They were looking at the situation downstairs. Suddenly, a palm wind came from behind Qin Mu without warning.

Qin Mu didn't know where he got some melon seeds. At this time, the corners of his mouth were smiling and didn't care about the sudden attack behind him.

In fact, when Gongsun Hao and ye Xingyu appeared downstairs of the hotel, Qin Mu noticed that there was another person coming.

The other party is Gongsun Hao's man, and he came in alone to inquire about the situation.

Gongsun Zhi had never learned martial arts, so her senses were not keen, and she didn't feel the danger behind her.

Of course, in fact, the danger only came to Qin Mu.

When the palm with powerful attack power behind him was about to fall behind Qin Mu, Qin Mu moved.

He leaned slightly to avoid the attack of the other party, and a melon seed in his hand flew out at the same time.

When Sun Ping was shocked because he didn't hit the other party, he felt a pain in his waist. Then, it seemed as if all the strength of his body had disappeared. Unable to control his body, he knelt on the ground.

"Uncle Ping?" Gongsun Zhi didn't react until Qin Mu moved. When she saw who was half kneeling on the ground, she cried out in surprise.

Sun Ping is the housekeeper of Gongsun's family. At present, he teaches in Gongsun's boxing school. Because he is righteous and very stable, he is very important in Gongsun's family.

Seeing him slumped on the ground without warning, Gongsun Zhi couldn't help worrying and surprised.

"Miss, are you all right?" Sun Ping looked up and down at Gongsun Zhi, and then breathed a sigh of relief. He just looked at Qin Mu's eyes and was still full of vigilance.

"I'm fine. Uncle Ping, why are you here?" Gongsun Zhi asked.

She just saw her father and brother-in-law get off.

"It's all right. Who is this man?" Sun Ping looked at Qin Mu with a guard on his face.

So far, he didn't know how the other party shot, and hit the acupoint in his waist, which made him lose his strength in an instant.

"Oh, he is my boss now." Gongsun Zhi simply replied.

"Boss?" Sun Ping knows that his IQ is not high. He belongs to a human with developed limbs and simple mind.

The current situation has completely exceeded the scope of his IQ thinking.

"Miss, aren't you kidnapped?"

It was because of this that he came with the owner and offered to come in to investigate the situation.

But now it seems that things are different from what they thought.

"It's true that he was kidnapped." Qin Mu nodded, "but I didn't kidnap him."

Just after watching Sun Ping's movements, his boxing was passable and his strength was strong enough.

However, because too much attention is paid to strength training, the sensitivity of boxing is not high.

The attack strength in actual combat is good, but the defense strength is worse.

"What do you mean?" Sun Ping was a little confused and couldn't understand the current situation.

Since it's kidnapping, but it's not kidnapped by him, what do you mean?

"Miss, since there's nothing wrong, why don't you tell the owner? The owner and his wife worried all night yesterday and didn't sleep." Sun Ping turned and scolded.

Although he is not from Gongsun's family, he is still an elder of Gongsun Zhi. Gongsun Zhi should explain this matter to her parents anyway.

Gongsun Zhi had a guilty look on her face. She also knew that she had an accident because of her willfulness.

"I won't let her say it." before Gongsun Zhi spoke, Qin Mu said it for her.

"If you say it, you won't know the intention of the mastermind behind the scenes. He still went to the window and said while eating melon seeds.

"As for the reason, you will soon know."

Gongsun Zhi bit her lip, because she knew who was behind the scenes, so she felt very heavy at this time.

Sun Ping looked at Qin Mu with a complicated look. For this stranger, he only felt danger, strength and mystery. This is an intuition of martial arts practitioners.

I felt that my strength was slowly recovering, and there was no problem seeing Gongsun Zhi, and my original worry gradually calmed down.

"The mastermind behind the scenes is to want Gongsun's boxing. In addition, there should be no other intention," Sun Ping said.

After all, what the other party proposed this time was to ask Gongsun's family to exchange boxing scores.

"It's not that simple," Qin Mu said, spitting out a melon seed shell.

He travels all year round and walks in conspiracy. For these things, his senses are always sharper than others.

Sun Ping frowned. With his IQ, he couldn't think of a higher level.

"What's the reason? If the other party has another conspiracy, you should quickly tell the owner." Sun Ping said, and wanted to leave to tell Gongsun Hao.

"Uncle Ping." Gongsun Zhi hurriedly pulled him.

"You can't go now." if Sun Ping goes down, ye Xingyu will know that she hasn't been kidnapped.

Although she also wants to believe her brother-in-law, she still knows to consider the overall situation in front of the overall situation.

Just then, behind them, two more people suddenly came.

Both of them are wearing black practice clothes and their hair is neatly combed. They look like disciples of some sects in TV dramas.

"What's going on?" when they saw Qin Mu with a big face and Gongsun Zhi moving freely, their eyes showed a dangerous light.

They received the news and asked them to wait in Hengyuan biezhuang. As soon as Gongsun Hao appeared, they would come out to deal with the kidnappers and take Gongsun Zhi out to exchange boxing scores.

"That's what you see." Qin Mu turned and smiled.

He guessed that Gongsun Zhi's brother-in-law must have left behind.

Unless he is going to tear his face with the Gongsun family today and show his true face, he can't give his things to the kidnappers.

Looking at the two people who suddenly appeared, Gongsun Zhi cautiously walked to Qin Mu, and Sun Ping also stood up and walked to Qin Mu.

"Tell your excellency that things have changed." they looked at each other, and one of the older said immediately.

The other nodded slightly, then turned and planned to leave.

"Now that you're here, don't be in such a hurry to go." when Qin Mu spoke, people had blocked the front of the two people and their retreat.

"Who are you?" seeing Qin Mu's extraordinary speed, they immediately became vigilant.

"Your ancestors." Qin Mu raised his mouth and held his palm in a fist shape. He shot directly before they reacted.

Bang bang!

Then, two sounds of heavy objects falling to the ground sounded. Just now, the two people had been knocked down and completely fainted without even struggling.

Qin Mu's simple and rude action completely stunned Gongsun Zhi and Sun Ping.

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