While they were talking, the voice of the police car rang.

A police car soon stopped beside them, and then four policemen came down.

"Cuff these kidnappers." Su Lingxue is the first of the four.

"Mr. Chu, let's meet again." Su Lingxue said with a smile. Then her eyes fell on Gongsun Zhi, but she moved away soon.

Gongsun Zhi knew that the kidnapper was sent by her brother-in-law. At this time, her state of mind has not recovered at all. She is standing aside absently and completely immersed in the incredible world.

"Yes, officer Su, it seems that I will meet you every time something happens." Qin Mu said with a smile.

Su Lingxue looked at several kidnappers lying on the ground and rubbed his forehead with a headache.

"Take it easy later."

"I'm afraid it's a little difficult. After all, strength doesn't allow." Qin Mu replied with a smile.

Anyway, Su Lingxue has misunderstood that he is a martial artist, so he simply doesn't deny his strength.

"They are all ordinary people. Although they have committed a crime, they will not die." Su Lingxue said reluctantly.

If it goes on like this, they won't be able to hold it.

"Don't worry, these people can't die." Qin Mu shrugged and spread his hand.

After all, they are ordinary people, so he has a good sense of propriety.

"Su team, these people are all dislocated and incapacitated due to severe impact on their lumbar spine." a police officer ran to report after checking the kidnappers on the ground.

Su Lingxue glanced at Qin Mu unhappily and turned to see the injured kidnappers.

Su Lingxue asked people to simply take notes and let Qin Mu and Gongsun Zhi leave.

Just looking at Qin Mu's back, her eyes became more and more complex.

On the bus, Gongsun Zhi gradually returned to her mind, and her simple little face was full of sadness.

She looked at Qin Mu and hesitated.

"What's the matter?" Qin Mu saw Gongsun Zhi's look wrong in the rearview mirror.

"Nothing, just thinking, do you want to tell my father about it? I don't know why my brother-in-law asked someone to kidnap me. Is it because of lack of money?" Gongsun Zhi's small face was full of tangles.

"It's not difficult to know why?" Qin Mu said with a funny smile on his face. "Don't tell your family anything today. It's clear to go to Hengyuan biezhuang tomorrow."

Jiangbei City is an ancient city with a long history of martial arts cultivation.

There are many martial arts families in Jiangbei City. Among them, Gongsun family is the most famous.

In addition to outstanding martial arts, the Gongsun family has also made many achievements in business. At present, it is in Jiangbei City. "Tomorrow, I will personally go to Haicheng to meet the kidnapper for a while." Gongsun Hao said.

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