"Although she is weak, her strength is the strongest and most ruthless of the seven Dharma protectors in Longwang island. It is said that when Longwang Island first ushered in the new king, some people refused. As a result, more than 1700 people in that group died overnight. Among them, there are many strong people in the ranking list."

"More than 1700 people!" Tang Qianyue sighed. When having dinner with Honglian, she even felt that Honglian was the most approachable one.

In her previous understanding, killing one person was the death penalty, not to mention the lives calculated by thousands.

Hong Lian stood on the stage, looked around, and then opened her mouth. She didn't carry any microphone, headset or other devices, but the sound could be clearly transmitted to everyone present.

"Everyone here already has many old friends. I won't introduce myself. It's a great honor for you to come here. I don't say much nonsense. Then... Welcome to Longwang island!"

When Hong Lian said the three words of Longwang Island, everyone present felt that their eardrums hurt. That feeling was like someone shouting in their ears.

The three characters of the Dragon King lingered in my ears again and again.

Through a simple voice, Honglian let people see her strength. Those young people who were still obsessed with him were awakened by the shock at the moment, and they didn't even dare to give out the atmosphere.

Honglian not only proved her strength to the people present, but also proved the strength of Longwang island.

This is just one of the seven Dharma protectors of Longwang island.

The sound of Hong Lian fell and was silent for a full minute. At this minute, thousands of people in the whole venue did not have any noise. Everyone held their breath and dared not even talk in a low voice.

A minute later, Hong Lian spoke again, "ladies and gentlemen, this time, I will organize this year's ranking. All those who want to challenge can start now."

"Now?" someone couldn't help but make a confused voice when he heard Honglian's words.

Normally, this ranking war requires the presence of the seven Dharma guardians of Longwang island. Although some people are stronger than the Dharma guardians of Longwang Island, the existence of Dharma guardians is not a personal force deterrent, but an identity symbol.

For example, Hong Lian is one of the Dharma guardians of Longwang Island, but at the same time, she is also a Catholic bishop.

Hong Lian, another name, she is called the goddess in the divine religion!

It represents the daughter of angels and humans, with divine power and the ability to live forever.

The other Dharma guardians of Longwang island also have an ultra-high status. Without these witnesses, the ranking is incomplete.

Most importantly, this year, everyone thought that the Dragon King would appear at the underground world conference. After all, this time he advocated the opening of the Dragon King Island.

In recent months, countless rumors have been spread in the underground world. At the beginning, the owner of Longwang island fought with the owner of Qige Pavilion. No one knows what the result of that war was. Some people say that although the owner of Longwang Island won, the price is very high, and the whole person has been disabled, otherwise it would not have been silent for so long.

It was also said that the figure of the seven Pavilion leader was seen on an isolated island. In that war, although the power of the seven pavilion was weakened, it should be that the seven Pavilion leader won and the island leader of Longwang Island fell.

At first, no one believed such rumors, but with the disappearance of the Dragon King, more and more people believed it.

If the Dragon King doesn't show up today, this rumor will be completely confirmed.

Honglian didn't pay attention to the uproar from around, because she knew that her boss had nothing to do! She looked around and said, "everyone, if you want to challenge, take the stage by yourself!"

People sitting in the stands, look at me and I look at you. No one speaks. This so-called ranking is only for a few people, who are at the top of the world.

Only those who are in the top 100 of the ranking list will show up to challenge, and those who can reach the top 100 of the world know each other very well and know whether they can beat each other. In most cases, this ranking challenge is a formality.

"Since there are no colleagues on the stage, I'll come!" a voice sounded.

He saw a man covered in a cloak, got up from the stand and strode towards the platform.

"Ghost shadow! Seventh in the top 100 list!"

"What does he want to do!"

Everyone present was surprised that the ghost was going to challenge.

With the strength of ghost shadow, if you want to challenge, I'm afraid no one can win.

The conference was so exciting at the beginning, which made everyone in the audience look forward to the future development.

"Ghost shadow, are you going to challenge? Who do you want to challenge?" Hong Lian looked at the ghost with an unhappy face.

"Ha ha." the ghost gave a sharp and ugly laugh, "I want to challenge, but I challenge not anyone in the top 100 list, but..."

When the ghost said this, he suddenly took off his cloak and exposed his body like a withered bone. He looked around and shouted, "what I challenge is, you king of Dragon King Island, Dragon King!"


The ghost's words, like a heavy bomb, fell into the crowd and caused a burst of exclamation.

Challenge the Dragon King? He has no courage!

Although ghost shadow ranks seventh in the top 100 list and is already among the top experts in the world, it is still too far from the Dragon King.

At the meeting, an older old man shook his head. "There's some gossip. It's said that someone met the Dragon King last night and had a fight. Finally, the Dragon King failed."

"How could it be!" someone didn't believe it. "Who can threaten the Dragon King?"

"It's not that no one can threaten the Dragon King, but that the Dragon King has a problem."


Some people who heard the news didn't know what to say.

Tang Qianyue's heart suddenly tightened, and he had a bad feeling.

About the deeds of the Dragon King, on her way to, she listened to Qinglian.

The Dragon King, a legend of the underground world, has stood at the peak of the underground world in the shortest time. His achievements can not be surpassed. Is it difficult that this legend has fallen?

"I, kons Dean, challenge the Dragon King!" after the ghost, a Western man stood up from the grandstand.

"Kang Si, a demon hunter in the western world, volunteered to be the hand blade Dragon King all his life. Now he ranks second in the world's top 100 list and has strong strength." someone said Kang Si's identity.

Wearing leather clothes and carrying a huge sword behind him, condi stepped onto the platform.

"I, bill, challenge the Dragon King!"

"Nanshan new town, challenge the Dragon King's pavilion." a short Island man stepped down from the stand.

Several people in a row stepped down from the grandstand to challenge the underground king.

It can be seen that Honglian's face is very ugly. Longwang island has never been so provoked!

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