This song reminds Qin Mu of his childhood.

In his childhood before the age of 6, he only remembered the days when he didn't have enough to eat and wear. In his childhood after the age of 6, he was forced to practice every day. Once he relaxed, he would be severely punished by the master.,

The clear tone lingered around them. Tang Qianyue's voice was crisp, like an Oriole. It was particularly pleasant to hear. The woman's face was filled with a relaxed smile.

At noon, Qin Mu and Tang Qianyue arrived at the Haihu scenic spot.

The sand sea in summer always welcomes many tourists. The parking lot of the sea lake scenic spot is full of cars. Looking at it, Qin Mu is really independent on a motorcycle.

Tang Qianyue was holding an empty coke bottle in her hand. She was embarrassed to see Qin Mu. She sang all the way. Unknowingly, she drank all the coke.

Tang Qianyue's lovely appearance made Qin Mu couldn't help scratching her little nose. This intimate action surprised Qin Mu himself. It turned out that the relationship between him and Tang Qianyue had become so harmonious.

Tang Qianyue didn't seem to realize how close Qin Mu Gang's action was, or in her heart, she didn't think it was too much to make such an action between herself and Qin Mu.

In Haihu, you should buy a ticket first, and then take a boat to the sand sea in the center of the lake. Throughout the whole journey, Tang Qianyue looked from east to West as if he had never seen the world.

"Shallow, you've never been to Haihu?" Qin Mu picked his eyebrow.

"Why, you can't do without coming?" Tang Qianyue said with a small mouth. He looked like a little woman, not to mention how cute he was.

Qin Mu covered his head. He had never been to the surrounding tourist attractions. He was really a work maniac.

"OK, I'll take you to have fun today, but I'm worried..." Qin Mu stopped.

"What are you worried about?"

Qin Mu deliberately looked up and down at Tang Qianyue and said, "I'm worried that some projects are too exciting. You don't dare to play."

Tang Qianyue said with a small mouth, "I dare not play? Qin Mu, who do you despise? How can I dare not play? As long as you dare to play today, I dare!"

"Ha ha." Qin Mu laughed, "that's what you said. Don't be scared to pee your pants at that time."

"Say I pee my pants, you beg to beat!" Tang Qianyue hammered Qin Mu with a pink fist.

Qin Mu's teeth bared and ran away.

"Qin Mu, don't run if you have the ability! I have to beat you to pee your pants today!"

Tang Qianyue's beautiful figure shuttles through the crowd like a scenic spot, attracting the attention of other tourists.

In the middle of the "woo", the steam turbine drove.

Qin Mu and Tang Qianyue climbed on the railing of the steam turbine and watched the gate of the scenic spot getting farther and farther away from themselves. The lake was churning with waves.

Tang Qianyue looked into the distance. The sand sea in the distance made her look forward to it.

In the sand sea, there are many exciting projects, such as sand skiing, desert surfing, etc. how fun desert surfing is can be seen from the fact that people who love cross-country all over the country rush to the northwest desert at the annual hero meeting. When you sit in the car and feel the feeling of vertical downward, you will unconsciously scream.

A trip to the sand sea made Tang Qianyue scream. When Qin Mu drove a car and rushed down from a sand bag, Tang Qianyue's scream almost pierced Qin Mu's eardrum.

"Shallow, how about it!" Qin Mu drove and rushed to a sand bag again.

"Fun! It's fun!" Tang Qianyue shouted out.

Yes, Tang Qianyue feels that today is really enjoyable. This stimulating feeling seems to take away all his pressure and let him think nothing at that moment.

Before all kinds of sand sculptures, Qin Mu took countless photos for Tang Qianyue. He took Tang Qianyue to ride a camel, feel the steadiness of the desert boat, ride a horse and gallop in the sand. These were things Tang Qianyue didn't realize before. The woman's face was flushed and very excited.

On the 80 meter high T-shaped bungee jumping tower, Tang Qianyue felt that her lower legs trembled. Looking at the people under her, she was as small as an ant.

Bungee jumping tower is built on the lake. If you jump down, you will face the rushing lake.

"What's the matter? Are you afraid?" Qin Mu bared his white teeth and stood in front of Tang Qianyue. The height of 80 meters had no impact on him.

"When... Of course not." Tang Qianyue's teeth were shaking.

"Just don't be afraid. Let's go." Qin Mu took Tang Qianyue's small hand, walked towards the platform and handed the newly bought ticket to the staff.

Tang Qianyue looked at the lake under his eyes and closed his eyes, "Qin Mu, otherwise you jump first."

"Beauty, you two bought tickets for two. Jump together and hug your boyfriend." the staff looked at the tickets and said.

Boyfriend... Boyfriend?

The staff subconsciously let Tang Qianyue look at Qin Mu.

She hasn't really been in love until now. Before she married Chu siran, they didn't have any emotional foundation, but now it was suddenly said that Qin Mu was her boyfriend. Tang Qianyue's heart jumped, and even the tension of bungee jumping was suppressed.

"Come here, I said you are a big man. Your girlfriend dares to jump. You hide behind and hold tight." the staff urged Qin Mu to wave again and again.

Qin Mu said to the staff that he would not refuse the proposal of holding the jump. He ran forward happily.

Tang Qianyue looked at Qin Mu in front of him and seemed a little restrained. "Well... Didn't we buy double tickets? Can't we jump one by one?"

"Yes, double couple tickets. Come and stand. Wear the equipment and don't move." the staff said while wearing equipment for Tang Qianyue and Qin Mu.

On the 80 meter platform, the hot wind hit his face. Qin Mu and Tang Qianyue stood face to face on the edge of the platform, with the turbulent lake below them.

"Shallow, ready to jump?" Qin Mu stretched out his hands and put them on Tang Qianyue's shoulders.

Tang Qianyue looked down at his feet, took a deep breath, closed his eyes, nodded, and slowly put his hands on Qin Mu's waist.

"Let's go." Qin Mu pushed the woman in front into his arms with both hands, bent his legs and jumped out.

Before bungee jumping, someone might think of the feeling of jumping down like a bird flying in the sky.

But in fact, only the moment you jump down will you find that this is not the case at all.

When Tang Qianyue felt that his feet were empty, his brain was blank. He didn't think about anything and didn't think about anything. It seemed that everything was far away from him. All his troubles and persistence seemed unimportant at the moment of jumping down.

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