The student girl blushed even more. In order to have a few more words with the school grass, she searched all the information in her mind and tried her best to find a topic. Then she asked, "Why don't you go in?" There was a look of confusion on her face. shape.

The funny Li Wei did not expose the real purpose of the student girl, but said clearly and clearly: "I am Huo Qiang's follower. Brother Qiang is reading inside, of course I have to guard here!" In front of outsiders, Li Wei Wei is still embarrassed to say that he is a jerk, but the meaning is the same, everyone must understand.

"Ah!" The student girl opened her eyes wide.

The news was so shocking, like a thunderclap in the ground, the image of the perfect school grass in her heart was instantly shattered!

Could it be that the school grass classmates are joking?

The student girl grabbed a hint of hope after the most hope, and said in a trembling voice, "Are you kidding, classmate Li?"

"No. I am indeed Brother Qiang's follower. Oh, by the way, I only became his follower today."

The student girl finally couldn't bear it anymore, she sat down on the ground all of a sudden, her face was pale, as if she had suffered a major blow, and she whispered repeatedly: "Impossible, impossible, impossible..." If this matter It was passed on, and it is estimated that nine out of ten people would not believe it, especially the hearts of those female classmates who are eager to have something to do with their schoolmates. Became the punk Huo Qiang's son-in-law, is there anything more absurd in the world than this?

But this is the truth!

There are two flowers, one on each side.Here Huo Qiang entered the library, like a fish returning to the water, quickly absorbing the knowledge and nutrients in it, enriching himself.

According to the local tyrant system: "If you think that the rich people are the local tyrants, then you are very wrong! The local tyrants also have the corresponding quality and knowledge! You are at most a nouveau riche, although every month His pocket money is comparable to that of a mid-level local tyrant, but his quality and knowledge are not even comparable to other people's fingertips."

Dare to love local tyrants also need versatile skills!

Since being attacked by the system that day, Huo Qiang has been so keen on studying, studying music, studying textbooks, and absorbing all knowledge!

I don't know how long I watched, until Li Wei walked in and reminded: "Master Xing, it's 2:20, and the time for class will arrive soon."

Chapter [-] Nan Ge takes refuge in Huo Qiang

On the way back, Zhang Jian and Wei Ye chatted excitedly like women.

"Brother Qiang, you are so awesome today! Even Brother Nan bowed his head in front of you, it's amazing, amazing!"

"It's the first time I've grown up so beautifully! You don't know, Brother Nan almost scared me to pee at that time, but Brother Qiang, you didn't blushed and your heart skipped a beat, and you actually scolded Brother Nan, which scared me all of a sudden. My heart is about to pop out, but I didn't expect that Brother Nan would be inexplicably cowardly in the end. Every time I think of Brother Nan's flattering appearance, I am very proud! "

"From now on, I, Zhang Jian, can hold my head up high and have the confidence to speak in front of anyone!"


Huo Qiang glanced at them helplessly, isn't he just a little Nange, does he need to be so excited?

Now that Huo Qiang has a local tyrant system, he has opened his eyes and naturally doesn't take Nan Ge in his eyes, so he always has a flat and indifferent expression. He has never been excited because Nan Ge lowered his head. In his opinion, Nan Ge It's normal for brother to bow his head, and it would be strange if brother Nan didn't bow his head.Of course, what he expected was that Brother Nan was beaten by him and bowed his head to admit defeat, instead of being inexplicably cowardly like just now.

And Li Wei is also very calm, even all this is within the scope of his expectations.

Brother Nan bowed his head and conceded defeat, that's right.

This is logical!

On the contrary, if Nan Ge resisted to the end, it would be incredible!

For the people of the hidden family, miracles can no longer be called miracles in them, they can only be regarded as very ordinary things.

After they walked for a long time, Brother Nan let out a long breath, wiped his forehead, and his hands were full of cold sweat. He still didn't dry up until now. He already hated the guy who asked him to deal with Huo Qiang. Now he can finally understand why that guy didn't deal with Master Xing personally, but instead asked them to take action. Co-authoring to deal with him simply knew that he couldn't provoke Master Xing, so he pushed them out, which could solve the problem and be a good one. For the dead ghost, why not do it?

"Fortunately, fortunately, I'm quick to respond." Brother Nan muttered with a sullen face.

At this time, several thugs leaned over and asked cautiously, "Brother Nan, why did you just...why..."

The latter half of the sentence was held for a long time without saying it. I was really embarrassed to say it, because once I said it, it would definitely hurt Nange's face. Nange values ​​face very much. In addition to life, the most important face is that you can earn less money, and women can touch less, but you can't lose a little face!

Brother Nan stared at the three, and then glanced around.

Seeing that many people wanted to say something but didn't dare to say it, he knew it.

Although he is the eldest, he still has to explain this matter to his brothers, otherwise he will not only lose his own face, but also the faces of all the brothers on the Eighth Road. It is debatable to recognize him as the boss. Although he has many ways to solve this sequelae, it is better to explain it directly.

He turned around and said loudly, "Brothers, do you think I was embarrassed just now, and even embarrassed everyone!?"

"No, big brother, you are serious. You must have your own difficulties in doing this. Brothers will understand you."

"Yes, yes, brother, we all believe in you."

"Although I don't know why the eldest brother did this, the brothers must stand by the eldest brother and support the eldest brother forever!"


One by one screamed happily, as if it were real.

But Brother Nan is not a fool, he is transparent in his heart, he can see through their thoughts at a glance, even though they say so, there is a trace of grudge in their hearts. It's not quite right with him, I'm afraid I'm gloating now.

Brother Nan nodded lightly: "Yes, I did this for a reason!"

He changed his voice: "What's more, I did this not only for myself, but also for the sake of the lives of the brothers present! If I hadn't changed my attitude quickly enough, maybe there are not many brothers standing here now. already."

This sentence immediately confused everyone present.

Everyone looked at Brother Nan in confusion, waiting for his explanation.

Chapter 999 Freely reward [-] billion RMB

999 billion RMB, all the friends are stunned!

Ruoya looked at Huo Qiang in disbelief. Even though she had expectations in her heart, she could not equate Huo Qiang with 999 billion RMB. It should be noted that this is 999 billion RMB, not 999 yuan, not 999 billion yuan. 999 billion RMB is almost half of the total assets of the entire Anshi Group!

Compared with Gaofeng Group, Anshi Group is undoubtedly much younger and has less assets, but its total assets still reach 1900 billion yuan, and 2000 billion yuan is within easy reach. If this insurance incident did not occur, Anshi Group would At the end of the year, it will break through the 2000 billion mark and step to a new level.

Even though Zhang Jian and Wei Ye were numb, they were still shocked at this moment.

On the other hand, Li Wei's face became more serious, and he was shouting in his heart: "Come here, Huo Qiang is finally going to show some of the strength of the hidden family!"

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