The competition between the two made the audience speechless with surprise.

Hong Yuan's eyes are full of appreciation and emotion.

Although he doesn't play much racing himself, a friend he makes is extremely obsessed with racing.

And he was lucky to have seen many car races with him, such as equation races, rally races and so on.

None of the scenes he had seen could make him feel so nervous, excited, but filled with emotion and admiration.

"I remember a racing master once said that every car has its limit, and this limit is the most difficult to control. Beyond this limit, the car will lose control, and failing to reach this limit proves that there is still a long way to go in racing."

"That's true." Ying haofei nodded and agreed.

Only this limit is the most difficult to grasp.

"In fact, I'd rather have less such dazzling skills. I'm afraid the tire will burst first without reaching the end." Hong Yuan continued.

In the process of Hong Yuan and Ying haofei saying this, the two cars on the track have passed the Jiulian curve. They originally shook off Ning Bo, who was 50 meters away from Qin Mu in a straight line. At this time, Qin Mu has closely followed them.

Ning Bo was in front and looked at Qin Mu, who was behind him. His eyebrows were frowned and his eyes were full of incredible.

Because he is too familiar with this track, he thinks he has improved the speed to the extreme. Even, his car specially drove to the sales center for debugging and maintenance a few days ago.

However, under such circumstances, he lost to a new comer.

He was unwilling to step on the accelerator and wanted to get rid of Qin Mu in the last four rings. After all, this kind of small turning ring is no different from a straight line.

However, Ning Bo found that he couldn't get rid of the vehicle behind him. The star speedometer had soared to 200, but he always felt unable to improve the speed.

Qin Mu, who followed behind Ning Bo, took a look at the GTR in front of him, shook his head with an indifferent smile and said, "the tires are seriously worn and the grip is greatly reduced. I'm afraid it's impossible to beat me in linear acceleration."

Qin Mu leaned leisurely on his seat, one hand by the window and the other hand operating the steering wheel. He didn't look like a racing car at all. Instead, he was like enjoying the breeze on a mountain path.

When the wheel rotates at high speed, it will give people a feeling of stillness, but Qin Mu can see clearly that Ning Bo's wheel is slipping.

Serious tire wear has greatly reduced the grip of his four specially widened tires, just like people can't run fast no matter how hard they try on the ice.

Qin Mu smiled at the corners of his mouth. As soon as he hit the direction, the front deviated and the accelerator went to the end. The refitted car with good performance accelerated again. The front gradually exceeded the tail wing of GTR and slowly approached the door of GTR. Even, there was a trend of going hand in hand soon.

Ning Bo saw that Qin Mu's car had caught up with him. He suddenly hit a direction and wanted to hit Qin Mu's car head with his car head.

In fact, this is one of Ning Bo's combat skills. He doesn't want to really hit, he just wants to scare the other party.

In general, the other party will subconsciously step on the brake and turn the steering wheel.

As long as the other party does so, he will have a chance to surpass the other party.

Some malicious racers even use this method to push back their opponents, or use this method to make their opponents unexpected.

Because at the current speed, once the avoidance action is made, it is bound to cause the dangerous situation of rollover or crash.

I have to say that this method is very vicious, because it is likely to kill each other.

However, Ning Bo just wanted to scare the other party, so he just made an action and didn't really want Qin Mu to have an accident.

However, Ning Bo didn't know that Qin Mu did nothing but work hard.

Seeing Ning Bo's car hit him, Qin Mu had no intention to escape. Instead, he hit the direction and wanted to hit Ning Bo.

Qin Mu's action was beyond Ning Bo's imagination.

At such a fast speed, the two cars may collide at any time.

Ning Bo suddenly opened his eyes. At this critical moment, he had no time to think about it. Subconsciously, he slowed down and avoided Qin Mu's actions.

But he just relaxed a little, and Qin Mu's car and horse surpassed him.

At this time, Ning Bo reflected Qin Mu's intention, slammed the steering wheel and scolded, "shit!"

However, after scolding, he suddenly grinned again.

He accepted the fact that Qin Mu beat Chen Shichao this time.

Ning Bo was only more than one meter slower than Qin Mu at first. Then he found that he couldn't catch up no matter how he wanted to catch up, so he simply gave up.

The distance between the two cars was more than 50 meters from Ning Bo to Qin Mu. In the end, Qin Mu exceeded Ning Bo by more than 10 meters.

And it was completed when their hardware conditions were very different.

Qin Mu's car took the lead in reaching the end. The people in the audience couldn't help standing up and applauding.

For such a result, no one expected, but for such a result, they were all excited and cheered.

Ning Bo arrived at the finish line a few seconds later than Qin Mu.

Both of them came out of the car at the same time. Qin Mu looked calm, but Ning Bo was few. His face showed both excited and excited.

"Hello." Ning Bo stopped Qin Mu who wanted to go away.

Qin Mu turned his head, and the corners of his mouth slightly stirred up.

In fact, Ning Bo's driving skills are not bad, but he likes dazzle skills too much. And no one should have told him. In fact, dazzle technology can't speed up the speed.

"Tell me how you can't even beat me." Ning Bo asked in front of Qin Mu.

"Or, I'll give you money and teach me! I know you're the door-to-door son-in-law of the Tang family. The door-to-door son-in-law generally has no position. Since you have such excellent driving skills, if you're willing to teach me, I can open a company for you, so that no one will say you're a waste."

Ning Bo felt that the condition he put forward was very persuasive.

After all, no man is willing to be called a loser, and no man is willing to depend on a woman all his life.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in teaching you. I don't need you to help me open a company." Qin Mu refused with a smile.

"However, I can mention that every car has its own limit. Only when you grasp this limit can you give full play to the maximum energy of the car."

"Also, dazzle skills is just to look good, and can't increase speed."

Qin Mu said that and left the field with his hands on his back.

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