In mid-air, Three D Dragon Z quickly gathered strength.

"Huhu, sandstorm!"

Although the opponent was an elf he had never seen before, Xiao Ji's expression was still very calm, and he issued an order.


The pot quickly spun in place, forming a sand whirlwind cage, which expanded rapidly, and instantly enveloped the Three-D Dragon Z, which was still accumulating energy.

"Yes, although I don't know the elf, but I still know about the ultimate trick. The hit rate of the electromagnetic gun is extremely low, and creating a sandstorm can make the hit rate even lower!"

"Good fighting awareness!"

Bai Mo figured out Xiao Ji's thoughts in an instant!


Bai Mo was right, the electromagnetic cannon fired by the [-]D Dragon Z did not hit the pot, but was fired into the pool not far from the pot, causing a lot of splashes.

"Huhu, roll up tightly!"

Xiao Ji directed Hu Hu to launch a counterattack.

Hu Hu's limbs quickly elongated, and went straight to the three-D Dragon Z in the air.

Seeing this, Bai Mo's expression remained the same, but he did not speak.

Under everyone's attention, just as Hu Hu was about to hit the Three D Dragon Z, the latter's head and body quickly separated from the middle, avoiding the attack.

This strange scene shocked everyone!


Bai Mo's voice spread all over the venue at this time.

Three-D Dragon Z quickly sent out a beam of light, the pot was hit, and the whole body emitted a blue light, which was marked by Three-D Dragon Z.


Seeing the three D Dragon Z's body suddenly separated from the middle, Rao is a calm Xiao Ji, and a trace of surprise flashed on his face, but realizing that he was still fighting, she quickly recovered and ordered:

"Hot pot, use highly poisonous!"

"Sure enough, this pot is trained to be a disturbance type, and wins the battle with the influence of weather and special conditions!"

"It's a very suitable symbol of luck!"

Bai Mo smiled lightly and ordered, "Strengthen your mind!"

The highly poisonous use of Huhu comes from those stretched limbs. According to Bai Mo's analysis, Xiao Ji's original plan was to first let Huhu tightly grasp the three-D Dragon Z with a roll, and then use the highly poisonous, so that in the sandstorm And in the highly poisonous state, no matter how strong the Three D Dragon Z is, after the three rounds of the pot, the game will be lost!

It's a pity that this time Xiao Ji suffered from a lack of culture. Her plan was very good, but she didn't count as a three-D dragon Z's body could be separated, so that the initial tightening of the pot was unsuccessful...

And obviously, Hu Hu has no other attack methods, so he still used a highly poisonous trick.

However, the poison of the pot is destined to be useless.

Chapter 0937 Pokekigu debut!


After Bai Mo gave the order, a blue light appeared in the eyes of Three D Dragon Z.


Hu Hu's limbs, which glowed with a strange purple light, stopped before they hit the Three D Dragon Z, and then quickly bounced back.

With the presence of a lock, the special attack of the Three D Dragon Z can almost hit the pot with [-]%.

"Triangle attack!"

Hu Hu flew out backwards, Bai Mo chased after the victory!

"Hold on!"

Xiao Ji responded, and the pot that flew out moved into action, and a white shield appeared around his body.


Hold to block the attack of the triangle attack.

"Three D Dragon Z, the triangular cage!"

Hu Hu's performance was within Bai Mo's expectations, and he had already responded.

The triangular cage is a skill that Bai Mo can innovate when he is bored to train [-]D Dragon Z!

This time is different from the first time, the four-piece triangle attack was launched by the three-D dragon Z, and flew towards the pot under the control of mental interference.

"Huhu, hold on!"

Xiaoji clearly felt that this move would produce extraordinary power, but Huhu had no powerful tricks, and he couldn't do it if he wanted to resist, so he could only passively choose to defend.

However, in the face of this trick of Three D Dragon Z, Hu Hu's defense is useless!

In the field, the four triangular attacks were controlled to wrap the pot, and the light of protection that appeared around the pot was continuously compressed to converge with each other!


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