At this moment, in the venue, a dazzling white light suddenly appeared on the forest lizard...

"This is!"


Around, Ya Yi stood up and shouted excitedly, Bai Mo's elf evolved, and they were even happier than the parties.

Naqi's movement of holding the Poké Ball in her hand was also a meal.

Ram's camera was firmly aimed at the forest lizard, for fear of missing a detail.

In the light, the Lizard King's body was constantly changing.

When the light dissipated, what appeared in front of everyone was the main color of the whole body was green, with a big tail like the wooden Shougong, and like the forest lizards, it also had a "leaf blade" elf that could be used as a weapon.

It was the Lizard King.

"Have you evolved? It's good!" Seeing the evolution of the Lizard King, there was a smile in Bai Mo's eyes. To be honest, the Lizard King evolved a bit late. In his hands, even if Yong Jila was taking it, he would be fighting in the fight. The super-power stone obtained in the ruins of the island also transformed into a top-quality aptitude and evolved into Hudi.

The Lizard King is a little late.

After the evolution of the Lizard King was over, Naqi took a few deep breaths and felt the faint pressure from its body. After stabilizing her emotions, her face showed a calm and confident look again, and then threw the Poké Ball. Loudly said:

"Armored bird, please, use Saling!"

As the Poké Ball opened, a red light flashed, and an armored bird more than twice the size of an ordinary armored bird appeared. The first time it appeared, its wings were a single fan, with countless purple lights. The point fell into the battle arena.

"As expected of Miss Naqi, she can actually grow the armored bird to such a large size." Bai Mo sighed when he saw the armored bird appearing. Then, his eyes were indeed condensed. Looking at Na Qi with certainty, he asked, "This is the armored bird, the one in the morning?"

"That's right!" Hearing Bai Mo's words, Na Qi admitted it very generously, and explained, "I have an armor body left after the loss of a heavenly king-level armor bird, and I need to integrate this!"

"The aptitude, physical quality, and strength of the armored bird have been significantly improved."

"I won't lose this game!"

Chapter 0200 has become stronger too much armor bird

"Really confident!" Seeing Na Qi's confident appearance, Bai Mo's mouth slowly twitched, and his eyes glanced casually at the armored bird that seemed to no longer exist, using Saling scattered in the field.

Bai Mo didn't move at all, he directly retracted the Lizard King and threw a Poke Ball again.

Now, the armored bird is already at the level of a quasi-king, and it is a bit difficult to release Lucario who defeated it in the morning.

And this time, Bai Mo pursued a quick decision, so the elves he sent must be strong.

"I didn't expect that you would continue to choose to exchange the elf even though Saling was successfully used." Seeing Bai Mo replacing the elf, although he didn't understand his intentions, Na Qi's face burst into a confident smile.

Saling is a ground-based skill, and its effect is to throw lings on the opponent's field, causing the elf to be replaced by nearly one-eighth of his own physical strength at that time.

Of course, the degree of damage is the same level or below the same level of elves, if it is above the level of elves, it depends on the situation.


However, at this moment, accompanied by a roar, the fire-breathing dragon appeared again, and found that his opponent was the armored bird that he had not fought against in the morning.

But at this moment, I saw countless white rays of light appear on the surrounding ground, and when the fire-breathing dragon did not react at all, they attacked it together.

The white light came upon him, and the fire-breathing dragon frowned, then shook his head.

The fire-breathing dragon has the attributes of the air system, and it is directly immune to the ground-based trick called Saling!

"It turned out to be the idea!" Seeing that her plan was easily broken, Na Qi was a little disappointed, but she didn't take it lightly.

"Armored bird, make a metallic sound!"

"Fire-breathing dragon, Echo!" The Echo was originally what Bai Mo came up with to deal with the sound-type trick, and this was the right time to use it.

Not to cause much damage to the armored bird, but to block the opponent's metallic sound.

Moreover, as long as the echo is used continuously by the same elf, the power will continue to rise. After four times, the final effect will reach five times the usual power!

In the arena, following Naqi's order, the armored bird's eyes were filled with revenge flames, and the wings quickly began to vibrate at a high frequency, making a series of harsh sounds.

And the fire-breathing dragon opened its mouth wide at the same time, and a roar with strange fluctuations came from its mouth.

Two kinds of voices came to the arena, and the voices and voices collided violently in places that everyone could not catch with the naked eye.

The collision of this sound did not cause a powerful explosion, but mixed into an even more bizarre, harsh sound.

Hearing this sound, the two elves paused for a while and stopped their tricks.

"Armored bird, pecking drill!" Seeing that the trick stopped, Naki immediately launched an attack.

Inside the arena, the beak of the armored bird turned rapidly, and when it rotated to a certain extent, it flapped its wings and rushed straight towards the fire-breathing dragon.

"It's so fast, it's no wonder that Na Qi has been stared at for so long, and she has such an excellent speed after she became stronger!" Seeing the speed of the armored bird, Bai Mo's pupils shrank, and he hurriedly shouted, "Fire-breathing dragon, use the jet flame on the ground. !!"


The fire-breathing dragon's response was very wide, and it immediately opened its mouth downward and sprayed out flames. With the help of the reaction force of the sprayed flames, the fire-breathing dragon's body flew high. At the critical moment, it avoided the attack of the armored bird, and the fire-breathing dragon's body flew high. The ground where the dragon was originally located seemed to have been plowed in half at this moment.

"Armored bird, catch up!" Na Qi looked at the fire-breathing dragon flying into the air, and a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes. Before, the fire-breathing dragon must have been unavoidable when it flapped its wings and flew, but she didn't expect that she would be a sure shot. , was actually asked by Bai Mo to let the fire-breathing dragon escape in this way.

However, she was not surprised for too long, and quickly directed the armored bird to continue its action.

The armored bird's eyes became very sharp. After locking on the figure of the fire-breathing dragon in mid-air, his legs glared fiercely, and he flew towards the fire-breathing dragon again with the rotating beak.

"Fire-breathing dragon, use the accumulating flame attack!" With the speed of the armored bird, it is impossible to let the fire-breathing dragon dodge now. Bai Mo immediately chose to confront him head-on. By the way, he also increased the speed of the fire-breathing dragon.

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