Lisa's current appearance is truly unbelievable.

Well, do you know where Dr. Bai Mo lives?Lisa came to the coffee shop owner and asked.

Hearing this, the coffee shop owner blinked, stretched out his hand and pointed in one direction, I don't know where Dr. Bai Mo is, but I do know where he is!

Chapter 0967 Help to conquer the Ibrahimovic war!

What do you find me for?

Bai Mo stood up from his seat, walked to Lisa's side, and said with a smile that you were the young lady who was almost knocked down by Bangira during the day. Are you looking for me to thank me?

Bai Mo roughly knew what Lisa was looking for him to do, and he originally wanted to do him a favor.

The request of a beautiful high school student, who considers himself a gentleman, will not refuse.

It's just that Bai Mo didn't expect to meet each other in a coffee shop so coincidentally, and the other party was still looking for him, so he couldn't help but want to joke.

Well, thanks must be thankful, Dr. Bai Mo, I have invited you to have coffee this time.Lisa stretched out her hand and patted her breast, which had grown out of scale, and pretended to be generous, but her heart was bleeding.

She doesn't have much pocket money, this time it must be bleeding.

No matter, when I go home, I must let my brother pay back the money.

Lisa thought to herself.

But at this time, Bai Mo chuckled and shook his head, saying that I don't have the habit of letting girls do things.

Miss, you better tell me what you are looking for me to do.

Actually, I have something to ask you.When it comes to business, Lisa's face is also a little more serious, her hands are folded, and she begged that this is the case, my brother wants me to help him subdue an Ibrahimovic.

But I don't even know where Ibrahimovic is, so I think you can help me, the youngest Dr. Bai Mo in the world, so I came to you.

Oh, it turned out to be to subdue Ibrahimovic.Bai Mo nodded and said with a relaxed expression that of course I found this little elf, very easy, I can help you.

Really?Then let's go.Seeing Bai Mo agree, Lisa hugged his arm excitedly and was about to drag him away.

But she found that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't move Bai Mo, and immediately turned back with a puzzled expression.

This lady.Bai Mo couldn't help laughing a little bit, he pointed at the sky outside, and said that it was night, and from time to time, he would go to the elves to subdue him.

what!Lisa suddenly blushed.


Time came to the second day.

On a country road, Bai Mo, Lugia, Shanaido, and Meloetta accompany Lisa to walk forward.

Ah, I am honored to have the help of the world's first young doctor. ' It can be seen that Lisa is a lively girl after all, and she is always looking for topics to chat while walking.

Thank you for your affirmation!Bai Mo smiled lightly.

At this moment, Shanaido suddenly stopped.

Noticing Shanaido's actions, Bai Mo smiled: Did you find it?

Well, Mo, there is an Eevee there.Shanaido stretched out and pointed in a direction, where there was a green bush, blocking the sight of several people.

But Meloetta, Bai Mo, and Lugia are all beings who can use superpowers, and when they release their superpowers, they feel the presence of Ibrahimovic on the other side of the bush.

Sure enough, Ibrahimovic, let's go!

Bai Mo greeted Lisa and walked towards the bushes first.

Although Lisa was curious about how Bai Mo was sure that there was Ibrahimovic behind the bush, she still followed.

Arriving in front of the bushes, Bai Mo stretched out his hand to open it, and the force behind him suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Behind the bushes in between is a green grass, and at the end of the green grass is a cliff, and the lower part of the cliff is the sea.

On the green grass on the edge of the cliff, an Ibrahimovic was yawning and scratching the itch comfortably with his hind feet.

Ah, that's it, that's it!Seeing Ibrahimovic with her own eyes, Lisa was immediately excited.

That's right!Bai Mo chuckled and said Lisa, where's your elf?

Before conquering the elves, the battle is necessary.

ah? !Lisa was stunned, and murmured, is there such a request?

Although I knew early on that Lisa wasn't very interested in the elf thing, I didn't think Ou was going to become a trainer, so I didn't know much about it.


But seeing her silly behavior, Bai Mo was still a little speechless.

Let me lend you a little elf.

Bai Mo shook his head amusingly, thought for a while, then took out a pokeball and threw it out

Positive electric pat, you come!



A positive electric pat appeared on the green grass.

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