Not to mention the treatment of the better Heavenly King Gym.

But now, Bai Mo actually offered three times the treatment to the leader of the battle, which was a fatal temptation for civilians.

This makes gym owners in some cities want to make a change.

The most important thing is that the alliance has layers of regulations. It is very difficult for a person to become a gymnasium, and one must either come from an aristocratic family or join an aristocratic family.

But now it's different.

The battle development area run by Bai Mo has provided a ladder to the sky for those civilians with powerful talents!

Chapter 0929 Maxiu's curiosity

In addition to the triple treatment of the king-level gym that day, what is even more expected is the treatment of WT.

To this day, who doesn't know that WT's treatment is abnormally high?

At this moment, all the trainers who heard Bai Mo's speech had a brand new goal in their hearts: to become a leader in the battle zone.

At this time, Bai Mo just smiled quietly.

In fact, many people would doubt that if there were too many leaders in the battle, would Bai Mo really be able to come up with so many resources?

Regarding this, Bai Mo said that he was not worried at all.

First of all, he has more resources than others have predicted.

In addition, not everyone in this world can join the Battle Frontier.

That's right, Bai Mo lowered his requirements, and the quasi-king-level trainer was among them.

However, how many quasi-king-level trainers are able to pass the level of the battle leader?

And if you pass the level of the leader of the battle, whether it is a quasi-king level trainer or a heavenly king level, you are definitely the best, right?

Such a person, Bai Mo said, would not refuse anyone who came.

That's right, Bai Mo just used a high-powered way to attract those powerful trainers to challenge.

And the trainer who has passed the test of the battle development zone is definitely a strong existence in terms of talent and strength. As long as he cultivates well, what he will return to him in the future will far exceed what he has paid.

As for whether these exist will be a problem.

Bai Mo said that his battle against the last BOSS in the development zone was not just a battle, but he would also do the final screening of trainers.


No matter how many people will come to challenge the battle zone in the future.

Those who will join in the end are definitely talented and powerful, and they are recognized as excellent trainers by Bai Mo.

And now, he is just writing a super big empty check that will never lose money to lure him, so why not do it! ?

Beside Bai Mo, Yahida secretly gave him a thumbs up.

Many people have seen Bai Mo's trick, but no one can understand it, because this is an upright conspiracy.

The alliance is a collection of many aristocratic families. This method can be used, but they dare not use it. They give high resources but they are not willing to give it.

For those aristocratic families, with this resource, it is better to cultivate people in their own clan to stabilize their position.

But Bai Mo's method is better.


Because he selects talented people from all over the world to give better training!

This layer is seen by many people, but they cannot follow suit.

This is determined by the location.

Perhaps, they can also stop Bai Mo.

However, the alliance is not monolithic.

The Yulong family, the temple family, the Damu family, etc., have a very ambiguous relationship with Bai Mo.

Moreover, they are truly proud of the top family, and they don't think that giving ordinary people a chance will make them fall behind.

If this happens, it can only show that they can't do it themselves.

Even the leader of the alliance, Damalanqi, pondered for a long time after getting the news of the mode of fighting the development zone, and chose to ignore it.

He is also of civilian origin.

Civilians have better promotion channels, and he is happy to see them when the alliance and peace will not be broken!

All in all, Bai Mo is now upright and has attracted the attention of most of the trainers who are not weak in talent and definitely not weak!

But for the time being, he doesn't care anymore.

After speaking, Bai Mo entered the battle dome under the leadership of Hills.

Today's game is still going on beautifully!

In the dedicated channel, seeing that there was still time, Bai Mo spoke to Aier again: "Ai'er, it would be nice to see you again!"

"I'll treat you to dinner tonight."

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