He nodded heavily.

On the side, when the shichang heard the words, he frowned, thinking in his heart.

Afterwards, dinner quickly explained that Bai Mo and Chang Shi also discussed related matters, and the latter said that he would provide a quick place for Bai Mo to use.

The two have now officially established a partnership.

He took out his watch and looked at it. Seeing that it was almost time, Bai Mo bid farewell.

at the same time.

In the forest, Lisa climbed the mountain with some difficulty leaning on a branch she picked up from the roadside, with green leaves and sunglasses on her head, and the makeup at the corners of her eyes was a little changed.

Really, damn it, where is it?Lisa sighed in embarrassment.


As Lisa's figure appeared, some sleeping elves were startled and rushed out one after another.

what! .

Frightened by a flying owl, Lisa let out an exclamation.

Don't move suddenly!

As soon as her voice came out, a strong light suddenly appeared towards her, causing her to close her eyes.

Hey, who are you, don't you know that this forest is not allowed to approach?A man's voice appeared.

ah?Lisa looked in the direction of the light, and found that it was a man in a ranger costume with a Poké Ball logo on his chest.

This person should be a ranger belonging to the Alliance.

What's wrong?Hearing Lisa's questioning voice and seeing that she was a girl again, the ranger asked strangely: Don't you know the curse of Zeraora?

Wait, what is Zeraora?Lisa blinked her eyes suspiciously, and asked what the curse you said was?

Are you a tourist?Lisa's perplexing question led the ranger to conclude that she was not a native, otherwise she would not even know the curse that has been passed down.

Since you are a tourist, it is understandable that you will go up the mountain without knowing it.

Thinking of this, the ranger opened his mouth and said, in a word, those here are not allowed to come up, you should leave now!

Ok, Ok!

Lisa nodded quickly, but she still took out her mobile phone and showed it to the ranger, and asked if you could tell me where this ultra-rare elf can be predicted?

Ultra-rare pixie?

The ranger glanced at the phone, and the corner of his mouth twitched, isn't this Ibrahimovic?

Although Ibrahimovic is relatively rare, it is not considered rare in the court, right?

In some special places, Ibrahimovic is relatively easy to meet, but not on this mountain.


His face was already, and then he suddenly reacted, he was being deceived!


Lisa was walking down the mountain angrily, when a strange sound of collision suddenly came.

She looked curiously in the direction from which the voice came, her heart trembled violently.

A pair of blood-red eyes lit up in the direction of the self-examination, and then a dark black Ruga walked out under the reflection of the moonlight.

! !

Seeing Heruga, Lisa trembled for no reason, and hurriedly ran down the mountain.

Seeing this, Heluga didn't chase after him. Although he was an evil spirit, he wouldn't take any action against a human without a threat.

Running to the town street at the foot of the mountain in one breath, Lisa began to breathe from a distance, and couldn't help but look back.

Lisa breathed a sigh of relief this time when she found that the somewhat ferocious elf did not follow.

Damn, it's all the old man's fault!

Ma Xiu angrily repented and punched her fist.

But how am I going to find that Ibrahimovic?After getting angry, Lisa became a little dejected and walked forward weakly.


Suddenly, Lisa's eyes widened, and she wisely said that others don't know, but Dr. Bai Mo must know!

But, where does Dr. Bai Mo live?

Ah, I'm stupid, Bai Mobo

A big celebrity like Shi, just ask and you'll know!

Lisa couldn't help but praise her wit, her slender legs regained her vitality again, and she went straight to the nearest cafe.

! !

When the people in the cafe saw the embarrassed Lisa walk in, they were all frightened for a while.

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