"Come on, let's get down to business." Song Xiaofan obviously didn't want to waste time on this kind of empty ceremony.

Wang Xiao then returned to his seat and reported.

"Settle down. Just a small soldier in line. I'm a little surprised that the God of war did something to settle down. "

Song Xiaofan smiles: "I can't let my staff work in the open air, can I?"

Wang Xiao is in a state of stalemate. You, Ares, have used so many resources and funds far beyond the actual value of settling down to settle this matter. Is that to find a place for your employees who are engaged in the empty handed White Wolf business?

If you want to do this, you should have said it earlier.

"Well, killing this platoon of small soldiers can paralyze the owners behind him and make them think that the God of war is the only way you have."

Wang Xiao, an old man, is obviously a matter of scaring the grass and frightening the snake, but he says it's good for him.

Song Xiaofan still doesn't say it with a smile. Even if he doesn't understand business, he still doesn't understand it.

But it doesn't matter.

This matter, even if you forget it, the person behind you will not give up.

"An Jia is just a small soldier in front of the line, and above him is Ning Jia. And this Ning family is very interesting. " Wang Xiao sold a pass.

"Just watch it." Song Xiaofan left it to Wang Xiao to do, and song Xiaofan had more important things to do.

Song Xiaofan didn't just find a city in xuanxia and settle here.

"Let's go." After hanging up Wang Xiao's video communication, the team set out.

Arrive outside the city of Anchang, an abandoned factory.

"This factory suffered an accident ten years ago and many employees died. Ten years ago, Ares your father happened to be a factory employee," he said

"But now we can't find out what the factory is producing." His voice is getting lower and lower.

"Don't be afraid. It's none of your business." Song Xiaofan calmed the voice of his hand.

In this case, the water is deep.

As for what the factory produces, it seems that we can't find out for a while.

The other party didn't want you to know. He must have set up a set. The more he checked, the deeper he would sink.

The best way to find out is to find out the person who was involved.

"Ares, we're still trying to find out." I got a response from my men.

Song Xiaofan frowned. Is it so powerful? Even the parties have been wiped out.

"My father, is he an insider?" Song Xiaofan fell into deep thinking.

There is no doubt that their parents are the people who are behind their backs. They are afraid that things will leak out and wipe them out.

But the problem also lies here. For song Xiaofan, it is not only a simple revenge.

Among those who have been wiped out, there are also several top employees in special industries.

It can be said that these people are top-notch personnel, enjoy special treatment, and their status is not generally high. But say erase, erase, this let song Xiaofan feel the threat.

"It must be found out. By the way, don't you just tell me that when you bring me here?" Song Xiaofan looks at his men in surprise.

If you only have these contents, you won't let yourself come and have a look.

"Er Zhanshen, we found out at the scene that the accident was man-made. Moreover, the person who caused the accident is still alive. " I got a response from my men.

"Still alive?" Song Xiaofan is unimaginable. The irrelevant personnel can be wiped out, but the main personnel are still alive.

Also had to let song Xiaofan think, is not a trap, waiting for their own drilling?

The water of Anchang is not so deep

"To the God of war, the person who caused the accident in those years survived, but he is not in a good condition now." Report to your staff.

"Go and have a look first." Song Xiaofan's face sank.

The motorcade headed for the location of the accident maker.

Shanghai Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine.

Intensive care unit.

Song Xiaofan, wearing sunglasses, appears in the corridor.

The eyes under the sunglasses were all cold. In those years, if it were not for the people in the sick room who caused the accident, their parents would not have been killed.

"But he's not the real murderer. Forget it. Let's investigate and clear it first." Song Xiaofan falls outside the ward and gently pushes the door open.

In the ward, a woman, aged 245, threw herself in front of the bed and wailed.

After three years of constant illness and struggle, my father finally went.

"My father has gone. There are no relatives in the world who love me any more." Today, for Li Miaomiao, it's like the end of the day.

The father was unwilling to swallow his breath, and could not close his eyes after he died. When he died, he couldn't let his daughter go.

Before Li Miaomiao's eyes, the whole world is gray.

"The old thing is dead at last." Behind him, the disgusting sound sounded.

Wang Dayan runs a loan company. Li Miaomiao is his most important debtor.

Most important She borrowed 100000 yuan for her father's treatment. It's nothing.

Li Miaomiao, who is Wang Dayan's favorite.

Since he met Li Miaomiao in the street, he couldn't move away from Li Miaomiao any more.

His beautiful appearance and spotless temperament are his favorite type. Think about the white lotus that he has made into a obedient violet

Think about it all makes Wang Dayan excited.

Staring at the eyes of Wang Miaomiao's beautiful back, he put an abnormal evil desire for light.

"Please keep your mouth clean! My father, he has gone! You can't go with the dead! " Li Miaomiao's face is full of tears. In Wang's eyes, is there only money?

"OK, you give me the money back. I can kneel down and kowtow to the old man." Wang Da Yan picked it up and grinned.

Money, or money.

Li Miaomiao was very regretful. She thought that she had met a good man.

Unexpectedly, he fell into the trap of Wang Dayan.

Ten thousand is worth ten thousand!

How to return it? Besides, she has no money to pay back.

"There's no money to pay back. It's easy to say that you can use this to pay for it." Wang Da Yan rubs his hands and sweeps Li Miaomiao up and down.

One eye, eager to see through.

Li Miaomiao instinctively protected his chest, and was extremely humiliated in his heart. His father. Also died with shame

He wants to live one more second to protect his woman.

"Think about it, or you will know my means."

"In a word, I have no chance for you to collect your father's corpse, and you don't want your father to lie in the hospital morgue like this, can't you rest in the earth?"

Wang Dayan has too many means to deal with Li Miaomiao, a filial woman who can do anything for the sake of family affection.

In front of you, you can get it. But Wang Dayan asked Li Miaomiao to kneel down and beg for her.

Otherwise, why do you do so much? How can you be a slave for a lifetime?

"Father and daughter are unfilial." It is absolutely impossible for Li Miaomiao to do such a thing.

If you don't compromise, there will be only one way out.

But her father's last wish on his deathbed was to make Li Miaomiao survive at all costs!

Li Miaomiao is going to fail in this wish.

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