"Baifu group? That's the third rate small business?" the middle-aged woman smiled indifferently. "Little brother, even if your father is standing here today and doesn't kowtow a few heads, you don't want to go. A minute later, you chose it yourself!"

When the middle-aged woman finished, her face changed and said, "waste them."

As soon as the woman finished speaking, the twenty strong men immediately walked towards Xu Guanwen and his fists.

"Click, click."

The crisp sound made by the bone Festival fell into the second of Xu Guanwen, just like the sound of his own bone breaking.

At the door of the casino's bathroom, Qin Mu threw away his hand towel. As soon as he came out, he saw a group of strong men in suits gathered in the casino hall, and the surrounding gamblers were driven to other places to prevent them from watching.

"Tut tut. Someone else is making trouble." Qin Mu chirped and sat down on a sofa.

As soon as he sat down, he heard Tang Ningxi's voice in the crowd.

Qin Mu's face changed and searched around. As expected, he didn't see Tang Ningxi. Without hesitation, he strode towards the place where the strong men were.

Before he got close, he heard Tang Ningxi screaming in the crowd. Qin Mu was anxious and directly pushed away the strong men.

"Shit, where did you come from?" a strong man was pulled away by Qin Mu and shouted loudly in front of Qin Mu.

In the crowd, Tang Ningxi cried, "brother-in-law, help."

"Get out of the way," Qin Mu roared.

The sound came from Qin Mu's mouth, but it made people feel like thunder blowing in their ears, pricking their eardrums.

The strong men who were doing it stopped their movements because of Qin Mu's roar.

Qin Mu's roar was so powerful that people had to obey it, just as the superior oppressed the inferior.

"Who are you?" the middle-aged woman took the lead and looked at Qin Mu coldly.

She had felt that a roar could bring such a great aura for a long time. Originally, she thought that the other party would be a powerful person. As a result, she turned around and found that it was a white faced young man.

Qin Mu pushed away the strong man in front of him and stepped forward. He saw that the two younger brothers brought by Xu Guanwen had been lying on the ground, his face was blue and purple, and his body was full of footprints. Xu Guanwen's clothes were torn open, and his left eye was black. He should have been hit hard.

As for the two women brought by Xu Guanwen's younger brother, their clothes were broken, and the clothes at their shoulders and necks were torn into strips.

As for Tang Ningxi and her classmates, they squatted together. Although their clothes were wrinkled, the key parts were well protected and were not taken advantage of.

The girl sobbed slightly, listening to Qin Mu's anger.

Tang Ningxi seemed to feel that the people around him were scattered. They slowly raised their heads with tears on their faces. At the moment when they saw Qin Mu, Tang Ningxi seemed to find support, cried and rushed into Qin Mu's arms and burst into tears.

Qin Mu saw that Tang Ningxi's hair was scattered, his clothes were wrinkled, and there were several red scratches on his arm.

Zhao Minyi and the three of them were equally embarrassed, and their clothes were wrinkled.

"Boy, I advise you not to mind your own business." the middle-aged woman saw that Qin Mu didn't answer, and her face changed slightly.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." Qin Mu patted Tang Ningxi on the back as if he hadn't heard the woman's words to ease her mood.

It may be that the emergence of Qin Mu made Tang Ningxi rely on her, and her sobs became less and less.

"Who touched you just now?" Qin Mu's voice was very light, but his expression was very serious.

Tang Ningxi raised her head, with tears on her face and tears on her long eyelashes. When she saw Qin Mu's expression, she was slightly absent-minded for a moment.

"Brother in law, I......" Tang Ningxi wiped away the tears on her face, and her voice trembled slightly because of fear. Shake.

She has been well protected since childhood. She has never been bullied like this. She always thought that in her own identity, she should never encounter such a thing in her life. Unexpectedly, she came to Jinzhou for school less than a month.

It's hard for her to imagine what she would be like if Qin Mu didn't suddenly appear.

"I don't know. I was a little scared just now." Tang Ningxi said softly.

"It's all right." Qin Mu gently stroked. Touching Tang Ningxi's long hair, he said gently, "my brother-in-law helped you find it."

Zhao Minyi, who was standing beside Qin muchong, waved. Although Zhao Minyi was very frightened, it was obvious that she was the most calm of the four of them. She was also very strong to comfort others in such a thing.

"Help me take good care of Xiaoxi." Qin Mu grabbed Tang Ningxi's shoulder and handed her to Zhao Minyi.

Then he turned around, glanced around and said coldly, "just now, who moved his hand?"

Qin Mu's voice was not loud, but his tone was very heavy and full of momentum, just like questioning.

"Hum, boy, you don't seem to know the situation. Now, it's not the time for you to question us!" the middle-aged woman snorted coldly. She just asked two questions. Qin Mu didn't reply, which made her angry.

"Let me ask again, who moved the hand?" Qin Mu didn't even look at the middle-aged woman. Her eyes were tightly locked on the strong man closest to Tang Ningxi.

In Qin Mu's eyes, he was ruthless and ruthless, as well as his contempt for life.

Under Qin Mu's eyes, many warlord predators would tremble and kneel down to beg for mercy. The strong man in black could not just Qin Mu's eyes, and subconsciously retreated two steps.

Tightly, he seemed to react. The sight of being scared away by people's eyes made him feel particularly ashamed. He shouted at Qin Mu, "it's Lao Tzu's hand. Why, you don't accept... Ah..."

Before he had finished speaking, he let out a painful scream, which made people's eardrums ache.

The strong man's arm was broken by Qin Musheng. Two sharp bone spines pierced from the skin of the small arm, and the blood sprayed on the strong man.

In this scene, Rao Shi, these strong men who often fight, also took a breath and subconsciously took a step back.

Tang Ningxi and others closed their eyes, and the timid sun Manfei also screamed.

As soon as Qin Mu's hand was released, the strong man whose arm was broken fell to the ground, screaming and rolling with pain.

The middle-aged woman was also shocked and stepped back two steps.

Qin Mu broke a man's arm, as if he had done a trivial thing, and looked coldly at another strong man in a suit.

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