Without any accident, Bangira was captured

In fact, all this is normal, because the original intention of this subjugation competition is to subdue, as long as the Poké Ball used by the trainer can touch the Pokémon, it will be subdued.

As for the battle before the conquest, in addition to the trainer himself wanting to prove his accident, in fact, it is more to create a chance for himself to successfully throw the Poke Ball.

After all, if you throw the Poke Ball directly, the Pokemon can dodge and use skills.

Especially this king-level Bangira, it is impossible for ordinary people to deal with it.

How many trainers are there in the whole world?How many come back for a game like this.

So, there are rules!

Well, the champion belongs to me!

Bai Mo released his super power, wrapped the Poke Ball and let it fly into his hands.

The king-level elf is definitely the existence with the highest points, and now, he is sure to win.

And so is it.

After Bai Mo subdued Bangira, the time came to an end. Bai Mo was subduing Bangira and won by an absolute advantage.

And Kagaki just won the second place, but the purple-haired little girl is still very happy!

Ash was third and Touko was fourth.

At the end of the game, Chang Shi put the trophy certificate and gifts into Bai Mo's hands. He seemed very calm about this, because this was the most normal thing, and he only wanted to play in this competition.

Sure enough, it was Dr. Bai Mo who won the match!

In the crowd, La Ruguo, who had watched Zeraola come over, flashed his big eyes and saw that his father gave Bai Mo an award, which was absolutely right.

Wow, so handsome!

Lisa, who was at the front of the crowd, murmured. Just now, she recently watched the process of Bai Mo's use of Pokkis to subdue Bangira.

Really handsome.

Thinking of her brother's desire to conquer an Ibrahimovic, she felt that she needed to work hard, and she also had some expectations.

The process of conquering the elf seems to be very interesting.

After the awards, Chang Shi suddenly asked Bai Mo Dr. Bai Mo if he was interested in having dinner together?

Who is Bai Mo?

The youngest doctor, who is also the chairman of the world-class company WT, has conquered the head-level trainer who stretched out his hand.

Such a person, if he has the opportunity, naturally wants to have an intersection with him.


Bai Mo just noticed La Ruguo who was leaving at the back of the crowd, and suddenly had a bad taste in his heart. He agreed to the invitation from the boss and said that I had plans to establish a WT branch in Fengliang City.

Just in time to chat with Mr. Shi!

Really! ?

The boss immediately became interested. You must know that WT has branches in his brother's city, but it is not a branch in the true sense, just like the existence of an outlet.

Because wt's express companies have opened all over the world.

But if it is a branch, it is different.

The Wt branch will have various industries that WT is involved in, such as the resurrection of fossils, such as the sale of the carp king that can evolve into a tyrannosaur.

There is even a hall for taking missions.

This can play a big role in the economy and construction of a city.

This is a huge temptation for the boss.

Afterwards, Bai Mo discussed with the girl and gave Mr. Shi an accurate answer, and they would go to his house on their own when they were ready.

Time soon came to evening.

The purple-haired girl fell asleep on Kagage's back.

You lied again today, brother!The purple-haired girl's mother looked at Kagage helplessly.

I also don't want my dear niece to be disappointed!

Fortunately, the one who lost this time was Dr. Bai Mo, otherwise it would be really frustrating!

Kagaki sighed helplessly, then squinted to one side, full of disgust, and said, "Why are you following me?"


The nonsense tree saluted.

I didn't lie!Kagaki roared in response, "I have not subdued you, why are you following me?"

nonsense.The nonsense tree reported a smile.

I think this child is because he likes you too much, brother!The purple-haired heroine guessed.

ha?The corner of Kagage's mouth twitched, but he had no plans to subdue the nonsense tree.

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