In the audience, Tang Qianyue had already walked down. She looked at Qin Mu with a smile and walked slowly towards her.

She found for the first time that her husband, who had been married for two years and had been regarded as a waste, was shining like a God, noble and mysterious.

Others looked at Qin Mu on the field and couldn't help clapping their hands.

In previous gatherings, Ning Bo and Zhou Haibin were the protagonists at the party, but this time, the two protagonists were robbed of the limelight by Qin Mu, and even Zhou Haibin left here in an extremely embarrassing way.

Qin Mu returned to Tang Qianyue and, like nobody else, continued to talk to the people around him and exchange his views in some fields.

Although Ning Bo lost, they didn't set any gambling game after all, and he wouldn't feel uncomfortable about Ning Bo's identity. On the contrary, because he appreciated Qin Mu, the whole party followed Qin Mu, just like a little fan.

Others also began to carry out various competitions, but with the three exciting competitions of Qin Mugang, the competition of others seemed less important.

Knowing that the party was over, Qin Mu stayed with Tang Qianyue and quietly watched her talk with others until the party ended.

Because of Qin Mu, Tang Qianyue soon became a hot topic at the party. Several enterprises made the decision to cooperate with Tang on the spot after understanding Tang Group.

After the party, Tang Qianyue didn't ask Qin Mu why he knew everything as before. She has begun to accept that Qin Mu is so powerful, but she has been hiding her strength.

Thinking that he had endured so much in the past two years, Tang Qianyue felt guilty.

Those sarcastic words hovered in Tang Qianyue's heart, making her suddenly tighten her heart and subconsciously grasp Qin Mu's hand.

"What's the matter?" Tang Qianyue took the initiative for the first time, which made Qin Mu feel at a loss.

Tang Qianyue shook his head and didn't speak. He just looked at Qin Mu who was driving seriously.

After Qin Mu was slightly stunned, he smiled and let Tang Qianyue hold hands.

Behind them, a low-key public followed leisurely. Those were the two bodyguards arranged by Tang Mingzhong for Tang Qianyue. Although they knew that their role was not big, they still protected them dutifully.

However, at this time, no one noticed that on the top floor of a roadside building, a man in robes and hair was standing on the fence on the top floor of the building.

The man with a sword eyebrow and a starry eye looked coldly at Qin Mu's vehicles on the sparse highway.

At the same time, Qin Mu's mobile phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated several times, suggesting important news.

The moon turns and the stars move, and a new day begins again.

When Tang Qianyue woke up, Qin Mu had prepared the food, but the room was empty. Tang Qianyue called several times, but Qin Mu didn't respond.

Tang Qianyue couldn't see Qin Mu. When he was nervous, he saw the note left by Qin Mu on the table.


Seeing the information on the note, Tang Qianyue puffed a smile.

Although he was different from Chu Si ran before, Tang Qianyue was still very pleased to see his efforts to make progress.

Seeing the millet porridge and sandwiches on the table, I felt a sense of happiness.

At this time, Qin Mu was not running, but met Lu Fei in a small forest behind Jinxiu Bay.

"Boss, this is the challenge letter from Mu Lizhen." Lu Fei held something like a bamboo slip used by the ancients.

"Such an ancient thing?" Qin Mu was stunned when he saw the bamboo slips.

Bamboo slips are more than 2000 years away from the current society. Is it difficult to say that the other world is the Qin Dynasty?

But soon Qin Mu denied this idea.

Because this is an impossible thing.

Qin Mu opened the bamboo slips and saw a strong regular script on them. He wrote a very simple sentence: see you at the top of Jiudaowan at midnight tomorrow night.

"Boss, do you think this man really comes from ancient times?" Lu Fei was stunned when he got the challenge letter.

After all, such a sense of time can't be seen in modern society.

What's more, there's no one talking about Zishi now.

"It's impossible to come from ancient times, but it's possible that the other party has never been in contact with modern society. Whether it's true or not, in short, this person's strength can't be underestimated." Qin Mu picked up the bamboo slips and his face was rarely deep.

The world?

What kind of world is that

"Boss, do you want me to send some brothers together?" Lu Fei asked.

The location of the headquarters of the black feather guard is secret and heavily guarded, and that person can enter their headquarters and leave this so-called challenge letter there.

What is more worrying is that they can't see this man in the monitoring of the base.

You can imagine how powerful the other party is.

"No." Qin Mu shook his head.

Such an opponent is rare in a lifetime. Now that he meets it, he can deal with it himself.

Moreover, if that Mu Lizhen is really so powerful, it's no use even if more people help. On the contrary, it may add casualties.

"But boss..." Lu Fei was still a little worried.

He had already checked Mu Lizhen himself, but he didn't expect that no matter what method he used, he couldn't find the news about Mu Lizhen.

Even where he came from and how he appeared can't be found.

There are only a few places where he appeared, and some clues can be found.

"Don't worry, you've also paid attention recently. I doubt that Mu Lizhen may be related to the seven pavilions." Qin Mu said.

Somehow, he always had a hunch that someone was controlling the direction of something.

After explaining something to Lu Fei, Qin Mu left the grove and went home.

Looking at Qin Mu's disappearance, Lu Fei's face was full of confusion.

What is the power of love? How did it turn their boss into what he is now?

In fact, not only does Lu Fei not understand, but even Qin Mu himself doesn't know why.

Only when he met Tang Qianyue did he feel that he was alive and that life was meaningful.

When Qin Mu returned home, Tang Qianyue had already had breakfast, put on makeup and was ready to wait for him to go to work together.

Seeing Tang Qianyue waiting for him with a beautiful smile, Qin Mu was elated.

However, before they could express their emotions, Tang Qianyue's mobile phone rang wildly.

"Mr. Tang, come to the company quickly. There are several groups visiting the company today." Wang Xintian said nervously and excitedly on the phone.

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