"Well, brother Chu." Luo Rongyuan suddenly approached Qin Mu with a flattering smile on his face. "Listen to Xiao Cheng, brother Chu's acupuncture is very good. There is an old saying in our Xia country that it's never too old to learn. I also want to learn this acupuncture from brother Chu."

Seeing Luo Rongyuan's flattering face, Cheng Yichun's chin almost fell to the ground. Looking at Qin Mu, his eyes were full of admiration.

"Cough..." Sheng Changhong coughed a few times, his voice was weak, and his eyes looked at Luo Rongyuan with a bit of sadness.

His body is almost terminally ill. Is learning acupuncture more important than curing his disease?

Luo Rongyuan also noticed that the old friend standing next to him coughed twice and looked at Sheng Changhong unhappily.

If he could learn acupuncture, there would be no difficulty in curing Sheng Changhong's disease.

Sheng Changhong is now blocked in many parts of his internal organs and his blood is not smooth. He used drugs to break through the blockage, but he has achieved little over the years.

Although there is also cooperation with acupuncture, but over the years, the effect of acupuncture is not very obvious. It has been explained that there must be better treatment methods.

Qin Mu looked at their interaction and couldn't help feeling a little funny.

Cheng Yichun was stunned.

He knew the identities of the two men, and was even more surprised at their attitude at this time.

Who would have thought that one is the head of the military and the other is the leader of traditional Chinese medicine. These two people are now jealous for a yellow haired boy.

"Well... Brother Chu, I want to learn acupuncture from you, mainly to cure my old friend. You can see his disease at a glance. You should also know that if he doesn't delay it, he won't last for two years." Luo Rongyuan said sincerely.

Although he wants to learn acupuncture, Sheng Changhong's current body is the most important.

"Indeed, it's not easy for him to live until now." Qin Mu smiled faintly.

The first time he met Sheng Changhong, he had seen the problems of Sheng Changhong.

"Although the pills you refined for him can cure his disease, they can't cure it, and there will be drug regurgitation. Shouldn't you have known his current disease long ago?" Qin Mu asked.

Luo Rongyuan has a red face.

The pill made by himself claimed to be perfect, but he was embarrassed when he saw the problem.

After all, this is the pill he refined with all his life.

"I know that too." Sheng Changhong nodded.

When he was taking medicine, Luo Rongyuan had told him what would happen.

Now his body's response is the normal response at the beginning of reverse phagocytosis.

In the future, when the eye is backfired, paralysis or even more serious diseases may occur.

"Brother Chu, your attainments in traditional Chinese medicine are much higher than my old man." Luo Rongyuan was ashamed.

He is really ashamed of the title of national medical master.

But at the same time, he was also pleased that he could see so many young people with medical skills stronger than himself in his lifetime.

"It's a terrible thing for later generations," Luo Rongyuan said with emotion.

"Brother Chu, I want to ask, can I be saved from this disease?" Sheng Changhong asked.

Qin Mu's mouth was slightly hooked and said with a faint smile: "there is salvation, but I didn't say I wanted to cure you."

His words immediately stunned Sheng Changhong and Luo Rongyuan.

Sheng Changhong opened her mouth. Ba, she couldn't react for a moment.

Luo Rongyuan, on the other hand, had a look of disbelief.

"Well, Mr. Chu..." Cheng Yichun, who had been standing aside, quickly interrupted.

This Chu Si Ran is also an ancestor. Don't you know that he can't offend these two people standing in front of him?

Although the Tang family is also a rich family, the rich family is nothing in front of these two identities!

"This is Professor Luo, who is now a leading figure in the field of traditional Chinese medicine in the state of Xia. He is called the master of traditional Chinese medicine. And this..." Cheng Yichun pointed to the two to introduce them.

"I know. One is a master of national medicine and a hero in the army." Qin Mu smiled.

"Well... Since Mr. Chu knows the identity of the two elders, why not help old Sheng heal." Cheng Yichun asked.

"Brother Chu, why don't you talk about your requirements." Sheng Changhong came back and said with a smile.

He is not thoughtful enough.

At present, the young man and himself are just two sides, and he is not familiar with the degree of free treatment.

"Brother Chu, if you need anything, you might as well say it directly." Luo Rongyuan also responded.

"No request." Qin Mu shook his head.

"Why is that?" Luo Rongyuan asked curiously.

"Because it's easy to cure his disease. You add 10g bezoar to your medicine, triple the dose of tianxincao, and then match Tianshu point with acupuncture. I don't need to do it," Qin Mu said with a smile.

Luo Rongyuan was slightly stunned. Then, as if he thought of something, he suddenly patted his forehead with chagrin.

"Why didn't I think of such a simple formula?"

Bezoar is detoxifying, while Tianxin grass is blood activating. It seems that it is of no special use to match it together.

However, increasing the dose of tianxincao and using it with bezoar can neutralize and become an excellent effect of removing silt.

"Brother Chu, I really admire your medical skill!" Luo Rongyuan sighed with emotion.

"As for drug regurgitation..." Qin Mu frowned slightly.

Thinking of the skill used by the dead waiter, something flashed in Qin Mu's mind.

However, the fleeting thought prevented him from catching anything.

Internal injuries caused by being slandered by the death waiter will be difficult to heal, mainly because of the cultivation skills of the death waiter.

It suddenly occurred to him that the Kung Fu that the death attendant practiced was just the opposite of what he practiced.

He cultivates true Qi, which can increase his cultivation and save people.

What the Deacon cultivates is evil Qi? Can evil Qi hurt people?

Thinking of this, Qin Mu's eyebrows wrinkled unconsciously.

"Drug reverse phagocytosis, which is what I have always wondered." Luo Rongyuan's face also darkened.

He has always wondered why Sheng Changhong's body has such obvious drug regurgitation after medication.

Even if there are side effects, it will not make a person eat another disease.

"Brother Chu, what do you think of this?" Luo Rongyuan asked.

"Brother Chu, to tell you the truth, I'm not seriously injured by ordinary people. You can see the disease of my body at a glance, and you should also see that I was injured by the death waiter." Sheng Changhong said with great sincerity.

"Dead waiter?" Luo Rongyuan looked surprised.

It was the first time he had heard of the term "dead waiter". Before that, he had not asked Sheng Changhong how she was hurt, but Sheng Changhong never said more.

"Dead waiter is a kind of monster that is neither human nor ghost." Sheng Changhong simply explained.

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