"Speaking of this, I also want to ask, have you ever heard of another world?" Qin Mu asked Lu Fei to check the other world mentioned by Bai Rushuang, but obviously Lu Fei didn't find it.

"You mean space station? Outer space? Galaxy?" as a technology dog, Yinlin doesn't even believe in hell. How can he believe that there is another world.

Jiang Qi smiled softly and shook his head lightly, "I haven't heard of it."

Qin Mu knows that it is probably impossible to find another world as Bai Rushuang said for the time being.

However, he did not doubt the existence of another world. Whether from the perspective of martial arts cultivation or the knowledge taught by his master, this world is far more than what he sees now.

After explaining some things to Yin Lin and Jiang Qi, Qin Mu asked them to return to Long Chi as soon as possible.

After leaving Jinyu villa, Qin Mu didn't go back to the Tang family directly. Instead, he sat on a stone bench in a riverside park outside the villa and quietly thought about some recent things.

In his adult days, he struggled on the edge of life and death every day. Such a comfortable day never appeared in his dreams.

He enjoys such a comfortable life now and wants to live it so comfortably.

But obviously, such a life is not suitable for him. His responsibility and position are doomed that he can't live an ordinary life.

He had never been afraid before. Even in the face of hundreds of armed enemies, he was not afraid at all.

But now, he is afraid.

Afraid if Tang Qianyue knew his true identity one day, would he be afraid and leave him.

I'm also afraid that his current identity will affect Tang Qianyue.

"Grandpa, what's the matter with you? Don't scare me!"

While Qin Mu was thinking, an anxious voice suddenly came from a distance.

Turning around, I saw an old man suddenly lying on the ground. Next to him, a pretty girl wearing a famous brand was shouting anxiously.

"Grandpa, Grandpa..."

The girl was so anxious that her hands were shaking with her mobile phone.

The sudden situation here has attracted the attention of residents walking nearby.

A middle-aged man on the stone bench on Qin Mu's right said to his wife: "isn't that Fang Zhenshan? There won't be an accident."

"It seems that he is in a hurry. If he has any problems, the Fang family will be in disorder..."

"Yes, I heard that Fang Xianzong was also ill and hospitalized two days ago. This Fang family is really unlucky this year."

Qin Mu didn't care what happened outside, but when he heard Fang Xianzong's name, he still slightly raised his eyebrow.

Fang Xianzong, isn't it the man he saved in the hospital two days ago?

He heard Tang Qianyue mention that Fang Xianzong's company suddenly proposed several cooperative businesses two days ago, and gave Tang a lot of profit space.

Obviously, Fang Xianzong explained this.

For the sake of the Fang family, since they met, he would help.

Qin Mu thought of this, so he got up and walked over. He squatted down and said to the girl, "let me have a look."

The girl was at a loss. She had just called the family doctor, but even if the doctor came, it would take more than ten minutes. She was afraid that her grandfather couldn't hold up.

At this time, he looked up and said to help her grandpa. Without thinking about it, he nodded and agreed. He didn't think about whether Qin Mu knew medicine or whether he had any other purpose.

"What's the matter with my grandpa now?" the girl asked anxiously.

Qin Mu frowned slightly. As soon as he saw Fang Zhenshan's face, he knew that Fang Zhenshan's disease was very serious, but it was not difficult for him to cure it.

It's just that if you want to cure it, you should ask the opinions of Fang's family.

"Your grandpa..." Qin Mu was interrupted as soon as he spoke.

"Miss Fang, do you know who he is? How dare you believe him?" suddenly, a voice of doubt came from the crowd.

Fang Yunxi was slightly stunned, and then looked at the speaker.

The corners of Qin Mu's mouth stirred up slightly and gave a cold sneer.

He doesn't even have to look at this voice to know who the other party is.

No one else, it's pan Juncheng.

"Miss Fang, let me ask you a question, do you want me to treat your grandpa now?" Qin Mu originally wanted to explain the disease of shaking the mountain below, but now it seems that there is no need to explain and there is no time to explain.

"You..." Fang Yunxi originally completely believed in Qin Mu, but after that query, she suddenly felt that she was too careless.

This year, the Fang family has been an eventful year, otherwise, she will not be asked by the family to return home.

Now she should be more vigilant in such a thing.

"Cure? Are you a doctor? Which hospital do you work in? Is it an authority?" pan Juncheng asked sarcastically.

Some people in the crowd saw pan Juncheng speak and wanted to blame him. Why should they stop others from saving people.

However, because the other party is Fang Zhenshan, they dare not speak because they are worried that if the other party is really not a doctor and wants to do good things, they will be fishy.

"I'm not a doctor, I don't work in the hospital, and I'm not an authority." Qin Mu took back his hand that had been put in Fang Zhenshan's heart.

Nevertheless, he still passed a trace of true Qi in the dark.

Otherwise, I'm afraid Fang Zhenshan will be unable to return to heaven when the doctor comes.

His genuine Qi can't cure Fang Zhenshan, but it can protect Fang Zhenshan for at least ten days.

"If you are not an authority or a doctor, what will you do? Do you know who the old man is? If something happens, can you afford it?" pan Juncheng asked in a reasonable way.

At this time, Fang Yunxi also reacted and looked warily at Qin Mu.

"Sir, I appreciate your kindness. Our family doctor will come right away. Thank you for your help." Fang Yunxi grew up abroad and received a good education. Therefore, even if he was dissatisfied with Qin Mu, he didn't show it directly.

Among the onlookers, those who still wanted to help Qin Mu speak were thankful that they had just not spoken.

Pan Juncheng looked at Qin Mu contemptuously.

"You're right. I really can't afford this responsibility." Qin Mu said, stood up, looked at Pan Juncheng faintly, and turned away.

If Fang Zhenshan died here, it only means that his life should be like this.

"Miss Fang, my name is pan Juncheng. I'm a doctor of cardio cerebrovascular medicine..." Qin Mu walked away and heard pan Juncheng introducing himself.

He gave a sneer and didn't even bother to look back.

Originally, he could cure Fang Zhenshan's disease, but since the other party was ungrateful, he didn't have to be cheap.

Fang Zhenshan's disease, even if the drug is used to forcibly prolong his life, can only last for one month at most.

Unless you ask him to do it.

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