"As you said, the other side is black feather guard. It's not surprising that black feather guard has this strength." Luo Rongyuan said as if he saw through, with hazy colors in his eyes looking out of the window.

Heiyuwei, the mysterious army of Xia state, no one knows how strong their strength is, only that they are the last guarantee of Xia state.

He had the honor to heal the black feather guards. They are the real national heroes.

"Speaking of it, the black feather guard has such high attainments in medical skills. Maybe he can see your physical problems."

Thinking of Sheng Changhong's body, Luo Rongyuan sighed.

All the methods and prescriptions he can use have been used, but he still can't cure Sheng Changhong's internal injury. Recently, Sheng Changhong's disease has occurred more and more frequently. If he delays further, I'm afraid he won't live for two years.

"Well, life and death have a life." Sheng Changhong shook his head.

His body is clear to him. During this period, he has felt that his physical condition is getting worse and worse.

Since it is an incurable disease, what's the point of forcibly hanging your life?

Besides, the black feather guard doesn't want to disturb him if there are no special circumstances.

After all, black feather guard will appear in Haicheng, which is likely to be on mission.

He was a soldier and could not break the rules for his own selfish desires.

"I said you saw through so quickly? Don't you want to see xiaoxueer get married and have children? Don't you want to hug her grandson?" Luo Rongyuan said with contempt on his face.

"I want to, but I don't want to force." Sheng Changhong sighed.

He has given up hope for so many years.

"What a pity," said Luo Rongyuan, shaking his head.

"What a pity?" Sheng Changhong asked curiously with a cup of tea in his hand.

"Of course, it's the person you met last time who can see your condition at a glance. If you can find that person, maybe your disease can be cured," Luo Rongyuan said.

"That young man..." Sheng Changhong lost his smile.

"Speaking of it, sometimes I wonder, but is it a person I met?" Sheng Changhong laughed.

He never believed in ghosts and gods, but the young man seemed to evaporate. After looking for him for so long, he couldn't even find a trace.

"Oh... I didn't expect you, general Shanda, to have such superstition." Luo Rongyuan laughed twice.

"Superstition?" Sheng Changhong laughed at himself.

"I want to believe in fate. I remember my little brother said at that time that if we had the chance to see each other again, he would certainly cure me."

Luo Rongyuan smiled again.

"But then again, I have an apprentice who has been studying abroad for six years. I also told him about your disease before. He happens to have done research in this field. He will return home in the next few days. Do you want him to show you at that time? Maybe there will be some other breakthroughs from the perspective of Western medicine." Luo Rongyuan tried to ask.

Although he boasts that he is proficient in traditional Chinese medicine, he is really helpless about the diseases of Sheng Changhong.

Sheng Changhong never liked western medicine, so he rarely mentioned it and asked him to try western medicine.

His apprentice originally studied traditional Chinese medicine with him, but later said he wanted to study the difference between western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, hoping to treat diseases with the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine.

He is still very open-minded about saving people from illness.

Whether traditional Chinese medicine or western medicine, as long as it can cure the disease, it is good.

But he still had some difficulty in letting go of his apprentice's transfer to western medicine.

"What you won't say is pan Juncheng?" Sheng Changhong asked.

Luo Rongyuan has several excellent disciples, pan Juncheng is one of them.

It's a pity that people are more proud.

"That's right." Luo Rongyuan nodded.

If pan Juncheng didn't turn to study abroad, he might be his most proud student.

While they were talking, Cheng Yichun came with Qin Mu.

As soon as the door opens.

Sheng Changhong was stunned at the moment he saw Qin Mu. As for Luo Rongyuan, he looked at Qin Mu curiously.

Is this young man the one who wrote that prescription?

Luo Rongyuan is hard to believe.

Because Qin Mu is too young.

"Professor Luo, this is Mr. Chu who gave Miss Tang the prescription last time." Cheng Yichun solemnly introduced.

Qin Mu raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw two old people in the room.

He didn't expect that he had seen both people in the room.

Sheng Changhong met him in the woods after his first attack of Gu poison.

As for Luo Rongyuan, he met him at the black feather base and was called the national medical master of the Xia state.

Medical skills are good, but people are pedantic.

"Little brother, unexpectedly, it's you!" Sheng Changhong said gently, suppressing the excitement in his heart. It's just the look in his eyes, but it's hard to ignore his inner excitement at this time.

"I didn't expect to see you either." Qin Mu smiled in his eyes.

"It seems that you have had a hard time recently." Qin Mu said with a smile.

Sheng Changhong's body is worse than when he first saw it.

He was not impressed by Sheng Changhong. What impressed him was the disease of Sheng Changhong.

It's lucky to be slandered by the death waiter and live until now!

He didn't intend to heal Sheng Changhong before, so after leaving the grove, he erased all his traces.

Because of this, Sheng Changhong couldn't find him.

Luo Rongyuan was slightly stunned. Then he thought of the meaning in Sheng Changhong's words and looked surprised.

Sheng Changhong was full of joy and said to Luo Rongyuan, "this brother Chu is the one who saw my condition at a glance."

"This... I see." Luo Rongyuan looked excited.

"I didn't expect brother Chu to have such high attainments in traditional Chinese medicine when he was young," Luo Rongyuan said.

Although he was honored as the master of national medicine, he could not prescribe a complex but just right prescription.

So as soon as he saw the prescription that day, he knew that a bright star had emerged in the field of traditional Chinese medicine.

Moreover, we can see Sheng Changhong's physical symptoms at a glance. Is it true that our predecessors are ghost doctors in the current year?

Thinking of this, Luo Rongyuan was surprised.

Cheng Yichun stood by with a confused face. He couldn't figure out what was happening now.

"Brother Chu wrote a prescription before, which Luo admired very much, so he asked Cheng Yichun to arrange for me to meet this brother Chu if I am lucky." Luo Rongyuan explained in a tone of appreciation.

He was not sure whether the man in front of him was a miracle doctor, but it didn't matter whether he was a miracle doctor or not.

Importantly, he is sure that the other party's medical skills will not be worse than him.

He is gratified that there are successors in Xia traditional Chinese Medicine

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