Qin Mu saw at a glance that the women here were the sequelae of asthma attack and had obvious shortness of breath. I am thirsty and drink too much. At this time, there must be phlegm in my throat, but I can't spit it out.

On the stage, ye Quankun and Gao Weibing both felt the pulse for the woman at the same time, and they frowned at the same time.

"What medicine have you taken?" asked ye Quankun.

He had diagnosed the woman's disease and had prescribed a prescription for it in his heart, but he was not sure whether the woman had taken the medicine.

"Hum... Dr. ye, since you have already got your pulse, can't you diagnose what disease this woman is suffering from?" Gao Weibing said sarcastically.

"I'll give you a prescription. You just need to eat it for three or five days. There's no big problem with your minor illness." Gao Weibing said, removing the pen and paper and writing down a prescription.

When ye Quankun saw Gao Weibing writing a prescription, he frowned and hesitated to write it.

Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to seeing, hearing and asking. If you don't understand the patient's situation, it is easy to be misdiagnosed.

However, now it's a competition. Therefore, when Gao Weibing wrote the prescription and the host put the prescription on the projection, other doctors and judges on the stage immediately gave a judgment, and Gao Weibing won.

Gao Weibing's prescription is for clearing heat, dispersing lung, resolving phlegm and relieving asthma. It is modified with Baihu Decoction, medicinal raw gypsum, Anemarrhena asphodeloides, huangcen, Houpu, Fructus aurantii, Schisandra chinensis, ephedra, butterbur, and fried guangdilong.

"What's the matter with doctor ye? Why don't you write a prescription for such an easy disease?"

"Yes, it's so easy to give up the opportunity to others."

"Whether Dr. ye can do it or not, doesn't he say that he is a disciple of the master of national medicine? How can he lose such an easy disease?"

Seeing ye Quankun's downfall, the people under the stage began to talk one after another, and most of the people who talked were the group who had just praised ye Quankun.

"These people are too much." hearing the voices around him, Qiao Silin was so angry that he gnashed his teeth.

"But what's the matter with the teacher? Why didn't you write this prescription?"

Qiao Silin knew that it was not ye Quankun who couldn't diagnose the disease, but there were other reasons why he didn't write down the prescription.

"Qingre Xuanfei decoction, I step on you. You use 30g gypsum, 9g Anemarrhena, 9g Scutellaria, 9g Magnolia officinalis, 9g Fructus aurantii, 6G Schisandra chinensis, 9g ephedra and 9g butterbur. The medicine is five doses."

At this time, Qin Mu suddenly stood up and said.

"Who are you?" Gao Weibing asked loudly when Qin Mu said his prescription dose.

"You don't need to know who I am. I'll ask you if the prescription you wrote is this dose." Qin Mu looked at him and said.

"Yes, that's the dose." Gao Weibing didn't speak, but the host on the stage said it for him.

The prescription put on the screen did not write the detailed dose in order to avoid being copied for other purposes.

Therefore, Qin Mu could guess the dose exactly, which made the whole audience suddenly turn their eyes to him.

"Who is this?"

"This man is also a doctor?"

Everyone around began to whisper.

"Chu siran, what are you doing?" Qiao Silin was startled by Qin Mu's behavior, hurriedly pulled his clothes and asked him to sit down.

"So what? I've prescribed a prescription, as long as it can cure the disease." Gao Weibing said.

"Of course, there's no problem that it can be cured. The problem is that this prescription can't be cured." Qin Mu's voice fell, and the whole audience was in an uproar. Even several referee pharmacists sitting in front looked at Qin Mu with dissatisfaction.

There was only one thought in everyone's mind that Qin Mu came to make trouble.

"If you don't believe it, ask the elder sister if she has taken all these herbs." Qin Mu asked.

"I've really taken important medicine, but I can't remember the medicine clearly, but it seems that several flavors are the same as this prescription." the middle-aged woman said definitely.

"Doctor ye, you can continue your diagnosis." Qin Mu smiled at ye Quankun and motioned him to continue.

At this time, ye Quankun reflected the intention of Qin Mu's move.

He smiled gratefully at Qin Mutou and then said, "in fact, in addition to taking medicine and acupuncture, you only need to apply a few needles."

"Really?" the middle-aged woman's eyes lit up.

"Of course it's true." ye Quankun said with a smile.

"Then please ask Dr. ye to give me an injection quickly." the middle-aged woman can't wait to go to one side of the small bed. The disease has tortured her long enough, and all kinds of medical treatment have no effect. I have to try anyway today.

Ye Quankun took out his needle bag, then spread it out, took out more than a dozen silver needles of different shapes and sizes, and applied needles for middle-aged women.

A moment later, the dozen needles pierced into the middle-aged woman's body. Ye Quankun gently flicked his right hand on the needles, and a burst of soft strength flowed into her eight strange meridians along the silver needle.

"Taiyi divine needle, this is actually Taiyi divine needle." the referee doctors in front were surprised, fiercely stood up and looked at ye Quankun's needle, while Gao Weibing had red eyes and just stared at ye Quankun's hand.

A moment later, the situation of the middle-aged woman changed. Her original undulating chest slowly calmed down at this time, and then her throat was not so uncomfortable. More than ten minutes later, she only felt smooth breathing and stable in her chest.

Red eyes also gradually restored Qingming.

After ye Quankun pulled out the needle, her whole body felt relaxed. The pain that had afflicted her for days disappeared in this short moment.

"I'm out of breath. I'm really out of breath. I'm well." the middle-aged woman said in surprise.

"Miracle doctor, this is the miracle doctor. The disease is so good."

"Dr. Ye is really terrible. We just misunderstood Dr. Ye."

"Yes, the disciples of national medical masters are different, unlike some people who are complacent about their achievements..." the person who said this intentionally or unintentionally glanced at Gao Weibing.

Gao Weibing only feels hot on his face. Ye Quankun's medical skills are really much higher than him.

After ye Quankun finished the needle, the audience burst into warm applause.

The host on the stage also applauded excitedly and announced ye Quankun's victory.

Gao Weibing's face was completely gloomy and motioned to let the patient play again.

Although ye Quankun's medical skills have completely crushed Gao Weibing, ye Quankun can only accompany Gao Weibing if he does not stop the war.

This time, the patient was a woman in her thirties. She mainly said that she was frightened and led to insomnia. In addition, her limbs were sour and soft, weak, upset and dry, thirsty and dry throat, and her palm was hot. She was also diagnosed as obsessive-compulsive phobia by the hospital and took a lot of tranquilizing drugs.

However, after taking the medicine, I was sleepy during the day. After waking up, I still dreamed of terrible scenes and was afraid.

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