However, after nearly a week of research and pondering, rosemary has fully understood the system and found several loopholes. Now, as long as you press enter, the entire database will be transported to her computer.

Yes, she is so powerful. The blood prison organization gave her not only the skills of killing people, but also gathered high-end talents in various fields, such as world-famous hackers, many of whom were her teachers.

At this time, the network security department of glory group, which is in a relaxed state, has suffered an unprecedented invisible invasion.

However, no one realized that the data was being stolen. When they react, all the contents of the files are wiped out, leaving only thousands of empty shell files with folder names.

The future of glory company was stolen by rosemary and copied into a USB flash disk by her.

There are more than three product recipes, including all the industrial chain structures of glory company, electronic industry, aviation industry, beauty industry... The product manufacturing books of each industry are in this USB flash drive.

There are forty-five products. She can't sell them to murongsu at such a low price.

Take out three recipes and sample pictures of cosmetics and put them into another USB flash drive. She will sell the remaining 42 secrets slowly.

It took her only 15 minutes to complete the operation of the invasion, and all the operations were completed on the desk of a colleague who did not know her.

During this period, the colleague happened to have lunch downstairs.

At that time, the investigation of IP source can only capture this poor colleague, but it can't affect her.

Her office is not on this floor at all, and basically no one can see her operating this computer here.

After finishing all this, she did not stay too much, and immediately left this floor, went back to her own floor and continued to make boring charts.

All this is like hiding from the world, almost no one found, song Xiaofan naturally can't imagine how all this is carried out.

At this time, he was investigating the monitoring in Lin Ruofei's office. He saw Li diexiang working on that floor and thought that it was just her borrowing someone else's computer. He hadn't thought about hacking.

Until the network security department called Lin Ruofei.

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Lin, something's wrong. Our company's database has been stolen and deleted by hackers. Now there is nothing in it." The head of the security department almost cried to report the news.

"What Lin Ruofei stood up from the stool. He couldn't believe it.

The phone is on hands-free, and song Xiaofan, who is watching the surveillance, is also attracted to the past.

"You wait. I'll be there now." Lin Ruofei put down a stack of information in his hand and immediately flew to the network security department.

Song Xiaofan sighed. Sure enough, this killer is not as simple as the last two. It's incredible that he can steal information even under his own monitoring.

Lin Ruofei's network security system has its own characteristics. The external network can't enter the system. It can only enter the system through the LAN of the internal company. The only way to destroy the security system is to operate in the internal computer of the company.

However, song Xiaofan had been watching the surveillance for so long, but he didn't even find a suspicious person.

He is helpless to follow Lin Ruofei, also want to explore the truth of the matter.

When they arrived at the network security department, all the staff were on high alert. They were cracking the IP key, trying to find out which computer the hacker used to operate.

"Block the information. No one can reveal the information about our data being stolen." Lin Ruofei watched them enter the code crazily and said seriously.

The current situation is the most serious crisis Lin Ruofei has been in charge of the company for so long. If he can't catch the murderer and find the information, it's almost over.

"Have five copies been deleted?" Lin Ruofei asked with a fluke mind.

"Yes, they have been deleted." Several programmers are helpless.

"We were already monitoring at that time, but the system didn't show any information at all, and there was no yamen newspaper at all, so the hacker hacked our system ahead of time..." the minister said.

"Found it, 14th floor, 56!" It doesn't take much effort. A quick programmer immediately finds the IP source.

"You keep busy, try to capture some residual data, piece it together, I'll go to tune the monitoring first." Lin Ruofei left here again.

Song Xiaofan was clear. He had a few more eyes on the monitor of the 14th floor. There was almost no one on that floor, only Li diexiang was there.

He didn't know whether it was the 56th, but only Li diexiang was at the scene at that time.

All of a sudden, song Xiaofan seems to have found something extraordinary, and his back is numb.

"It's her. I didn't expect it to be her. I was so close to the killer who wanted to kill me." Song Xiaofan went out with a bitter smile.

"Mr. Lin, don't change it. I'll handle this matter. I'll return the information to you intact before dark." Song Xiaofan raised his head, eyes flashing cold, said to Lin Ruofei.

"You..." Lin Ruofei was hard to believe.

"Well, I'll wait for you." I don't know why, Lin Ruofei still chose to believe song Xiaofan this time.

"You don't have to investigate." Song Xiaofan thought about Li diexiang's face, he said.

"OK, you must get the information back for me, thank you." Lin Ruofei's eyes are sincere. Song Xiaofan knows the weight of this information. It's a business opportunity of tens of billions.

Song Xiaofan ran all the way to Li diexiang's desk on the 12th floor. Sure enough, Li diexiang was still in his position.

"It's stupid of you to ignore the cameras all over the building." Song Xiaofan directly faces the harmless face of human and animal, and opens the door to the mountain road.

"Well, only you saw it at that time. They are now completely paralyzed, and the video at that time point has been deleted by me." Rosemary mouth showed a strange smile, light way.

How could she do something uncertain, but she did not expect that song Xiaofan would always watch the monitoring.

"You have no evidence that I stole it." Rosemary is very strong.

Song Xiaofan's dumb words, he can't determine the truth of this sentence, but seeing her so confident, she should have deleted the video.

"Diexiang elder sister, how much money Murong Su has given you, I am willing to give you double. I can help you in any difficulty you encounter." Song Xiaofan said calmly.

He doesn't want to fight her like this yet.

"Double for me? You can't afford it. He gave me six million. Can you give me twelve million? I can afford to give you the USB flash drive on the spot. " Rosemary, with a USB flash drive in her hand, said.

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