"Mr. Lin, be thirsty. I'll buy you a bottle of water." in front of a roadside stall, Qin Mu stopped his motorcycle and bought two bottles of iced coke.

"How to drink coke?" Tang Qianyue asked strangely.

For her, coke is an unhealthy drink. She won't choose to drink it if she can't drink it.

"It's fun." Qin Mu unscrewed the bottle cap and took the lead in taking a big sip, "er... Burp"

With a belch, Qin Mu showed a satisfied expression.

"I'd better drink a bottle of water." Tang Qianyue put coke on the small stall and changed a bottle of mineral water.

Qin Mu gentleman unscrewed the bottle cap for Tang Qianyue, and Tang Qianyue took a sip.

Qin Mu can see that Tang Qianyue's lips have been very dry, which proves that she is very thirsty now, but drinking water is still mouthful by mouthful, not anxious or impatient, which has something to do with the habit Tang Qianyue developed since childhood.

"Well, let's keep walking. There are still 20 kilometers left. I'll drive faster. We can get to Haihu earlier, so that we can play longer."

Qin Mu started the motorcycle again. Tang Qianyue nodded and sat in the back seat.

The sun shines on them, forming a pair of intimate backs on the ground. They look very loving.

"Is it hot?" Qin Mu asked.

He is used to the sun and doesn't feel much, but Tang Qianyue is not used to sitting in the office every day and suddenly basking in such a big sun.

"It's not hot. I haven't been exposed to the sun for a long time. It's very comfortable." Tang Qianyue said happily.

The wind blew through every pore of her body, making her seem to be in nature.

"Hahaha... We can go to the beach to sunbathe later. That's comfortable." Qin Mu laughed and said.

Tang Qianyue listened to Qin Mu's words and was full of expectation.

Yes, she also wants to live in the future. Qin Mu has always been with her.

Qin Mu slowed down the speed of the motorcycle, and the two enjoyed this rare holiday together.

Tang Qianyue drank the mineral water in his hand, but his beautiful eyes glanced at the bottle of coke in the basket from time to time, and his smart little tongue licked his lips lovably.

After watching it for a long time, Tang Qianyue seemed to have made a decision, "Qin Mu, can you give me your coke?"

"Yes." Qin Mu didn't think about it, so he picked up the coke and handed it to Tang Qianyue.

Tang Qianyue looked at the bottle of black carbonated drink in her hand. All along, she wanted to try a lot of things, such as crazy singing, like other girls, flirting and selling cute, playing with social software, and buying a lot of snacks she liked. However, due to her family education as a child, she never did anything too extreme.

She didn't go to KTV to sing aloud, didn't buy a lot of snacks, and didn't buy a lot of cold drinks in summer. She always looked calm and steady.

In the company, when she drinks a cup of hot tea every day and sees others holding a bottle of iced beverage, she sometimes wants to take a sip, but she is afraid that if she does so, the dignified image she has established in front of the employees will disappear. She seems to have a lot, but she hasn't even experienced some things that ordinary people can reach.

Like coke, when she was a child, the family didn't let her touch these carbonated drinks. When she grew up, the pressure on her and her identity made her put an end to these drinks that seemed to be only for children. In her early twenties, she learned to taste and drink tea.

Unscrewing the bottle cap, Tang Qianyue showed a happy look on her pretty face. Like a child who did something wrong, she secretly drank a small sip of coke quickly, and then sipped her mouth to experience the gas in the coke.

"Shallow, coke is not what you drink. You have to take a big sip. If you don't burp, it's meaningless."

"Burping? That's ugly. I don't want it." Tang Qianyue shook her head and refused. Although she said so, there was a touch of emotion in her beautiful eyes.

"What's so ugly about this? Try it. It's really cool."

"Try it?" Tang Qianyue looked at the bottle of coke in his hand, raised his jade neck and drank it. The carbonic acid in the coke went into his stomach, turned into carbon dioxide and rushed out of Tang Qianyue's mouth, making Tang Qianyue unconsciously belch out just like Qin Mu.

"Uh... Burp"

As soon as the voice came out, Tang Qianyue blushed. She had never done such a thing before.

"Ha ha, how's it going? It's fun!" Qin Mu laughed.

Tang Qianyue tilted his head and thought, and then a smile spilled over his face, "it's very enjoyable."

What Tang Qianyue said was enjoyable, not a mouthful of coke, but what she had just done. It seemed that she had abandoned all the constraints and was particularly relaxed.

A long time ago, when Tang Mingzhong started his business a little better, the Lin family had a very strict tutor. Tang Mingzhong had been in the army when he was young, so at home, he also asked his family according to the discipline of the army. The whole Lin family is Tang Mingzhong's speech hall. Tang Mingzhong said he would not do anything. None of the younger generation of the Tang family dared to break it.

So since childhood, Tang Qianyue has lived in a family with strict rules. At home, she has to abide by the rules no matter what she does. Until now, she has such a habit.

This kind of habit is common, but I can't feel anything. It just seems that there is a kind of pressure on me all the time.

Just today, the just mouthful of coke seemed to break through the shackles of the rules and make Tang Qianyue relaxed. She never realized that even if she was at home alone, she would subconsciously abide by the rules, especially when she was with her friends.

But only Qin Mu can make Tang Qianyue feel that he doesn't have to do it deliberately and can do whatever he wants. No specific thing happens. Tang Qianyue has such an intuitive feeling.

While the motorcycle was driving on the road, Qin Mu hummed a minor.

"Qin Mu, what are you humming?" Tang Qianyue pulled Qin Mu's skirt and asked curiously.

"Childhood, haven't you heard?" Qin Mu coughed deliberately. "Next, let's invite the famous singer, Mr. Qin Mu, to play for you. Childhood."

"Poor, you are also a famous singer." Tang Qianyue rolled his eyes and looked forward to it.

Qin Mu tidied up his mood and gently opened his mouth, "on the banyan tree by the pond, cicadas are calling for summer."

This old song from 1984, Lang Lang's catchy tone, presented in Qin Mu's mouth, Qin Mu didn't sing very affectionately, nor did he show how profound his singing skills were, just so plain and light.

Tang Qianyue sat in the back seat with her two snow-white long legs unconsciously swinging up and down with the tone in Qin Mu's mouth, and she herself hummed this childhood tune with Qin Mu.

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