With the sound like glass shattering, the white shield shattered, and the four triangular attacks were combined in one place!


At the moment when the triangular attack merges, fire, ice, and thunder energy appear in the triangular cage, and they take turns to attack the pot.

Seeing this, Bai Mo gave the last order.

"End the battle, destroy the death light!"


Three D Dragon Z finally quickly condensed and launched a huge golden beam of light. The beam of light instantly shrouded the position of the pot and exploded violently!


After Hu Hu was hit by the explosion, it was blown away by the shock wave, and flew to the outside of the field, and passed out. The sandstorm also disappeared with Hu Hu, lost the support of strength, and slowly dispersed.

"Huhu loses its fighting power, and the Three D Dragon Z wins!" the referee immediately announced.

"Good job, Three D Dragon Z!" Bai Mo praised Three D Dragon Z, its first show in the battle, and it performed very well!

"Z! Z! Z!"

Three-D Dragon Z narrowed his eyes and let out a happy cry.

"The pot on the big sister's head just lost like that!~"

"Three D Dragon Z didn't get any damage, it's not good to go on like this!"

Xiao Ji's rapid defeat made the faces of the three girls who greeted Bai Mo with her look worried!

Among them, a woman with yellow hair encouraged loudly:

"Big sister, come on!"

"Big sister, come on!"

The remaining two women also shouted.

Xiao Ji was unmoved, she retracted the pot, and immediately threw the second Poke Ball.

"Spoon Snake, come out!"

Xiaoji released his trump card, the king-level and intermediate-level rice spoon snake!


The Rice Spoon Snake showed its blood-red teeth towards the three-D Dragon Z in the air.

"Three D Dragon Z, come back!"

Bai Mo did not continue to use the idea of ​​​​Dragon Z, and he also threw the second Poke Ball:

"Pokkigu, it's up to you!"

"Use command skills!"

Bai Mo sent Pokekigu, who had just evolved not long ago.

After a period of travel, Pokekigu's strength is now the peak of the quasi-king, and it will take some time to break through the king.

That's right, Pokekigu has not evolved to Pokerkis, and already has the strength of a quasi-king.

When it evolves, Bai Mo believes that it will be able to enter the Heavenly King level directly, and take a big step directly!

In this battle now, Bai Mo is using it to add experience to Pokékigu.

In fact, there is another reason, that is, the hidden feature of Pokekigu is super lucky.

Since the battle this time is a symbol of luck, Bai Mo doesn't mind playing it!


As Bai Mo threw the Poké Ball, with a pair of small wings growing behind him, the cute and small Poke Kigu appeared in the arena, and his two hands were already waving their fingers.

"The rice spoon snake, use its poisonous tail!"

Noticing Pokekigu's actions, Xiao Ji responded quickly.


With a flick of its tail, the Rice Spoon Snake swam quickly on the field, with a purple light on its tail, and it slammed violently after it approached Pokokigu.


At the moment when the snake's tail was drawn by the spoon, Pokekigu's hands emitted a white light, and then she saw her jumping in place, as if dancing.

This action is just right to avoid the attack of the poisonous tail of the rice spoon.

"What, it's actually a splash of water, and it also avoided the attack of the eldest sister's venomous tail?" A red-haired girl shouted in disbelief.

"Pokkigu, come on!"

"come on!"

Ai Er and Serena had become cheerleaders at this time, cheering on Pokkigu for a long time in the audience!

"It's really a trick that depends entirely on luck. I can't believe that Bai Mo would actually send a elf who can command and command as a symbol of luck."

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