Thanks!Standing behind Bai Mo, Sally also slowly stood up and thanked her politely.

You're welcome, just do what you can!Bai Mo smiled at Sally, then suddenly showed an unexpected look, and asked, "Are you the girl who took a photo with me just now?"

Ah yes!Sally blushed and nodded, feeling a little shy, thinking that she had been discovered!

So you are my fan?Bai Mo asked curiously.

Uh, yes!Sally originally wanted to say that her younger brother was Bai Mo's fan. She just wanted to tempt her brother on purpose, but thinking that Bai Mo had just saved her, she didn't seem to be able to disappoint others.

Moreover, Bai Mo really makes people want to follow him. He is strong, knowledgeable, gentle, handsome, and rich...

It seems normal for such a person to be his fan.

I didn't expect to save my fans, so we have a good relationship.Bai Mo smiled, making Lisa's face even redder.

On the one hand, it is because of lying and on the other hand because of shyness.

Well, my little fan, I'll have a chance to chat later, I'm going to continue the game now.Bai Mo smiled at Sally Riya, then looked at Bangira.

Old class, recovery is almost there.

It's almost time to start the showdown!

class!Bangira let out a roar, and her eyes became sharp.

Just now, Pokkis used Healing Wave on Bangira, and now it has fully recovered.

Bai Mo just wanted a fair fight.

Seeing this, the surrounding crowd consciously gave up an open space. The battle between Bai Mo and Bangira was really interesting.

Well, the next step is to decisively conquer the game today!

That host is indeed the one who was invited by Fengliang City to preside over the celebration of the wind. He has good eyesight and knows the popularity. The first thing he said was Mr. Kagaki who ranked first in points. The second is Mr. Xiao Zhi who came from behind, and Dr. Bai Mo is the third!

But now, Dr. Bai Mo is facing the front-most Bangira, which represents a large number of points.

In the current situation, if Dr. Bai Mo can subdue Bangira, then the Pang Dang points will also belong to him, allowing him to become the champion in one fell swoop, unparalleled!

But if it fails, it means that the final champion will be Mr. Kagaki!

Now, let's wait and see!

When the host was speaking, the contestants had all returned one after another, and they all gathered around to watch the game.

They are very disciplined, they know first come first served, and they know more about their own weight, and they are not opponents of Bangira at all.

In the crowd, Kagage was the most nervous. He also heard the host's words and understood that the next battle was to decide the outcome.

Pokkis, wave missiles!

Bai Mo commanded Pokkis to launch an attack. Pokkis and Bangira have a level gap. At this time, it is best to use four times the fighting skills to restrain the opponent!


Pokkis opened his mouth to condense a blue energy ball and fired it towards Bangira.


A golden light also condensed in front of Bangira's mouth!


The blue energy light ball was fast, and it concentrated the golden light ball condensed by Bangira!

The two light balls began to stalemate.

However, the golden ball of light has a steady influx of Bangira's power and is gaining the upper hand!


Bai Mo's eyes narrowed!


Pokkis flapped his wings and flew towards Bangira very fast!

Chapter 0965 The Legend of Zeraora


At a certain moment, Bai Mo suddenly shouted!


The figure of Pokkis disappeared in an instant, just like an instant, and came to Bangira in the blink of an eye!


Bangira gets hit by Pokkis and 'flys out!


Bangira was knocked to the ground, at this moment, Bai Mo threw the Poke Ball in his hand!

The Poké Ball hits Bangira and absorbs it!


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