On Bai Mo's chest, among the pink crystals, Latias blinked excitedly. She felt that Bai Mo's command was really powerful!

"I lost the first game. Although I'm not reconciled, I have to admire your fire-breathing dragon." She took out the Poke Ball and took back the tropical dragon. Naqi said and took out the second Poke Ball. , his eyes narrowed and he said, "But it's so easy to take away the badge. The real game starts now, let's go, big-mouthed gull!"

"Big-billed Gull, this time I changed the air and added water, a wise idea!"

"And it is elite-level strength and high-grade qualifications, which is very good."

"Unfortunately, I don't plan to pity Xiangxiyu!"

"Fire-breathing dragon, come back and rest first!"

Seeing that Na Qi took out the big-mouthed gull, Bai Mo directly took back the fire-breathing dragon with great combat power, and threw a pokeball with his backhand:

"The forest lizard, it's over to you!"

This time, Bai Mo intends to deal with Na Qi quickly. As for the reason, it is very simple. To live in the heart of a woman who pursues power, she must defeat her in the most amazing way.

Bai Mo planned to win Na Qi early in the morning, and winning this game beautifully was the first step.

"Big-billed Gull, attack first, lightning bolts!" Seeing Bai Mo changing the elf, Na Qi's eyes flashed a glimmer of admiration. Forest lizard's grass type restrained Big-billed Gull's water type, but was defeated by Big-billed Gull's flight type. Restraint, in this game, some are better than others.

After receiving Naqi's order, the big-billed gull flashed, and the whole body turned into a white light and shadow, and instantly came to the forest lizard and slammed into it.

Once the blow was successful, Naqi gave the order again, "Big-billed Gull, use steel wings!"

"Forest lizard, tie a knot!"

Being caught off guard by the lightning bolt, although the forest lizard was injured, it didn't matter. When the big-mouthed gull was ordered to attack again by Naqi, Bai Mo naturally wouldn't sit still, and immediately let the forest lizard launch a counterattack.

A green light appeared in the forest lizard's eyes, and a few thick and long green grass suddenly appeared at the feet of the big-billed gull, and it was about to entangle its claws like lightning.

Chapter 0199 Forest Lizard Evolution!

"Big-billed Gull, fifteen degrees to the left, avoid!"

At the moment when the green grass appeared, Naqi's pupils shrank sharply, and she immediately shouted, the big-billed gull's response was very good, immediately flapping its wings, dodging nimbly, the two claws just rubbed the two grass and flew. past.

At the same time as dodging, the steel wing hit the forest lizard with one blow, quickly ascending and descending quickly, and charged towards the forest lizard again.

"As expected of a bird messenger soaring in the sky!" Bai Mo secretly praised and gave the order again, "Forest lizards, tie a knot!"

After speaking, Bai Mo's mouth curved a little more, and continued using telepathy, "Separate and use!"

At the same time, upon hearing Bai Mo's order, Na Qi confidently ordered, "It doesn't matter how many times you come, Big Mouth, [-] degrees to the right, dodge!"

Once again, the green grass appeared and grabbed one of the big-billed gull's paws, but it was clearly missed again.

However, the next moment, before Na Qi could show a smug smile, another long green grass appeared, and instantly grabbed the lower claws of the leaning body.

Because it was suddenly caught, the big-billed gull didn't react at all, because it was too fast and tripped heavily to the ground.

"What!" Na Qi was shocked when she saw this scene, "What's the use of tying a straw knot!?"

The grass knots that were originally used to grab both feet, actually appeared separately, only grabbing one foot?

Outside the arena, Shirona's eyes also flashed a ray of light, but she didn't think there was anything in the way of using it. She found it interesting that the forest lizard didn't seem to be ordered to use the skills like this, right?

Thinking of this, Xirona looked at Bai Mo with a little more attention. The use of the trainer's super power system in the arena is allowed, and there is no absolute fairness in this world.

Commanding with superpowers is a good way to surprise!

"Naki, my forest lizard can't just use straw knots, you are too confident!" Bai Mo said with a smile, "And the dodging position you want has been used before, in my case, The same method won't work twice!"

"In this case, Big Mouth Gull, use the high-pressure water pump!" At this time, Na Qi also knew that she was really careless, she never thought that Bai Mo's observation and judgment would be so powerful.

And the point is that there seems to be a tacit understanding with forest lizards, and the way forest lizards use grass knots is also very strange.

"I was caught by a straw knot, do you still want to fight back? Just deal some continuous damage!"

As his mind turned around, Bai Mo narrowed his eyes and ordered, "Forest lizards, highly poisonous!"

"Jia Moo!" A strange purple flashed across the forest lizard's eyes, and the highly poisonous move must be done through physical contact.

But this time, things were different.

Forest lizards can deliver toxins through the knots that have entangled toucans.

Almost instantly, when the gulls just rushed to the ground and slowly climbed up, a burst of purple light was transmitted to the gulls along the grass knot. Suddenly, the gulls showed an extremely painful look. The whole body also glowed a strange purple.

"Big-billed Gull~"

Seeing the situation of the big-billed gull, Naki immediately shouted worriedly.

"It's useless!" With a confident look on his face, Bai Mo waved his arm and said loudly, "Forest Lizard, the last blow, Feiye Storm!"

As Bai Mo's order sounded, the forest lizard jumped violently, and in the void, a piece of pointed leaves appeared and swirled there. Those leaves all swept past the big-billed gulls!

At this time, the forest lizard just broke free from the knot, and before it could fly at all, it was instantly submerged in the storm of flying leaves!

After the grass-type ultimate move used by the forest lizard disappeared, the big-billed gull who had passed out appeared in front of everyone.

"The big-billed gull is out of combat, and the forest lizard wins!" Seeing the result, Joey immediately announced.

"Then, this is a special antidote for the poison system!" Seeing Na Qi running into the arena and picking up the gull, Bai Mo said and threw out a special bottle of spray.

Na Qi instinctively caught the spray that Bai Mo threw, and after looking at him meaningfully, she didn't stop, and directly ate it for the big-mouthed gull. The painful expression on the big-mouthed gull's face immediately recovered.

Seeing the gull returning to normal, Na Qi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then took out the poke ball and took the gull back. After doing all this, Na Qi returned to her position again.

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