"What ten million?" Song Xiaofan is still in the dark. He doesn't know about the ten million wanted notice.

He thought that Murong Su had paid for so many killers.

"Don't you know the feelings? I've convinced you. " Rosemary on the other side of the messenger turned song Xiaofan's eyes.

"In order to kill you, Murong Su paid 10 million for a wanted warrant. Now killers all over the world have come to Songyang to kill you. The public order in these days is particularly disordered. Don't you find that? " Rosemary is speechless.

I see. Song Xiaofan now wants to understand why the two foreigners, Klein and putton, would come all the way to kill him. It turns out that there are 10 million people tempting them.

"No? Can beauty Scorpio also be short of money Song Xiaofan is puzzled.

"She won't do it under normal circumstances, except for SSS level tasks. I guess she didn't come here to kill you. Maybe she came to talk to you specially." Rosemary analysis.

No matter what the situation is, song Xiaofan feels that he needs to meet with beauty Scorpio. He can go to her or she can come to find himself.

"You said she came by helicopter?" Song Xiaofan asked.

He couldn't help looking out of the window. He found that a private helicopter was coming slowly in the distance,

Since it's a helicopter, so swaggering, it's definitely not to kill itself. It is estimated that nine times out of ten, Wu Hailong said that she and she have the same jade pendant.

This jade pendant is the key to his life experience.

"Wait a moment and stop in front. If she really comes for you, I think she will stop to look for you, too." Rosemary warned.

"Well, I'll just sit in the cafe ahead and wait for her to come to me." Song Xiaofan's heart beats a little fast.

That coffee shop is not another coffee shop. It's the coffee shop where murongsu and killers often meet. Even rosemary and murongsu had a business talk in this coffee shop.

Hang up the communicator, song Xiaofan walked into the coffee shop, casually asked for a latte, some bored sat down.

There are not many people in this coffee shop, only some rich people with high taste in clothes are here to talk business or read newspapers for leisure.

The coffee here is exorbitantly expensive. It costs hundreds of yuan per cup. Song Xiaofan is not used to drinking coffee, which is bitter and astringent. Even adding sugar can't eliminate the bitterness of the tea.

For a time, he doubted whether he was funny or not. Why did he sit alone in the coffee shop and wait.

Until the door of the coffee shop was pushed open by a woman.

She is not so much a woman as a young girl. She has long Lavender hair and a lavender hat. The hat is very lovely and the clothes she wears are quite casual.

Her face is very delicate. With eyes like a pair of purple stones. The eyes seem to have magic power.

Song Xiaofan's intuition tells him that the girl in front of him should be the legendary beauty of scorpion, although this appearance is far from what he imagined.

As he expected, this girl is the beauty of scorpion - Jiang Urtica purple.

She came to Songyang city this time because there was too much noise. There was a S-level person named song Xiaofan who was not captured by the organization. After half a month, none of the people who went to kill him died clean. Because of this, she came here thousands of miles to see how capable song Xiaofan was.

Another point is that song Xiaofan actually knew her. When she saw the picture on the wanted notice, she felt a sense of familiarity. This is the person her grandfather told him about who had a baby kiss with her.

This guy also has a dragon jade pendant, which is just a pair with his own Feng jade pendant.

I did meet several times when I was a child, but Jiang Urtica Zi also remembered the name of song Xiaofan. Whether he was handsome or not, he just saw him on the wanted notice.

It looks like a dog on the wanted notice. It's not ugly, just like her eyes.

She often heard his grandfather say that song Xiaofan is a soldier, and he is the most powerful king of soldiers. I think so. If not, how could he stir up such a big storm in Songyang city.

Of course, she naturally didn't know that all song Xiaofan did was to attract her attention.

Go to song Xiaofan's position opposite, also not too shy, she said: "who I am, I don't need to introduce more, but we know each other."

"Yes?" Song Xiaofan watched it carefully again.

I haven't seen you at all. How could he know scorpion beauty?

"Then I'll introduce myself. My name is Jiang Urtica purple. You may have forgotten this name, but is the name of scorpion beauty a bit like thunder?"

Sure enough, this girl is Scorpion beauty. She looks much younger than he thought.

"What can I do for you?" It was song Xiaofan who had something to ask him, but since the other party came to find him on his own initiative, he should first feel her details.

"Do you recognize this?" Jiang took out an amber jade pendant from her exquisite satchel, on which a lifelike Phoenix was carved, and the whole shape was just like a yin yang fish.

Song Xiaofan's eyes shrink. That's right. Wu Hailong didn't cheat him.

Then he took down the dragon jade pendant from his neck, took the jade pendant from Jiang Qinzi's hand, and put it together into a complete round jade pendant.

"This..." Song Xiaofan was unbelievable.

"Where did you come from?" Song Xiaofan asked suspiciously.

"Do you really don't know or pretend to show it to me?" Jiang Qingzi also asked.

"I don't know. I don't even know my life experience. I don't remember my parents." Song Xiaofan shakes his head.

"Like this..." Jiang Urtica Zi also heard her grandfather mention this. Song Xiaofan was fostered by his own father when he was very young.

His family is almost indifferent to him.

"Well, to tell you the truth, I'm your fiancee!" Ginger nettle purple without paste, a direct word to tell the truth.

Song Xiaofan's head is big again. Lin Ruofei and Zhao Tong haven't made it clear yet. Now there's another scorpion beauty, ginger nettle purple. But who made the engagement?

"My grandfather and your grandfather were intimate when our mother was pregnant with us." Jiang explained.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait? Is there any money in my family? Who is my grandfather? " There are a lot of problems in Song Xiaofan's mind, eager to be solved.

"Well... My grandfather told me not to tell you." Jiang urticaria almost said it, but after considering it, she chose to conceal song Xiaofan.

Song Xiaofan had no choice but to smile: "I knew it."

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