"Sister diexiang, please help me again." Song Xiaofan dials Rosemary's communicator again, and he is eager to get rid of these killers.

"There are three killers around here, one a and two B, which is not difficult for you to solve."

"But the first-class killer is very good at hiding and poisoning, which can be called the second poison in China. You have to pay special attention to him. " Rosemary said solemnly.

"Yes, no problem. Where is he now?" Song Xiaofan asked.

"He's in the underground parking lot of your neighborhood right now, ready to ambush you." Rosemary said.

Song Xiaofan didn't expect that this guy's action was so fast. He couldn't get there in less than ten minutes from the top of the building to the underground parking lot. It seems that the killer's skill is not bad.

After arriving at the underground parking lot, sure enough, a familiar smell came out again, but this time it was much lighter than what he smelled in his room.

"Whew --" this is the sound of a sharp weapon breaking the wind. If ordinary people can't hear it, song Xiaofan's sense of facial features is far superior to that of ordinary people because he has practiced internal Qi.

"Ding!" With a slight twist of his head, he easily dodged the flying concealed weapon, which fell to the ground and made a clear sound.

Then there are three dart shaped concealed weapons. With the sound of breaking the wind slowly, song Xiaofan is obviously powerful. With his excellent skill and reaction ability, he once again escaped the attack.

The shadow in the dark can't help grinning: "it's quite good." Then he laughed and snapped his fingers.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang There were four violent noises. The concealed weapon he had just thrown on the ground exploded, and the green fog immediately enveloped song Xiaofan.

This is a kind of poisonous gas developed by him, which has a strong psychedelic effect. As long as you inhale a little, you will have a great sense of vertigo, followed by hallucinations.

Fortunately, song Xiaofan knew that he was a master of using poison for a long time, so he took measures to deal with it. As early as he went out, he sealed his respiratory tract with internal gas, so that the poison gas would not enter his lungs.

He sprinted forward quickly and got out of the fog. According to the ring of fingers he just heard, he immediately determined the specific location of the killer.

He is unarmed, but there are concealed weapons on the opposite side that can attack him, so frontal attack is the most reasonable method.

Sure enough, he turned around and saw a figure in a green robe flash across his field of vision. The figure was constantly looking for the rock. Looking at him, he should have planned to attack again.

"Ha ha, would you like to come again?" Song Xiaofan took advantage of a big pillar in the parking lot. As soon as he learned lightness skills, he strode over these parking spaces like a hurdle.

The green robed man obviously didn't expect that song Xiaofan's speed was so fast. He watched in horror as song Xiaofan came from a distance. His fierce expression was clearly the posture of killing him.

He couldn't understand how song Xiaofan survived under his poisonous gas. He had tested the horror of the poisonous gas. Putting it into the farm could make more than 3000 livestock in the whole farm fall into a trance.

It is very destructive to people's spirit. Even if you hold your breath, you can't avoid inhaling the particles in the poisonous gas at the moment of holding your breath.

It can only be said that song Xiaofan was too powerful. If rosemary had not told him that he was a master of using poison, he would not have had time to seal his own respiratory tract with internal Qi.

"Bang!" This punch directly hit the green robed man's face door, his whole face collapsed in, and the man flew out like a shell and hit a car door. The car door was immediately dented, making a rhythmic sound.

The green robed man fainted directly. This blow probably broke his skull directly. Even if he didn't die, he would be a vegetable for the rest of his life.

It's a real second kill.

These fancy things are as fragile as paper tigers in the face of absolute force.

After solving this killer, song Xiaofan chooses to leave the scene, but the car has been driven away by Lin Ruofei. There's no way. He can only turn a car in the parking lot. Although it's immoral to do so, it's all in the same community anyway. It's not difficult to borrow it again.

"Sister diexiang, where are the other two killers?" Song Xiaofan asked again.

"Let me see. The two class B killers are all together. It should be a cooperative relationship. Now they are squatting outside your community. They haven't moved for a long time." Rosemary said patiently.

Song Xiaofan drives this car from the parking lot and rushes out of the community all the way. These two killers should want to squat on him, but he just won't let them squat on him. He doesn't like these two little Luoluo.

"If you put these two aside, they don't look smart. Are there any other killers around here?" Song Xiaofan has rushed out of the community, and now gallops in the road.

"Yes, and it is..." rosemary xiangdun, seems to see something extraordinary.

"What is it? Say it Song Xiaofan is worried.

"It's number one." Rosemary slowly said, not afraid of song Xiaofan surprised.

"Number one? Is it a beauty scorpion? " Song Xiaofan heart meal, did so many things, killed so many killers, beauty scorpion finally is to appear.

"Yes, it's her, and she's approaching you at a very fast speed. The transport she's taking should be a helicopter. Now it's only 1000 meters away from you." Rosemary looked at the red dot driving so fast on the map, and her tone was a little nervous.

The reputation of beauty scorpion has spread throughout the blood prison organization. This terrible woman is only in her early twenties, but she is extremely strange.

She is not only good at fighting, but also good at using poison. Otherwise, how can she be called beauty scorpion? It was because she was extremely poisonous that she got the name.

In addition to these two points, her concealment, assassination, interrogation and espionage are all the best in the organization.

The legend of such a killer has always been deeply influenced by Rosemary's career development. As No. 5, she lives in the shadow of scorpion almost all the time.

Many people like to compare her with beauty scorpion. Beauty scorpion is charming, pure and lovely. Beauty Scorpion will poison, but she won't

She didn't see beauty scorpion very much, but she was definitely the one who remembered the name most clearly.

"She's here to deal with you? Is she short of ten million? " Rosemary hasn't figured it out for a while.

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