12 million? It's just a tip for a mission.

"Brother Li Feng is ill, right? That's why you need money." Song Xiaofan once again said rosemary.

"I can take the U-disk directly from you. You can't beat it, but I don't want to hurt you, diexiang. If you give me the U-disk, we are still good friends." Song Xiaofan changed his old playful face and said seriously.

"Then you'll have a try." Rosemary has a beautiful back somersault, directly over two desks. She is fast and strange, running towards the window.

Song Xiaofan seemed to know what she was going to do. He saw the level of rosemary, but it was only six stages of internal Qi. Although this body method was higher than his, it was not too late to catch up.

"Goodbye, little bottle." In Song Xiaofan's surprised eyes, rosemary throws a smoke bomb. The smoke is everywhere, and she disappears in the smoke.

There was a crack of glass.

"Not good." Song Xiaofan did not expect that rosemary would jump directly from the height of more than 100 meters.

When the smoke dispersed, a paraglider was flying in the sky. A man in sunglasses caught rosemary jumping down. Rosemary held the paraglider in one hand and waved to song Xiaofan in the other.

"Damn it." Song Xiaofan looked at the paraglider that was gradually away from the sky and stamped his foot in chagrin. Maybe he shouldn't be so soft hearted.

He didn't plan to give up yet. He went downstairs and drove Lin Ruofei's sports car directly on the road to chase the paraglider.

His driving skills are amazing. There are many obstacles in this city. His 360 degree elegance has attracted many passers-by to scream, but his only purpose is to chase the white paraglider.

"Hello, uncle Hai, help me send a plane. I'm chasing a white paraglider. It's a killer. It's located at No. 6, North China Road, Songyang. It's not far from here now." Song Xiaofan drives with one hand and dials Wu Hailong with the other.

"OK, I'll be right there." Wu Hailong also realized the seriousness of the matter. Generally speaking, song Xiaofan would not speak in such a tone unless it was an S-level task.

The purpose of sending the plane is just to track the paraglider, so as not to lose the other party's position in the end.

Song Xiaofan has directly stepped on the accelerator to the end, and a black mark has been made directly by the cars passing by at high speed on the asphalt road, which shows the speed is rapid.

Only song Xiaofan can do this kind of crazy thing. The black lightning wanders among all kinds of buildings, and we can see that it is getting closer and closer to the white paraglider.

At this time, song Xiaofan's phone rang.

"Little bottle, don't chase me. I know you want to help me, but I still want to be on my own

I'll meet Murong Su in an abandoned factory later. When I get the four million yuan, I'll let go and fly away. You can go directly to Murong Su and teach him a lesson and ask him to return the information to you. "

It was rosemary who was being chased.

Song Xiaofan was also surprised at the woman's intelligence. Yes, in this way, he didn't need to spend money to help her, and he could also take Murong Su by the way. Why not?

"Okok, just leave the USB flash drive to him. By the way, don't know anything, or I can catch up with you wherever you go." Song Xiaofan threatened to say.

Just now rosemary hit him, his heart was almost half cold.

Their current relationship is the opponent, after all, he has advised her to put down the information.

"I'm sorry, little bottle. Someone was watching me just now. I have to. I hope it didn't cause you too much trouble. When I finish this list, I almost have to wash my hands. " Song Xiaofan listened to rosemary's tone, but there was some relief and sadness.

He said for a moment, "OK, OK, I don't blame you."

He forgot that Li diexiang has always been a woman who does not like to rely on others. She will not accept his offer of help.

Hung up the phone, all the way toward rosemary said that the waste factory, farther and farther, but the speed slowly slowed down.

Rosemary did not stand on any side. She just made her own choice, which was correct and reasonable. She even helped song Xiaofan.

In the old factory, Murong Su had many bodyguards standing behind him. His face was full of smiles. Seeing the glider slowly landing, he rushed to meet him.

"How are you coming? How was the theft of secret documents accomplished? " Murong Su's tone was expectant and impatient.

"Yes, the rules of the industry, hand in the money, hand in the delivery." Rosemary changed her soft appearance and took out the $100 billion U disk from her waist.

Murong Su's eyes were straight as he stared at the USB flash drive.

"Inspection." He ordered his men to bring a notebook.

Insert the USB flash disk, countless valuable data flash on the screen, including the confidentiality agreement with many companies directly. Now Murong Su is presented in front of him.

"Great! fierce! It deserves to be the number one killer organization in the world. " Murong Su said in a high voice.

He also waved his hand and asked his men to hand over a gold card. The man driving the glider took out the card machine. As soon as the card was inserted and the password was lost, four million yuan was paid.

Murong Su didn't expect that he would steal all the three copies. The efficiency is more than 100%.

"Good, good, good." Murong Su even said three good, happy words are almost speechless.

Yes, rosemary also gave up her idea of making books with 42 other products. She knew that song Xiaofan was trying so hard to get things back. No matter who took them, there would be no good end.

"Next is song Xiaofan's head. As long as you help me kill him, I won't give you less tips." Murong Su said excitedly.

These killers are so capable that they can steal the information of a company as big as glory group. Are they afraid of song Xiaofan?

“OK。” Rosemary and the man in the glider flew away and disappeared very quickly.

Just ten minutes after they left, song Xiaofan appeared in the abandoned factory in a black sports car.

Murong Su hasn't left yet. He is working hard and looking at the data in the computer.

"Murong Su! Get out of here He was watching with relish, lamenting the rich foundation of glory group, when the familiar voice came, almost pierced his eardrum.

WOC, how did song Xiaofan find this place!

He turned his head and saw that the fierce song Xiaofan was staring at him. His eyes seemed to swallow him up.

"You... How did you get here?" Murong Su got up and couldn't believe it.

"You don't care how I found you. You just need to know and hand over the information you embezzled, or I will bring you to justice immediately." Song Xiaofan's eyes are fierce, leaving no room for Murong su.

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