Tang Qianyue did not guess wrong. Qin Mu did hide something from her.

Qin Mu didn't intend to tell her the truth, and Tang Qianyue began to be unhappy because of Qin Mu's attitude.

Until the next morning at work, Tang Qianyue's face was a little dull, like a angry little girl.

Although Qin Mu noticed that Tang Qianyue's mood was wrong, he had no experience in coaxing girls, so he had to be silent.

When I returned to the company, people in the company began to spread some rumors about the Zhong family.

As soon as Tang Qianyue returned to the office, Wang Xintian informed Tang Qianyue of all the information he had collected.

"You mean the Zhong family is selling their shares? How could it be? This is no small matter. If the Zhong family really wants to sell their shares, Haicheng may cause a small financial earthquake." because it was so unexpected that Tang Qianyue almost couldn't react.

Isn't Zhong always fine? Why are you suddenly selling shares?

Moreover, although the Zhong family is not the first family in Haicheng, the Zhong family also accounts for a large proportion in Haicheng's industry.

"Yes, the news just came out this morning. It is said that the young lady of the Feng family said it." Wang Xintian said.

"The Feng family? Why is it related to the Feng family again?" Tang Qianyue wondered, and immediately felt that the news was not credible.

"Mr. Tang, you forgot? Feng Jiaqi." Wang Xintian said with a smile when he saw that Tang Qianyue didn't believe it.

She didn't know what Zhong Baihai had done to Tang Qianyue some time ago. She only knew that the Tang family and the Zhong family seemed to have cut off contacts. When she sorted out the company's business, she found that Tang and Zhong had business contacts, but just a few days ago, all businesses were cancelled.

As for Feng Jiaqi, she also met once.

I saw it at a chamber of Commerce. People are beautiful, but their conduct is not good. At least when I see president Tang, they always deliberately ridicule this, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

"Feng Jiaqi, what does this have to do with her?" Tang Qianyue asked curiously.

However, she knows that Feng Jiaqi likes Zhong Baihai. Otherwise, Feng Jiaqi will not always target her every time she sees her.

"Feng Jiaqi has always liked the young master of the Zhong family, but some time ago, he didn't know what terminal illness the young master of the Zhong family had. In short, he said that he would go abroad when he got better. After knowing this, Feng Jiaqi called the Zhong family to verify whether it was right or not. He said that Zhong Baihai promised to marry her. As soon as he went home, he promised We have made arrangements at home to have a blind date with a real estate tycoon in Jinzhou. "

Although Wang Xintian usually works seriously and attentively, she is not bad at asking about gossip.

With just a few clues, she summed up the cause and effect of the matter.

"Does that have anything to do with the Zhong family's selling shares?" Tang Qianyue shook his head with a smile.

This morning, the melon is quite big.

Is authenticity, to be verified.

"Of course it does." Wang Xintian said seriously.

"Feng Jiaqi originally liked Zhong Baihai. In the past, no matter what occasion, she would only protect Zhong Baihai as soon as she appeared. But this time, she personally said that the Zhong family wanted to sell shares, Zhong Baihai had a terminal illness and wanted to go abroad for convalescence, and she would soon have a blind date with a real estate tycoon in Jinzhou. Isn't this a disguised explanation that what she said is true?"

"If it weren't for the situation of the Zhong family that she couldn't see hope, how could she say such a thing?" Wang Xintian said with reason.

However, Tang Qianyue still doesn't believe it.

"Forget it, it will wait until the Zhong family really has the exact news." Tang Qianyue said.

Even if she is interested in the Zhong family's industry, she doesn't intend to touch it. So it really doesn't matter to her whether the Zhong family wants to sell their shares.

When Qin Mu returned to the office, he also heard about the Zhong family. For him, hearing this kind of thing was just a laugh.

The Zhong family will not be destroyed like the Xu family only if they fulfill their previous commitments.

Because of Bai Rushuang's resignation, the manager of the publicity department was replaced by the original minister.

He didn't dare to shout at Qin Mu like Bai Rushuang. Instead, he served Qin Mu like an uncle.

Qin Mu had nothing to do at work. After obtaining Yinlin's contact information, he skipped work and took a car to see Yinlin's injury.

After Yinlin was injured, Lu Fei placed her in the other garden of Jinyu villa in Haicheng for cultivation. After Jiang Qi came to Haicheng, he has been staying in Jinyu villa with Yinlin.

When Qin Mu arrived, he saw Jiang Qi watering the flowers. His handsome facial features and gentleman's actions were perfect like a prince in the sun.

"Tut tut..." Qin Mu couldn't help sighing.

To be honest, Jiang Qi is an ordinary person. He really doesn't believe it.

"Dragon Lord." Jiang Qi was surprised when he saw Qin Mu.

"OK, it's outside. What's the name of the Dragon Lord?" Qin Mu waved his hand.

Jiang Qi smiled and shouted awkwardly, "boss."

"How's Yinlin now?" he was still worried when he saw that Yinlin was so badly injured last time.

"Fortunately, the injury recovered well. Fortunately, when you found her injured, you protected her heart pulse with genuine Qi for the first time. Although she suffered internal injury, she could be cured soon with medicine and acupuncture." Jiang Qi sighed.

After waking up, Yin Lin also described to him, but the strength of the person she dealt with, that kind of strength, can hardly be described by people.

"That's good." Qin Mu said.

"Boss, how is your injury? Lu Fei said that you had a poison attack before." Jiang Qi asked with concern.

Qin Mu's medicine for suppressing Gu poison has always been prepared by him. He also blames himself for his lack of qualification. The prepared antidote can only suppress the effect.

In recent years, he has read enough books related to Gu poison, but he has not found a way to remove the blood evil Gu.

"I'm here this time to ask you something about Gu poison." since the outbreak of Gu poison, he felt that the Gu poison in his body didn't seem so domineering as before.

Is it a blessing in disguise?

Qin Mu and Jiang Qi talked about some recent situations, but Jiang Qi didn't know the reason. He could only go to see some books to check whether there were records in this regard.

They didn't talk for a few words, but Yin Lin woke up. Qin Mu took a pulse for Yin Lin and found that there was nothing serious, so he was relieved.

"By the way, boss, where did you hear such a strange statement? Yesterday Lu Fei asked me if I had heard what another world was like." Yin Lin said while eating the orange peeled by Jiang Qi.

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