No one cares about this joke, but they are all jealous of Antao. Why didn't this happen in their group? If we want to give them this, we must work hard in it.

"Hello, I am. I want to let the shares of Andersen group fall to the closed position in one minute. " Song Xiaofan made a phone call.

The whole audience listened and tasted carefully.

A security guard who had been knocked over before couldn't help laughing.

Antao's eyes stare at the boss. This wild boy didn't just come out of the nerve hospital, did he?

"Boy, what a big tone. Who do you think you are? How can you control and pry the stock market Antao was angry and laughed.

"Master!" The words just fall, an Tao secretary, nervous hand over the mobile phone.

"No, chairman!" Antao took the phone, the phone hissed, shock Antao eardrum pain.

"When are you so alarmed?" Antao reprimanded him and let him speak slowly and clearly.

"What Antao couldn't believe it. Ask the Secretary to turn on the tablet phone and open the stock market chart.

The company's stock market, which belongs to Antao, has plummeted all the way.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of millions of assets evaporated.

"Home owner, you are three minutes away from bankruptcy. If you admit it earlier, I can be merciful and leave you some pension money. " Song Xiaofan raised his wrist and looked at the time, then hit ha Qie road.

impossible! It must be a coincidence!

Antao didn't believe it. He immediately tried every means to make up for the stock market and prevent direct position explosion.

Two minutes later, the money that Antao put into the stock market was gone.

Moreover, 90% of the real estate under Antao's name has been sealed up, and all personal accounts have been frozen.

Now, only his funds in a foreign bank are left. This is the last money he left.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Antoine screamed in a frenzy.

Song Xiaofan snapped his fingers, and new news came.

The bank where Antao's last funds were deposited was declared bankrupt.

Now Antao is on the verge of bankruptcy, with only a small amount of cash left in his own mansion.

Antao noticed something was wrong and knelt down decisively.

"I'll take it! Please stop

Song Xiaofan nodded and looked at his watch“ I'm sorry. It's been a second Another ring of fingers.

The news came that the money that Antao put in the mansion and basement was somehow burned to ashes.

Settling down and going bankrupt is not only that, but also a debt of more than one billion.

Antao's face was as grey as death. There was no human color on his face.

Just three minutes, from heaven to hell, who can bear.

A complaint sheet was sent to Antao's mailbox, and the company behind Antao, all the company's landlines were destroyed. Antao's own mobile phone was also exploded and threatened with death.

Song Xiaofan looked at almost, in front of a standby microphone, said“ Do it. "

In one minute, all the accounts of Antao were leveled, and at the same time, all the real estate of Antao were purchased.

Including the building behind him, everything was taken over.

The purchase price is comparable to the price of cabbage.

Song Xiaofan didn't know and didn't understand how to do it. In a word, it was Wang Xiaodong behind the scenes.

Wang Xiao, as the leader of xuanxia's business, was too easy to settle down.

It was also because the God of war himself told him that he had done it himself. Otherwise, he didn't have to do it himself.

Antoine's head is buzzing with blank space.

"Let's go and see our new company." Song Xiaofan takes his staff to the building in front of him.

All of them look up with their chests high and their spirits high and valiant.

I admire the big boss. It's too arrogant. I'll bring down my family in five minutes and turn all my assets into my own in this time.

Lin Ruofei is also completely convinced of song Xiaofan. Song Xiaofan is like a God. If you want light, you will have light!

"By the way, master Ann. Don't feel wronged. There is a grudge between you and me. You destroyed my brother, now you take home as compensation, I don't move you, I have been very kind

"Don't thank me, it's not necessary." When song Xiaofan passed by Antao, he patted Antao's shoulder a few times. Then he left.

Today, it's sunny and sunny.

However, at the moment, Antao can't feel any warmth and cold, like kneeling in the ice and snow, his body is frozen.

"What about bringing me down? My boss will take care of you Antao didn't have the slightest regret. He thought it was a carefully arranged situation, but he was careless, so he was drilled.

Antao went home, but he was driven out by the housekeeper.

"Get the hell out of here! This is the Song family asset! "

Antao scolded at the gate for a long time“ You all wait for me! I'll make you all look good! "

Then Antao took out the phone, but the number was not dialed out, and a business car came behind him. Down a long hair scar face man, cold light into the heart of an Tao.

Plop, Antao fell to the ground struggling for a few seconds, it is no longer moving.

Song Xiaofan soon received the news that an Tao died outside his courtyard.

"God of war, it has been found out that it was not our hands. Do you want to find out what you're doing? "

"No, it's not time yet. Don't scare the snake." Song Xiaofan shook his head and hung up.

Song Xiaofan takes the elevator to the top meeting room.

The company's executives stood in two rows, each with a wonderful face.

Ten minutes ago, they all regarded song Xiaofan as a patient who ran out of the mental hospital. A few minutes ago, they received news that Anjia had been acquired by a man surnamed song.

It's really wonderful. A person who looks down on him has changed into a person who gives them jobs.

"From now on, the surname here is not an, but Lin. It's not called Andersen group, it's called long group. Who is for it and who is against it? " Song Xiaofan's eyes swept the scene.

Still against it? It's crazy to object. Everyone nodded in unison.

Song Xiaofan leads Lin Ruofei to the position of chairman.

Let Lin Ruofei sit down and get out of the office.

Song Xiaofan has done what he should do. Now it's time for Lin Ruofei to perform.

Lin Ruofei didn't make a big fuss and laid off his former employees as soon as he came up. Instead, they put their own staff in for assessment.

Those who have the ability to stay, those who have no ability to leave, fumigation gradually, take over the company, and implant the concept of long group.

Parking lot, elevator open.

Song Xiaofan walked out and the two teams saluted together to "see the God of war"

Song Xiaofan nodded slightly and got on a business bus.

Inside the car, Wushen has established a video communication with Wang Xiao“ Here comes the God of war

"I've seen the God of war." See song Xiaofan sitting in the car, the video Wang Xiao immediately stand up, back two steps bow.

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