Upon receiving the order, the tropical dragon uttered a cry, and the two pairs of leaves on its back quickly fanned, bringing a strong whirlwind toward the fire-breathing dragon.

The wind came so fast that it came to the fire-breathing dragon almost instantly, and the latter suddenly showed a painful look.

Soon, it was blown off the ground by this Gu Feng, and flew backwards.

"Tropical dragon, attack with wings!" Naqi made the tropical dragon take advantage of the victory.

"Fire-breathing dragon, downwind!" Bai Mo naturally wouldn't be indifferent, and immediately issued an order.

Inside the arena, the wings behind the fire-breathing dragon, which had been thrown backwards in pain, swayed rapidly.

A stronger wind appeared, which easily offset the wind blown by the tropical dragon, and drove the fire-breathing dragon to move quickly.

Seeing this scene, Na Qi quickly ordered, "Don't let it escape, let it know what the true meaning of Fengxing is, and use Qifeng again!"

"Fire-breathing dragon, use the latest comprehension move, echo!" Seeing Na Qi's move, Bai Mo's mouth showed a slight smile, and he gave the order with ease.

In mid-air, the fire-breathing dragon that was flying downwind toward the tropics immediately grew to his mouth and let out a strange roar.

This roar spread in the space with strange fluctuations. Hearing this sound, the tropical dragon's face immediately showed a painful look, and the use of the wind skill was also interrupted.

At this time, the fire-breathing dragon was not far from the tropical dragon.

Seeing this scene, Na Qi secretly thought that something was wrong, and hurriedly shouted, "Tropical dragon, cheer up and get out of there quickly!"

"Fire-breathing dragon, don't let it escape, air slash, aim for the wings!" Seeing that the tropical dragon's wings were about to leave the echo fluctuation range, Bai Mo didn't want to miss this opportunity, and immediately issued an order.

Suddenly, the fire-breathing dragon began to flash its wings quickly and rhythmically, and the blades of air took shape, and after forming, with the blessing of the downwind skill that the fire-breathing dragon had already used, it instantly came to the wing of the tropical dragon. superior!

Chapter 0198 Take the first step of Naqi

"Tropical dragon, hurry up and dodge!" Seeing the rapidly approaching blade of air, Na Qi immediately shouted anxiously.

But at this time, the tropical dragon is also more than enough, and the blade of air is a very fast skill. Now, under the blessing of the downwind, he came behind the tropical dragon in an instant and hit his wings.


The blade of air continuously cut on the wings on the back of the tropical dragon, and it suddenly roared out in pain.

"What a powerful air blade!" Seeing the effect of the air blade used by the fire-breathing dragon, Na Qi's eyes flashed with surprise, but she did not lose her mind, but issued an order again, "Tropical dragon, bear it, Unleash the flames of sunshine!"

At this time, it is at the top of the valley, and the sun is very good today. It does not take too long to use the sun to save energy.

"It won't let you succeed!" Although the power of grass-type skills against fire-type elves is halved, Bai Mo doesn't want to eat a fire-breathing dragon with such a powerful skill as Sunshine and Blazing Sun.

Looking at the tropical dragon that began to gather the power of the sun, he immediately shouted, "Fire-breathing dragon, Dragon God swoops!"

This move of the Dragon God swooping is Xirona's thank you to Bai Mojiao for her method of making Shanaido stronger.

Under the guidance of Lie Lu Shark, all Bai Mo's hands can learn this trick, and he has been learning it recently, and the fire-breathing dragon, who has transformed into a perfect aptitude, has the help of Lie Lu Shark, a good master. I've already learned this trick.

In mid-air, the fire-breathing dragon received Bai Mo's order, his eyes suddenly became sharp, and a golden light also gathered in front of him.

Then, the fire-breathing dragon slammed straight down toward the tropical dragon that was not far away.

I have to say that Bai Mo's luck was good, and the side effect of Dragon God's dive appeared. Tropical Dragon felt a little scared after feeling the breath of the fire-breathing dragon and seeing his eyes. Although he was not directly interrupted by the use of skills, The speed of gathering sunlight is also a lot slower!

Immediately afterwards, with a loud 'bang', the fire-breathing dragon hit the body of the tropical dragon, knocking it out far behind.

I have to say that the luck of the tropical dragon is also good. The fire-breathing dragon collided with its predecessor, so the sunlight energy behind it is still gathering.

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo immediately shouted, "Fire-breathing dragon, accumulating flame attack (gunpowder charge)!"

If you want to pay attention to the effect, the energy storage flame attack is more reliable, and the speed is faster.


The power of the flame instantly enveloped the fire-breathing dragon, and it began to burn continuously. Then, the fire-breathing dragon slammed into the tropical dragon with a powerful flame.

Burned by the flames, the tropical dragon made a miserable cry.

Hearing the screams of the tropical dragon, Naqi frowned deeply, staring at the field tightly, thinking in her heart, at this stage of the game, the tropical dragon was basically hit by the fire-breathing dragon to the limit, maybe hurry up and kill the elf Taking it back is the better option.

But just when Naqi made a decision in her heart to take out the Poké Ball, the tropical dragon in the field, who was enduring the flames, suddenly looked at Naqi with feeling, and at this moment, his whole body emitted a bright light. brilliance.

Seeing this, Na Qi was overjoyed and immediately shouted, "Sunshine Flame, launch!"

The tropical dragon did not hesitate, and instantly launched the sun and the scorching sun!


The sunlight flames used by the tropical dragon at close range collided with the fire-breathing dragon that was enveloped by the flames and used the accumulating flame attack, and a huge explosion suddenly occurred.

The two little elves were affected by the explosion, and they were both thrown away with a scream, but the difference was that the tropical dragon was sliding on the ground, while the fire-breathing dragon flew upside down into the cliff. .

Immediately flapped his wings to stabilize his body.

And Bai Mo immediately said aloud after sweeping away the tropical dragon, "Fire-breathing dragon, throw flames!"


The fire-breathing dragon did not hesitate, a fiery red flame swept out from it, and the smoke and dust on the field dispersed, revealing the tropical dragon struggling to stand up, and it enveloped him again.

"Tropical dragon loses its fighting ability, fire-breathing dragon wins!" When the fire-breathing dragon's jet flame ended, the figure of the tropical dragon that had lost its fighting ability and fainted on the ground was revealed in the field, and the referee Joey announced the result immediately.


Seeing Bai Mo's first victory, Ya Yi and Tou Zi jumped up immediately, while Ram kept taking pictures. Only Hirona sat there calmly and looked at Bai Mo with a calm demeanor.

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