Although Qin Mu is not a few years older than these college students, he is much more mature in mind.

Qin Mu shook his head and didn't bother to pay attention to Xu Guanwen and the people around him. He walked aside alone and looked at the gambling games on the other card tables.

"Xiao Xi, is your brother-in-law a little too timid?" Xu Guanwen's younger brother said contemptuously.

"Do you want to try again?" said Tang Ningxi angrily, staring at a pair of beautiful eyes.

Although she once despised Qin Mu, it doesn't mean that others can belittle him.

What's more, after several experiences, she now knows that, in fact, her brother-in-law just doesn't want to argue with ordinary people, not that he doesn't have the ability to argue with others. Moreover, if you really annoy him, I'm afraid not everyone can bear his anger, just like the Zhong family.

When Xu Guanwen's younger brother saw that Tang Ningxi was really angry, he turned his mouth and dared not speak. Originally, I wanted to help Xu Guanwen win some face, but now in this situation, if Tang Ningxi is angry, I'm afraid Xu Guanwen will cut him at that time.

He scratched his head in embarrassment and turned around to take all his chips out. When he heard a scream around him.

"Bitch, you don't have eyes when you walk."

Xu Guanwen's younger brother turned his head and saw that his girlfriend didn't know when she quarreled face to face with a middle-aged woman, and the bitch just came from his girlfriend deske.

"I said beauty, you and I walked with our heads down and bumped into you inadvertently. Your mouth is a little too dirty?" the middle-aged woman looked quite temperament wearing a black velvet dress and a platinum necklace around her neck. Although she had anger in her eyes, she still kept a smile on her face.

"Unclean? Why is my mouth unclean? You old woman, you'd better apologize to me right away, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude." Dixie angrily scolded the middle-aged woman with a finger.

Hearing that Dick said he was an old woman, the smile on the middle-aged woman's face gradually disappeared and her face was angry.

The quarrel here also attracted the attention of Xu Guanwen and others. Sun Manfei and Qiu Yun, who were still having a good time, also put away their chips and came here.

Xu Guanwen frowned and asked, "what's going on?"

"Brother Wen, the old woman doesn't walk with long eyes. She doesn't apologize for bumping into me," said desco with a pouted face.


A crisp sound sounded, and a middle-aged woman's slap was severely drawn on desco's face, printing a red five finger print.

"Cheap mouth?" she raised her eyebrows and said coldly.

"Ah..." desco gave a harsh scream and looked at the middle-aged woman with a distorted face. "You hit me, you old woman dare to hit me?"

With these words, Descartes was about to pounce on the middle-aged woman.

"All right." Xu Guanwen frowned, grabbed desco and pushed her into his little brother's arms.

He himself went to the middle-aged woman and negotiated with her, "isn't it good for you to beat people like this?"

"Not good? Huh..." the middle-aged woman snorted coldly, "little brother, if you want to blame me, I blame your friend for his unclean mouth."

She smiled, her long curly hair trembled slightly, and a trace of wind showed in her eyes. Love.

Although she is nearly 40 years old, Xu Niang is still half old and charming. She is still a beauty.

"Then you can't do it either?" Xu Guanwen said with a frown.

In the face of such a powerful woman, to be honest, Xu Guanwen still has some confidence.

At this time, Dick was already in the arms of his boyfriend. Xu Guanwen's little brother held his girlfriend and looked at her sobbing. He was angry.

"Brother Wen, we can't just forget about it today."

"Yes." another younger brother of Xu Guanwen echoed.

Xu Guanwen frowned. He didn't want to make things big, but if he didn't help his brother out today, what would people think of him if he went out from here?

"Today, you must give us an account!"

"Explain? Ha......" the middle-aged woman glanced contemptuously at the men and women like college students in front of her and sneered, "little brother, little sister, if you know each other, you can go now. Otherwise, you won't have a chance in a while."

"That's funny, old woman. Do you know who brother Wen is? Brother Wen is from Tianshui port." Xu Guanwen's younger brother hugged his girlfriend and directly carried out the name of Tianshui port.

"Tianshui port?" the middle-aged woman was stunned when she heard the name. The next second, she sent out a burst of charming smile, which was full of flowers and peaks.

"Tianshui port? Are you from Tianshui port? How can Tianshui port find children like you to enter?"

The middle-aged woman hooked her hook and surrounded Xu Guanwen and them. More than 20 strong men in black suits all stared at Xu Guanwen.

When they saw the battle, they all stepped back.

"Come on, did you come to trouble or to die?" the middle-aged woman stretched out her finger. Playing, he said carelessly, "I just gave you a chance, but you don't cherish it. Now, you all kneel down and kowtow to my sister to make amends. If you have a good attitude, I'll let you go. How about it?"

Xu Guanwen and some of them were completely surrounded by more than 20 strong men. Everyone can see that this battle can't be done well today.

Xu Guanwen was surrounded by four arrogant people. At this time, his face was full of fear. Where was there a bit of arrogance.

Tang Ningxi and Zhao Minyi were surrounded because they were just standing not far behind Xu Guanwen.

Sun Manfei and Qiu Yun, who had just come to join the fun, were also surrounded.

They looked anxious and didn't know what to do for a moment.

Xu Guanwen frowned. "Are you really going to fight against our Tianshui port?"

"You Tianshui port?" the middle-aged woman looked cold and disdained to smile. "Little brother, if you could represent Tianshui port, that day Shuigang wouldn't exist for so long, even standing in the underground world of Jinzhou. Besides, do you think I would believe what you said?"

"I'll give you another minute to think, either kneel down and apologize, or break your limbs. You choose."

Hearing that his limbs were broken, Xu Guanwen's face suddenly became ugly.

The younger brother he brought with him said in a trembling voice, "you, don't go too far. Do you know who brother Wen is? I tell you, brother Wen is not only from Tianshui port, but also the son of the boss of Jinzhou Baifu group. If you dare to fight him, you won't have good fruit."

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