There is a saying that Longwang island was born where the sun rises, and coming to Longwang island is a pilgrimage.

It is the Holy Land in the eyes of all martial arts practitioners in the world.

The sun passed through the clouds and slowly appeared in front of everyone. At the same time, an island slowly appeared in the sight of everyone.

The islands floating on the sea give people a sense of majestic grandeur.

At a distance, people can see the wall on the island. The wide and thick wall is made of granite mixed with steel. Even the shells of cruisers can't blast the wall in a short time.

The wall is two meters thick and 25 meters high. It encircles the whole island 360 degrees upward.

There are countless warships parked around the island. Just looking at them makes people feel flustered. When these warships aim in one direction, they can raze any known port in the world to the ground in the shortest time.

People standing on the cruise ship have an extraordinarily small feeling at the moment.

If you look along the city wall, you can see that there are four radars in the four corners of the city wall, rotating slowly.

"No one is allowed to land on Longwang island from a high altitude. These four radars, using the highest technology known in the world, can accurately sense that the air-to-air missiles on the island will attack at the first time within 100000 meters of the territorial air of Longwang island!" someone on the deck said.

The people on the deck were shocked. Some people thought that their family had been detached at home, but now they found out how small they were.

As the cruise ship approached, the people gradually approached the island. When they looked nearby, they would feel an invisible majesty pressing on themselves, which made them slow down their walking speed, and even their voice was much lower subconsciously.

The warship parked in front of the island slowly made way for the cruise ship to pass.

The cruise ship on which Tang Qianyue rode was moving slowly between warships. The gunports of warships on both sides were aligned with the cruise ship, and with the slow movement of the cruise ship, the gunports on those warships were also shifting.

Everyone standing on the cruise ship is full of pressure at this time.

Tang Qianyue could not help showing a nervous look on his pretty face.

"Miss, don't be nervous." Qinglian said next to Tang Qianyue.

The cruise ship gradually approached the port. Tang Qianyue saw that the 25 meter high wall slowly moved, and a gap slowly opened. It was a huge stone gate.

When the door opens, it gives people a feeling of dawn in the dark.

The tall stone wall makes people feel a kind of depression, while the flower garden inside the wall is like a colorful feast.

Tang Qianyue saw a 13-year-old girl, blonde, wearing a snow-white dress and a corolla, shuttling through the flower garden like an elf.

Before landing on the island, Tang Qianyue imagined a lot. She guessed what kind of place Longwang island was. She thought it might be a steel Castle filled with tanks and armored vehicles.

Tang Qianyue also thought that there are fierce people walking around here. Just looking at them is enough to scare people.

But when she did, she found that it was as beautiful as a picture.

There are no high-rise buildings and buildings here. Behind the steel wall, there is a paradise hidden. Wooden bungalows, clear water and mountains, have a panoramic view. Almost all the people here are wearing linen clothes, giving people a very simple feeling.

Not only Tang Qianyue, but also 90% of the people present thought so.

"Unexpectedly, Longwang island is so beautiful." even Qinglian, who had known Qin Mu's identity and regarded him as a fierce man, couldn't help sighing when he saw the beautiful scenery at this time.

This trip is to attend the underground world congress, because even in the face of such beautiful scenery, few people are in the mood to enjoy it.

People were guided into the venue, and only invited aristocratic families were eligible to enter.

When Tang Qianyue came here, the whole venue was full of people.

The venue is like an indoor football field. It is surrounded by bleachers layer by layer. In the center, there is a platform. At the moment, it is empty and dark, so people can't see what it is.

Tang Qianyue saw that around the indoor venue, there were several lifelike dragons, one of which was still pressing the struggling devil under its claws, revealing its tusks, ferocious and cruel, but like the messenger of justice.

At the moment, in the laboratory of Longwang Island, Qin Mu is still lying on the experimental platform and still sleeping.

Lu Fei and Yin Lin are standing beside the experimental platform.

"Girl, when can the boss wake up? This time, the boss must appear. Now there are a lot of rumors outside. During the time when the boss disappeared, many people speculated that the boss was dead. Today, the boss must come forward to break the rumors." Lu Fei said anxiously, "not to mention, there are things about Long Jing to deal with this time."

Yin Lin shook his head. "It's not clear yet. According to the test results, the boss has awakened from deep sleep and may open his eyes at any time."

"Shall we wake up the boss?" Lu Fei asked tentatively.

"Absolutely not!" Yinlin immediately stopped Lu Fei's idea. "The boss's deep sleep is different from ordinary deep sleep. This night, his physical functions are changing. If you rashly wake up the boss, it is likely to cause him any damage. Let the red refining organization compete for the ranking first. As soon as the boss wakes up, I will take the boss there at the first time."

Lu Fei's face showed a trace of embarrassment. "That's the only way. I hope the boss can wake up today, otherwise the conference can't be good."

In the hall held by the underground world congress, a white light suddenly fell from the ceiling to form a light beam, shining on the dark platform.

When the white light appeared, the originally noisy venue was quiet at this moment, and everyone couldn't help looking at the gathering place of the light beam.

Honglian appeared with red hair and red clothes this time. She was still wearing a dark purple dress, perfect appearance and beautiful figure, as well as the fan on her body. People's temperament makes the eyes of the audience focus on her, and only those new people who don't understand anything dare to show an obsessed look in their eyes when they see Honglian.

When Tang Qianyue saw Honglian, he couldn't help staring.

She can still remember the scene of having dinner with Hong Lian and discussing where to do beauty with Hong Lian.

"She is the Dharma protector of the Dragon King Island, Honglian." Qinglian said in her ear.

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