In mid-air, flames emerged from the fire-breathing dragon's body, shrouding its body, and then, with the flames of this body, it also rammed straight towards the armored bird.


The next moment, only a loud noise was heard, and the flame-covered fire-breathing dragon and the peck drill collided.

A plume of black smoke dissipated, the fire-breathing dragon flew out, and the armored bird followed closely, its wings glowing with metallic light.

"It seems that I choose to use the energy storage flame to fight head-on. It's a bit despising!" Seeing this scene, Bai Mo smiled and shook his head. He didn't expect the strength of the armored bird to be so strong, and the power of the bird's beak also made him a little bit. Unexpected.

But a mistake doesn't mean anything, Bai Mo faintly spread to everyone's ears again, "Fire-breathing dragon, stop, be serious, charge with flashing flames!"

As Bai Mo's voice fell, the fire-breathing dragon moved its wings and controlled its body to stop in mid-air, with a hint of blue flashing in the depths of its eyes.

Afterwards, a flame that was much stronger than before enveloped him, and the flame even had a faint blue flame, which was originally only possible when the fire-breathing dragon used explosive flames.

Obviously, the fire-breathing dragon's control over its own flame is getting stronger and stronger.

Immediately afterwards, controlling his body and the flames emerging from his body, the fire-breathing dragon charged towards the armored bird again.


The next moment, there was another loud noise accompanied by the explosion, and the fire-breathing dragon was directly thrown out by the impact of this force, and finally fell heavily on the ground.

The armored bird also flew upside down, but when it landed, it smartly inserted its wings into the ground, reducing its injury.

But just by looking at the burn marks on the armored bird, you can tell that it is already seriously injured.

"Sure enough, the command of the fire-breathing dragon is so good!"

"Bai Mo, anyone who yearns for the sky will be blessed by the sky. Let me see if you can exert the strongest power with the elves of the flight department like me."

Seeing this scene, Na Qi said something with a sense of ceremony, and then ordered, "Armored bird, use the peck drill again!"

Chapter 0201 Flash Features

"Even in terms of flying, the fire-breathing dragon will not lose to your armored bird." Hearing Na Qi's words, Bai Mo commanded indifferently, "The fire-breathing dragon, use the accumulating flame attack again!"

"Roar!" The fire-breathing dragon slowly climbed up from the ground, his eyes were full of anger, flames spewed out of his body again, and his wings flew in the direction of the armored bird.

This time, the continuous use of the energy storage flame attack, the speed of the fire-breathing dragon has obviously accelerated a lot, and the body has become more flexible.

In mid-air, the beak of the armored bird was rapidly spinning towards the fire-breathing dragon, and the fire-breathing dragon was also accelerating. At the moment when the two elves were about to collide, the fire-breathing dragon's eyes narrowed, and its wings suddenly flapped, slightly towards the fire-breathing dragon. He staggered a little from the top, and let the peck drill rub his body through.

And the fire-breathing dragon also followed this opportunity to the back of the armored bird.

This is not over yet, looking at the back of the armored bird, the fire-breathing dragon has raised its left and right hands, and the power is condensed on both hands, but the types of power condensed on its two hands are different.

On the left hand, the fire-breathing dragon's fist quickly raised a flame, while on the right hand, the fire-breathing dragon's fist began to flash with lightning.

"Flame Fist and Thunder Fist!"

"Using it at the same time really surprised me." Seeing this scene, the corners of Bai Mo's mouth became more curved.

Around, the eyes of Mei Yi and Tou Zi also lit up, and they used two skills at the same time. This was a qualitative leap of the elf to some extent, and even Hirona's eyes flashed a hint of approval.

Ram is adjusting the camera to quickly shoot this scene from all angles. This scene is really handsome!

At this moment, Bai Mo's voice sounded in a low voice, "Also, my luck seems to be good."

In the air, the armored bird seemed to have discovered the situation behind it, and a dozen rays of light appeared on the wings, apparently planning to use some skill to avoid the fire-breathing dragon's attack.

But at this moment, a flame suddenly appeared from its body, which directly interrupted the use of its skills.

"This is it!" Na Qi's pupils shrank and exclaimed, "Burning state!"

"It's the side effect brought by the flash charge before. Damn, such a low chance is all hit!"

The two fists in the fire-breathing dragon's hand also swung out at the same time, hitting the back of the armored bird that was close at hand.

Immediately, the armored bird made a huge whine, and it fell heavily to the ground, wrapped in electricity and flames.

Even so, Bai Mo really had no plans to release water at all, and shouted, "Fire-breathing dragon, spray flames!"

"If you fall further, you will hit the ground! The armored bird, fly up!" Upon hearing Bai Mo's order, Na Qi suddenly shouted anxiously, but at this moment, a powerful pillar of fire came directly from the air. After chasing it, it slammed into the armored bird with a bang, and smashed it into the ground with it, splashing smoke and dust.

When the smoke cleared, the armored bird that had passed out was revealed!

"The armored bird loses its combat effectiveness, and the fire-breathing dragon wins!" Joey announced again, "Please ask the gym trainer Naki to release the next elf."

"Dr. Bai Mo is really amazing!" Her beautiful eyes flashed, and although she was defeated, Na Qi's affection for Bai Mo became more and more in her heart.

After complimenting, he took out the Poké Ball and took the Armor Bird back, then took out another Poké Ball and threw it out and shouted, "In this case, go, one of my ace cards, King Yan!"

With the opening of the Poke Ball, a circle of golden light powder suddenly dispersed, and a gray-green King Yan appeared in the field of vision of Bai Mo and the surrounding women, and everyone spoke out in surprise at the same time. "Glitter Elf?!"

No wonder everyone was surprised. To be honest, apart from Bai Mo's Shanaido and Hu Di, they had never seen any other flashing elves.

"That's right, this is my second-ranked elf, Da Wang Yan!" Na Qi commanded very imposingly, "Da Wang Yan, use Yan Hui!"

"Each glitter elf has its own special ability, just let me see what the special ability of your Great Wang Yan is!" Bai Mo quickly regained his composure, and there was a look of interest in his eyes, Na Qi's This Dawangyan is a top-quality aptitude, with the strength of a quasi-celestial king, making it a good opponent.

In the air, Wang Yan, who was ordered by Na Qi, did a quick backflip, and used the Yan return trick, dragging several white light strips and hitting the fire-breathing dragon at a super-fast speed.

At this moment, Bai Mo's order also reached the ears of the fire-breathing dragon, "Lightning Fist!"

Da Wangyan is a general type and flying type elf. The ones that have restraint effects on it are the electricity type, ice type and rock type, and the thunder and lightning punch that the fire-breathing dragon just used before is a good skill!


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