On the top, "The extra is your tip!" Judging from the thickness, this pile of money is at least tens of thousands of yuan, that is to say, more than 5000 yuan is spent on meals, and the remaining tips are too much!

The waiter's expression fell into a dull look again, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and took a closer look at Huo Qiang's trousers pocket.Bringing tens of thousands of yuan in cash to the hotel for dinner, this was the first time the waiter encountered such a situation, and he almost froze in place.

Fortunately, she quickly reacted and said respectfully, "Please wait a moment."

Afterwards, she counted the money and confirmed that it was all genuine notes, but she was not at ease. She took the money counter to check it again with a money detector, and immediately ran back, excited and respectful, "Thank you, Mr. , you have already settled the bill." She finally understood that this time she met a real rich man, no matter whether it was a nouveau riche or a rich man, anyway, her tip was already in her pocket, and of course her smile became more humble.

Huo Qiang nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, then we can go?"

"Okay, okay." The waiter showed a hint of embarrassment, remembering his suspicions just now, and at this time, he wanted to get into the cracks in the ground.

After walking out of the hotel, Huo Qiang looked at Li Wei seriously and said, "I'll leave the payment to you in the future. Let me know what your bank account is. I will transfer 5500 million to you first, of which 500 million is yours. Salary, and the remaining 5000 million as our usual expenses, we will tell you when we run out."


Li Wei sucked in a breath of cold air: "What a big hand!" Of course, he didn't say this.

Of course, how could Huo Qiang be stingy?

However, he readily reported his account: "622848... The account name is my own."

Huo Qiang pretended to take out his mobile phone, fiddled with it for a while, and then said to Li Wei: "Okay, the money has been transferred, from today onwards, you have to play the role of a valet. When it's time to pay, you have to be quick and rewarded. When you are a person, you should be more generous, and don't always ask your grandfather to remind you, you know?"

"Got it, Brother Qiang." Li Wei worked hard to get into the role.

After all, he is the young master of the Li family. He is used to being served by others. Now that he is serving others, it is worth understanding that he can't understand the essence of a dog's leg for a while. However, Li Wei is a smart person, no matter his family background, appearance, or talent, It's all first-class, and once he gets serious, he can still do the job well.

Just after answering, Li Wei's cell phone rang, it was a text message.

"Hello dear customer: Your bank account was transferred to 2014 million rmb...on February 2, 16."

At this time, Master Xing's mind was still echoing the reminder from the system just now.

"Host, although your funds have been transferred to someone else's account, the amount of the squandered account remains unchanged. That is to say, although the money is no longer in this account, it still belongs to the management of this account. This is the squandered funds that belong to the host alone. The full amount can be given to others, but not given."

Huo Qiang understands the meaning of the system. Anyway, although the money has been transferred to Li Wei's account, if the funds spent this month do not exceed 5000 million, the total amount of squandered funds next month will still be halved!

Splurge account: ** yuan (system account), ** yuan (Li Wei account).

Real capital account: 1000000 yuan.

There is still 8050 million yuan in the account, waiting to be squandered by Huo Qiang, Huo Qiang has a long way to go!

"If it really doesn't work, I'll give all the money to "The Novel"!" Huo Qiang was heartbroken, thinking about the final way out. Anyway, the money must be spent, it can't be rotten in his own hands, or the next The month is tragic.

After figuring this out, Huo Qiang walked into the school with the newly collected dog legs and walked all the way to the library.

Huo Qiang has not forgotten his goal, Xueba!

"There are still a lot of things to read. Take advantage of these few days, let's clarify the textbook first." Every time the test results came out, Huo Qiang could only look at others and laugh with envy. Grandpa laughed to himself, with the super memory technique, even the best academic master will become a scumbag in front of Huo Qiang, and he must kneel!

A student girl is in charge of managing the library. She does a part-time job at noon and earns some extra money to subsidize her family.

As soon as she saw Huo Qiang approaching, although she despised Huo Qiang in her heart, the student girl immediately shouted respectfully, "Brother Qiang."

Huo Qiang nodded politely and responded, "Yes." Then he left a back.

Li Wei is very knowledgeable at the door, this is the responsibility of the dog leg.

"That's... Li Wei!" The student girl happened to recognize Li Wei. After all, the school grass transferred from the second middle school is still very famous. Although she has never spoken to Li Wei, she is still driven by curiosity. I saw Li Wei once, and I was particularly impressed. For some reason, the student girl dared to strike up a conversation at this time, "Li Wei, you, hello." She was trembling when she spoke, and her face was as red as a ripe apple. Yes, it seems that I am still very excited.

Li Wei smiled and said, "Hello."

As expected of the school grass, the bearing is extraordinary!

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