Qin Mu sent Gongsun Zhi back to her apartment and drove home directly.

When he got home, Tang Qianyue was already home and was watching TV with Tang Ningxi in the living room.

Tang Ningxi snorted coldly when he saw Qin Mu, with unhappiness written on his face.

"I don't know where to fool around every day."

Tang Ningxi's voice was not small. Tang Qianyue heard it and Qin Mu naturally heard it.

Qin Mu was a little surprised. The sister didn't know what was going on. She seemed to have a great opinion of him these two days.

"Sister, your brother-in-law, I'm a serious office worker now. I don't have time to hang out." Qin Mu said with a smile.

Tang Qianyue frowned slightly and looked at Tang Ningxi with some blame.

She also came back to know that Chu siran went home to cook and send her to the company. Unfortunately, she went out to dinner with Zhong Baihai.

"I went out to dinner with Zhong Baihai tonight. He told me something about the harbor city project." Tang Qianyue thought about it and said.

"What's up?" Qin Mu asked curiously.

"He said that Mr. Dong planned to hold a appreciation meeting in Haicheng, about three days later. At that time, maybe all those who still want to curry favor with Mr. Dong will attend." Tang Qianyue said, and looked up at Qin Mu.

"So I think the planning and design draft of the harbour city project can be made in three days."

In fact, she has no hope of completing the planning and design draft in three days.

After all, Tang Chongchuan was in charge of the project and didn't complete a decent plan for half a year.

Qin Mu nodded, "no problem."

He has sent the relevant information of the harbor city to that website. It should not be long before there will be a good draft for him to choose.

As for Dong Daoping's appreciation meeting, he was not interested.

With his level of appreciation, these family collections are really not enough for him.

Seeing Qin Mu's confident answer, Tang Qianyue was still a little stunned, and then there was a faint disappointment in his heart.

Although this disappointment is fleeting.

"Sister, what will appreciation be?" asked Tang Ningxi curiously.

"Dong always likes collecting, so all the participants will come up with a collection worthy of collection to participate in the appreciation." Tang Qianyue's voice was lower.

In fact, this is also a disguised bribe. At that time, people who take the collection in the past should hope that the collection they bring in will be favored by Mr. Dong.

Thinking of what collection to bring, Tang Qianyue couldn't help being a little big.

She is not a person who likes collecting. Apart from collecting a few jade bracelets and jade cards, she really doesn't have anything to hold.

"It's for collection." Tang Ningxi lost interest when he heard that it was for appreciating collections.

She wanted to see the world before she started school.

"Wife, did you think about what collection to bring?" Qin Mu quickly figured out the reason.

It seems that after the appreciation meeting, we can basically understand who will eventually spend the harbor city project.

"I don't know. Ask grandpa tomorrow. I don't have a hobby in this field." Tang Qianyue has a big head.

Her grandfather has collected some calligraphy and paintings, jade and porcelain vase ornaments. It should still be possible to borrow one for appreciation at that time.

The three chatted again. Tang Qianyue and Tang Ningxi went back to their room to have a rest.

Qin Mu also took a simple bath, removed the gauze on the wound, practiced for a while, and then went to bed.

1、 No words at night.

The next day, Qin Mu still got up early to find breakfast. Tang Qianyue got up half an hour earlier than usual and went into the kitchen for the first time to help Qin Mu.

They cooperate orderly, like an old husband and wife who have lived together for many years.

Qin Mu didn't expect Tang Qianyue to get up and help. He couldn't help but be happy.

It seems that his behavior has slowly moved Tang Qianyue. It seems that the day of holding the beauty back is not far away.

Tang Ningxi got up after smelling the fragrance. He was in a good mood. After seeing the picture of his sister and Qin Mu making breakfast, he immediately turned from sunny to cloudy.

"Hum!" she snorted bitterly, and then went back to her room to sleep.

After breakfast, Qin Mu and Tang Qianyue went out to work together.

This feeling made Tang Qianyue feel secure in an instant.

In fact, it can't be denied that Tang Qianyue found that he had slowly accepted Chu siran in his heart.

On the bus, Tang Qianyue began to read the company's documents, while Qin Mu drove seriously.

Because Qin Mu had made an appointment with Gongsun Zhi and went directly to Hengyuan biezhuang in the morning, Qin Mu took Tang Qianyue back to the company and directly took a car to leave.

Hengyuan biezhuang is located next to an abandoned amusement park in the suburb of Haicheng. It used to be a hotel. It has been abandoned because of its location and urban development.

When Qin Mu came to Hengyuan biezhuang, Gongsun Zhi had already taken a taxi.

"Team leader." as soon as he saw Qin Mu, Gongsun Zhi walked towards him with a smile.

Because the kidnapper was her brother-in-law, Gongsun Zhi still didn't want to believe it, and she was naturally depressed.

Qin Mu looked at the time. It was more than three hours before the kidnapper made an appointment. He checked the surrounding environment and confirmed that there was no one in Hengyuan biezhuang before he went in with Gongsun Zhi.

Shortly after they entered Hengyuan biezhuang, a car came outside Hengyuan biezhuang, and then two men came down from the car.

These two people are Gongsun Hao and ye Xingyu.

"Call the kidnapper and say we have arrived." Gongsun Hao looked at the huge manor in front of him, frowned and said with a little worry in his eyes.

He didn't know how many people the other party had, how strong he was, and what his background was.

Moreover, if the other party wants Tibetans and wants to find them in such a large place, I'm afraid it's so easy.

In biezhuang, Qin Mu stood by a broken window without glass. At the window, he could see the situation outside the door at a glance. His back was against the wall and his face was less bandit.

"Team leader, are you going to be a kidnapper?" Gongsun Zhi didn't know Qin Mu's plan, so she had to stand aside and cooperate.

Looking at the two familiar figures standing downstairs, she pursed her lips very sadly.

"Kidnapper?" Qin Mu blinked. "You don't have to be a kidnapper. If you stand here and watch, you will soon get the answer you want." Qin Mu pointed to the two people standing downstairs and said.

In fact, after seeing the content on the kidnapper's mobile phone, Qin Mu had guessed what would happen.

It's just that Gongsun Zhi's brother-in-law took a fancy to something in Gongsun's family. Because he couldn't get it, he made this bad decision and asked someone to kidnap Gongsun Zhi in exchange for that thing.

Thinking of this, Qin Mu suddenly became interested in Gongsun's family.

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