After ye Quankun and Gao Weibing treated women respectively, they both had the same idea, but they also didn't write.

"This kind of disease can be treated by Acupuncture and moxibustion with the help of Anshen Decoction," ye Quankun said first.

"We don't need Anshen soup. Let's write down our acupuncture methods. I think we should be able to decide the outcome." Gao Weibing is full of confidence.

Ye Quankun nodded. He picked up a pen and paper and began to write.

"The skin of Shenmen point is routinely disinfected. Use No. 28 1.5 inch stainless steel filiform needle to directly stab 0.3 ~ 0.5 inch. After getting angry, use diarrhea to twist, and acupuncture for about 1 minute. The upset and fear will disappear immediately. The spirit is stable, the mind is clear and the eyes are bright. Twist once every 10 minutes, twist five times, and treat once a day."

After Gao Weibing finished writing, he compared them with ye Quankun. Their acupoints and needles were the same, but Gao Weibing was more bold. He put the needle straight for 0.6 ~ 0.8 inches, and the acupuncture time was longer.

"Although Shenmen point is not a dead point, it is the main point of the heart meridian of Shaoyin in the hand. 0.5 inch is the limit. If you deeply stab it, it will not have a therapeutic effect, but will hurt the patient's meridians, and even lead to serious consequences due to excessive nerve stimulation. Your action is too dangerous!" ye Quankun shook his head and said.

"Sometimes I can't stick to the rules. I've done such things in my country and the results are very good," Gao Weibing said with great confidence.

Although his acupuncture is not as good as ye Quankun, it doesn't mean he won't.

It happened that the patient had been cured before.

"Everyone's acupoint depth is different, and even the body's fat and thin can affect the depth of acupoints, which Gao Sheng doesn't know?" Qin Mu didn't want to speak, but Gao Weibing was joking about the patient's life, so he couldn't help saying.

Seeing Qin Mu speak again, Gao Weibing is angry.

"What are you? Do you know medical skills? Don't Mr. Gao understand such a simple truth?" Qin Mu questioned. Gao Weibing's interpreter was very dissatisfied.

"Are you from Xia or Dongyang?" Qin Mu asked.

"I... of course I'm from Xia. What's the matter?" the translator said with some guilt.

"I know I'm from Xia!" Qin Mu said contemptuously.

"Do you know you are Chinese?" Leng Feng said contemptuously.

The translator looked angry, but he didn't know how to refute. He himself knows very well that his current behavior is similar to that of a traitor.

These Dongyang people want to challenge the reputation of Xia's traditional Chinese medicine, but he works for these people. Isn't that helping the tyrants?

"He's right. How can my teacher not know this simple truth? If you don't believe it, experiment on the spot. If the teacher cures her, you'll admit defeat." ah Xiu, sitting under the stage, looked at Qin Mu and said contemptuously.

He knew Qin Mu, the young man who watched the war when he competed with Ye Yibin.

"Nonsense! Do you say the experiment is just the experiment? This is our patient. Who will be responsible if there is an accident?" when hearing ah Xiu say the experiment, the doctor under the stage said angrily.

"I'll take charge," Gao Weibing said.

"What's your way of being responsible? Take out a settlement fee?" Qiao Silin asked with a cold face.

Gao Weibing smiled. He looked at the patient and asked in broken words, "I can cure you. Would you like me to treat you?"

"Dr. ye, is his treatment reliable?" although the woman didn't know medical skills, she heard several people's disputes just now. Naturally, she knew that Gao Weibing's treatment was dangerous.

"I can only say that there is a risk, which is likely to damage your nerves," ye Quankun replied truthfully.

"If it does harm to your body, I can compensate you one million." Gao Weibing said this very calmly, as if everything could be solved with money.

"Why don't I give you a million dollars? You can give yourself an injection first. If you're okay, I'll let you treat." the woman is very angry. She's worth tens of millions. Do you need to take risks for a million dollars?

In particular, Gao Wei's attitude of treating human life like grass mustard made her very angry.

"You..." Gao Weibing thought the woman was just an ordinary person, but he didn't expect that she was a low-key rich woman!

"Although practicing medicine requires the courage of breakthrough and innovation, everything needs to be people-oriented. Without benevolence, what about high medical skills?" Lengfeng said.

"That's right. I didn't expect you to have such an understanding." Qiao Silin felt a good impression of Qin Mu when he heard Lengfeng's words.

"That's right," ye Quankun nodded.

"Ha ha... You Xia people are so clever. Don't you just want to admit your failure? Why make so many excuses?" Gao Weibing was annoyed by Qin Mu and said angrily.

"Your student's figure is similar to that of this lady. It's better for you to use your own student as a demonstration. If he has no problem, we will admit that your method is feasible." Qin Mu glanced at ah Xiu and said.

"Yes, use your own students as a demonstration." the onlookers under the stage coaxed.

Ah Xiu's face changed immediately when he heard the speech.

It was none of his business just now. Of course he protected his teacher, but now he is taking him as a demonstration. It's no joke.

As a medical student, he knows what the consequences of extreme acupuncture and moxibustion will be!

In particular, Shenmen acupoint, which involves nerves, once there is an accident, the sequelae is very serious.

"Ah Xiu, come up." Gao Weibing said condescending to ah Xiu after a moment of silence.

Ah Xiu was shocked when he heard the speech. He quickly muttered a lot in Dongyang language. Others couldn't understand what ah Xiu said, but Qin Mu and Qiao Silin understood it.

Ah Xiu is protesting and doesn't want to risk his life.

Seeing that his students were so angry, Gao Weibing blushed.

"Your students dare not take risks. Do you think your medical plan will win?" Qiao Silin laughed. "I think you'd better admit defeat. Traditional Chinese medicine originated in the Xia state. You're just a thief. How great do you think you are?"

"You..." Gao Weibing's face was green and red, pointing to Qiao Silin. He was too angry to speak.

"Just go back to your Dongyang and don't make a fool of yourself here."

The people under the stage also began to coax Gao Weibing to step down. Some grumpy people also went directly to the stage to start. Fortunately, the security guard of the hotel had already made full preparations and sent Gao Weibing out before these people started.

It's actually no different from dragging it out.

A competition ended abruptly after Gao Weibing was dragged out.

Ye Quankun nodded to Qin Mu to express his appreciation and thanks.

"Ladies and gentlemen, traditional Chinese medicine is the essence of our country and the crystallization of the wisdom of our ancestors. We can't allow others to insult." I don't know when Luo Rongyuan appeared at the scene and said solemnly to the people under the stage.

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