"It hurts!" Sarina reached out and covered her chest, because what Ma Xiu said just now seemed to be saying that she was a fool! !

"Don't worry!" Bai Mo smiled lightly and continued, "I also know that Miss Ma Xiu used to be a model!"

"Huh?" A surprise finally appeared on Ma Xiu's always smiling face.

At this time, Bai Mo said in one breath, "I also know that you are a costume designer, Ma Xiu, and at the same time, you are also a gym trainer, right?"

"You?" After listening to Bai Mo's words, Ma Xiu's always-unchanged business-like smile finally disappeared, turning into surprise.

Bai Mo actually knew her, although it was only in terms of identity, it was also very curious.

How is this going?

Did Bai Mo investigate her?

But it's not right, she is an unknown character, what is Bai Mo doing to investigate her?

Seeing that Ma Xiu's expression finally changed, Bai Mo said with a smile, "Miss Ma Xiu, your real expression now makes you feel more close."


If Ma Xiu was still surprised before, it has completely turned into shock now.

Some of the previous news could be investigated by competent people, but even some of her behaviors were clearly known.

How did Bai Mo know?

At this moment, Ma Xiu was extremely curious, and she was looking forward to how Bai Mo would explain.

But at this moment, Bai Mo suddenly turned his head and said to Hills, "We're here, let's go to the game first!"

It turned out that before they knew it, everyone had walked out of the dedicated channel and came to the battlefield!

Everyone, "..."

Bai Mo's turning point came too fast, and when everyone was itching to stop suddenly, it was really uncomfortable.

Isn't this torture?

But now that it's really in place, it's still a matter of business.

"Okay, I'll be on the stage first!" Hills nodded first and walked out.

When he left, Bai Mo turned to Ma Xiu and said, "As for why I know you so well, Miss Ma Xiu, I can give you a hint..."

"Not through investigation..."

After speaking, Bai Mo grinned and walked into the arena!

"...Damn man!" Looking at Bai Mo's back, Ma Xiu was a little mad, because this man successfully aroused her curiosity.

Facing Bai Mo, Ma Xiu felt that she had been seen through, but she found that she didn't hate this feeling.

Rather happy.

Under Ma Xiu's infrequently emotional smile, in fact, she hides a heart that wants to be understood and approached.

She also wants someone to know her truth.

And Bai Mo, the first man to give her this feeling.

At this time, Bai Mo, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped, turned to Ma Xiu and said, "Miss Ma Xiu, I don't know you because I investigated you, but I deduced it."

Saying that, Bai Mo pointed at his own brain, looking like a stinky fart.

Hearing his words, the four of them were even more surprised again, but before they could ask, Bai Mo chuckled lightly:

"As for how I reasoned it out, I'll tell you after I finish the game."


As Bai Mo's voice fell, his voice had disappeared in front of the four.


The four immediately recognized Bai Mo's method, and then, their eyes turned to the front of the battlefield, and found that Bai Mo had indeed appeared in the battle position.

"He's so handsome!" Serena, who is usually calm in one aspect of her personality, was rarely a nympho, and Aier's eyes were completely focused on a certain figure.

As for Ma Xiu, I have to say that Bai Mo's routine of deliberately arousing people's curiosity is very useful, and now people are already interested in him.

That's right, Ma Xiu has a strong interest in Bai Mo.

In Ma Xiu's opinion, she is just a little trainer who has just become a gym owner.

And Bai Mo seems to know her very well, which has to make her, who already likes mystery, interested!

Chapter 0931 To fans of Bai Strange all kinds of Elf Monkeys!

"It's not as if he is a world-class idol, or a heavenly king-level trainer, there are quite a lot of people watching!" When he came to the center of the venue and looked at the crowd of people around him, Bai Mo couldn't help but let out a sigh.

All around are people, adults, children; men, women, these people are now giving out the cheers of the sky.

In the player channel, Serena, who had returned to normal, saw the situation at the venue and couldn't help but exclaim: "Is this the popularity of a super popular idol, it's amazing!"

For Serena, who was inspired to become a powerful elf performer, the situation inside the venue was undoubtedly a dream scene.

In this regard, Aier and Ma Xiu are not surprised. The two, one is the current Queen Carlos, and the other is a former supermodel. I have seen this scene a lot!

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