
This wave missile directly hit the big steel snake's forehead and exploded. The fighting system's restraint on the steel system was twice as high. The explosion of this wave missile directly blew the whole body of the big steel snake. bent back.

Seeing the success of the attack, Bai Mo was overjoyed, but with a calm expression, he seized the opportunity to pursue the victory, and directly let Lucario continue to launch a wave of missiles.

He was hit again, only to hear, "Boom", the huge body of the big steel snake fell to the ground.

"Well done, Lucario!"

Seeing Lucario flying down from the sky, Bai Mo gave a deep compliment.

"Lu!" Lucario also responded with Bai Mo's compliment, but his eyes were still sharply staring at the big steel snake.

This big steel snake will not be defeated so easily.

But when the smoke cleared, even Lucario showed a surprised look, because the big steel snake had fainted.

In this regard, Bai Mo seemed very calm. He had already known everything through his superpowers, which was why he had time to praise Lucario. The previous one was obviously a hit.

Looking at the fainted big steel snake, Bai Mo took out a pokeball and threw it at it.

Next, it's time to go to the elf center and have a gym match with Naki!

Chapter 0197 Bai Mo and Na Qi, the beginning of the 5VS5 battle

Bai Mo successfully subdued the big steel snake, which means that the strongest combat power in this steel valley has been subdued.

But because of the fact that he already has Boss Cordola, who has higher aptitude, strength and power potential, it can be said that Bai Mo, a big steel snake of the same type, intends to carry it with him for training temporarily, but intends to wait until he can Consider this when carrying the second-tier elf.

Even the big steel snake was subdued, and Bai Mo was too lazy to train in the Valley of Steel, so he let out the fire-breathing dragon and sat on it. The rest of the people also released their own riding elf when they saw it. Under the leadership, they came to an elf center built at the top of the valley.

There is an opposing battlefield behind the center of this elf, and on one side of the opposing battlefield is a cliff.

When they arrived at the elf center, Bai Mo and the others first recovered the elf in their hands.

Then, as agreed, Bai Mo challenged Na Qi.

Because the gym is built on a cliff, which is relatively remote but there are always many tourists and not many tourists, Joey Road is not very busy.

According to the regulations of the alliance, if the gym trainer is outside, if the trainer starts a challenge with the gym badge as a bet, he needs to borrow the surrounding gym referee or Joey to act as a temporary referee.

Now this game is Joey as the referee, Bai Mo and Yinyu Gym trainer Na Qi.

When she came to the venue, Na Qi said loudly, "Dr. Bai Mo, the cliff beside me is good for me. You can't take this badge away."

"Also, I know your rumors and strength, and I don't plan to conduct a verification battle, can you?"

"Let me see if you really have the strength to match this white feather badge in my hand!"

Seeing that Na Qi is so confident, Bai Mo is naturally not to be outdone, "I also want to see what kind of strength you have, Miss Na Qi, who is known as the 'bird messenger soaring in the sky' on the elf forum."

"It's good to fight with all your strength."

Bai Mo knew very well that Na Qi felt that she was a worthy opponent and wanted to cherish every battle where she could gain experience and grow.

"What a strong smell of gunpowder!" Seeing this scene, they whispered to Ram and the others on the side of the battlefield. Then, they all consciously walked to the spectator seats and sat down, waiting for the game to start.

At the same time, on the side of the center of the battlefield, Miss Joy stretched out her hand to signal for the two to prepare, turned on the video recorder at the same time, and announced the rules of the game from Naqi.

"Then, now, let's start the gym competition between Yinyu gym trainer Na Qi and the challenger Bai Mo from Weibai Town."

"The number of elves that can be used by both sides is five. When all the elves of one side lose their fighting power, the game ends."

"Also, in the competition, only the challenger has the right to change the elf!"

"Is there any objection between the two parties?"

"No!" Na Qi naturally has no problem, the rules are what she said.

Bai Mo was stunned when he heard the words. He didn't expect Na Qi to be 5 vs 5 with him. However, he was not false and immediately said loudly, "No problem!"

"That's the case!" Joey finally looked at the two and said, "The game begins!"

"Great sky, please give us wings, and give us powerful wings that won't lose to any gust of wind." As Joey announced the start of the game, Naqi suddenly squatted down, crossed her hands on her chest, and started with sincerity prayer ceremony.

Seeing this ceremony, Bai Mo didn't interrupt anything, just watched quietly.

After praying, Naqi got up, raised her hands above her head, and shouted: "Then, guide us in the vast blue world, so that we can spread our majestic wings."

After speaking, Na Qi took the lead in throwing a Poke Ball.

"Come out, tropical dragon!"

As Naqi's words fell, a red light flashed from the elf ball, and an elf with four green leaf-like wings flapped its wings and stopped in front of Naqi.

"Tropical dragon!"

"Elite-level strength, top-grade qualifications, very good!"

Using his superpower to learn the news he wanted, Bai Mo lowered his head and muttered a few words, and also threw a Pokeball, "Fire-breathing dragon, it's you!"

"Fire-breathing dragon!"

Seeing Bai Mo use the fire-breathing dragon, Na Qi frowned. Both the fire-breathing dragon and the tropical dragon have dual attributes, and both elves have the air-type attribute, but the fire-breathing dragon restrains the tropical dragon's grass type.

This game is not good.

However, Na Qi was not afraid, her eyes narrowed and she said loudly, "Tropical dragon, attack first, the wind blows!"

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