"Okay!" Ai'er naturally didn't reject Bai Mo's invitation, and even had the intention to secretly rejoice. After the scandal broke out, when she returned to Carlos, she heard her teacher's advice and knew something.

At the beginning, after knowing some of the situations she might face in the future, Ai'er sat down and made a decision, she would take hold of Bai Mo!

This is not to say that Aier fell in love with Bai Mo at first sight.

To Bai Mo, even if there was an accident at the beginning, Aier only had a good impression of him for the time being.

But after knowing some things that she will face in the future, Ai'er thinks of Bai Mo's handsomeness, ability, conversation, etc., plus the good feeling in her heart, she thinks it will be her best choice.

This is the sensible choice.

So, Ai'er wanted to try to develop a relationship with Bai Mo.

She has already thought about it, if she gets along well with Bai Mo, then she will be identified as her.

Of course, if Bai Mo wasn't suitable for her, she would choose an ordinary life.

But now, things have an answer.

In the past six months, Bai Mo has often contacted Aier, and the relationship between the two continues to heat up.

Especially Bai Mo's wise, knowledgeable and funny side deeply attracts Ai'er.

In addition, Aier found that some of the mad bees and butterflies she had encountered before had disappeared, and this was also thanks to Bai Mo.

Not only that, Bai Mo also loosed a lot of gifts from Ai'er, such as rare knowledge, rare props, etc...

Ai'er is not a superficial woman, otherwise she would have been abducted long ago.

But she liked what Bai Mo gave her, because it was given by her sweetheart, and it was the cultivation of feelings.

The current Ai'er, facing Bai Mo, is only one window away from love!

After a few more exchanges with Aier, Bai Mo looked at Sarina behind her and said with a smile, "You are Sarina, it's the first time we meet, hello!"

"Ah, Bai... Hello, Dr. Bai Mo!" She was suddenly a little flustered by Bai Mo's cue, and her face flashed a little flush, which was because of excitement.

Bai Mo is Serina's super idol.

In the past, when Bai Mo was chatting with Aier by chance, he naturally also chatted with Serina, who had become Aier's junior sister.

However, it was the first time the two met, so Bai Mo recognized her, which surprised Sarina.

"You don't need to call me Dr. Bai Mo, just call me Bai Mo or Brother Bai Mo!" Bai Mo gestured to Sarina that she didn't need to be so outspoken.

"Yes!" Serena nodded quickly, a little excited.

On the side, Ma Xiu saw this scene, and she frowned slightly with a smile on her face, and said curiously:

"Dr. Bai Mo, why don't you think I'm Selina?"

Ma Xiu had just become a gym trainer, and she was just an ordinary quasi-celestial-level gym trainer. She didn't think Bai Mo knew her, so how could the other party recognize the unseen Sarina?

Ma Xiu is very curious!

Chapter 0930 Brushing the moment of favor with Selina and Maxiu!

Hearing the voice with a unique Kyoto accent, Bai Mo looked at Ma Xiu with deep appreciation in his eyes.

Ma Xiu is regarded as a girl from a country of history, with a mysterious atmosphere all over her body, and with her outfit and costumes, it gives people a kind of classical beauty.

Moreover, she is also specialized in the rare goblin department, giving people the feeling of immortality.

But her beautiful legs in the lower body are wrapped in black silk, giving people a sense of contrast, a feeling of extreme temptation, very sensual.

Such a fusion of characteristics, in line with that beautiful face.

Bai Mo felt that a man would be moved when he saw it!

As for Ma Xiu's question, Bai Mo naturally wouldn't tell the truth. After thinking about it, he smiled and said, "Because I know you, Miss Ma Xiu!"

"I know the simple elimination method."

"And although I haven't seen Serena, I've heard her lovely voice!"

"But, cute!" Serina's pretty face suddenly flushed red, a white smoke rose from her head, and she instantly lost her ability to think.

Being praised as cute by Bai Mo, even if she just said her voice, Serena was very excited!

"You know me?" Ma Xiu looked at Bai Mo in surprise. She was even more curious now, wondering how she got into Bai Mo's eyes...

"Of course!" Bai Mo glanced at Sarina from the corner of his mouth, and said, "Not only do I know you, but the first time I saw you, I knew you very well, Miss Ma Xiu!"

"Uh-huh!?" Ma Xiu blinked and put on a look of listening intently. Obviously, she wanted to hear how much Bai Mo knew about him, or just talk about it?Get your own attention?

Ma Xiu is not narcissistic, he just sees a lot of similar situations...

Aside, Hills, Ahida, Aier and Serena also pricked up their ears.

Seeing this, Bai Mo was naturally true and asked:

"Miss Ma Xiu, you are from the Chengdu area, right?"

"Huh?" Sarina blinked and looked at Ma Xiu, obviously she didn't know about it, while Aier looked at Bai Mo curiously.

As a friend of Ma Xiu, Aier knows Ma Xiu's birthplace.

"It's a good guess!" Ma Xiu was not surprised that Bai Mo knew his birthplace, and smiled, "I speak the traditional Kyoto accent, and a smart person can know that I grew up in Chengdu when I was a child. , let alone a person like you, Dr. Bai Mo?"

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