This is a bit embarrassing.

"That, Latias, you remember, you can't tell others what you saw before." Touching Latias's head, Bai Mo said seriously.

Hearing this, Latias nodded immediately, and then called out a few times.

"Uh, do you want to try Mega?" Bai Mo was a little depressed when he understood what Latias meant.

"Wow!" Latias nodded seriously.

"This, it's not enough for the time being!" Bai Mo said helplessly, he was only a high-level superpower, and his strength was close to the level of a heavenly king.

Moreover, because of the difference in strength between him and Shanaido, he couldn't do Mega.

Only when the super power has broken through to the top level and has the strength of the heavenly king, Bai Mo feels that he can achieve that step.

But after hearing Bai Mo's words, Latias shook his head and called out a few more times.


Hearing Latias' words, Bai Mo immediately felt himself, and the next moment, his eyes became brighter than ever before.

"Hirona, you really gave me a big gift!"

Chapter 0209 Break through the top superpower

Feeling the full power in his mind, Bai Mo couldn't help being a little surprised.

At this time, the power in his mind had undergone earth-shaking changes, and the azure blue power was directly entrained with a hint of purple.

It has been more than a month since I got along with Shirona. Bai Mo knows very well what kind of power this is, the power of transcendence.

Obviously, when the two had a relationship before, various forces complemented each other, which promoted the further growth of the strength of the two.

Bai Mo's power began to grow continuously after the fusion of crystallization, and reached the peak of the advanced level. This trace of growth directly made him a top-level existence.

At this moment, Bai Mo felt attentively, and found that the range of his feelings was wider, the power of his superpowers became stronger, and all his abilities were improved.

"Heavenly King-level strength!" After releasing his superpower, he felt slightly, and Bai Mo found that he had also touched the profound meaning level.

Feeling this power, there was a smile on Bai Mo's mouth, "With this power, I can indeed link with Latias and Shanaido with super powers, and then perform Mega evolution!"

"Oh!" Latias pressed Ding Baimo's cheek again at this time.

"Okay, I know!" Seeing the excited look of the little guy, Bai Mo couldn't help but shook his head and smiled, "But it's too late now, let's try again later!"

Latias's strength is at the high level of the Heavenly King, and his understanding of the profound meanings of the dragon and super power systems is becoming perfect. He will try to control it immediately. If he resonates with Bai Mo, he should be able to have the strongest Heavenly King. Strength is also good for breaking through champions.

However, Bai Mo heard from Mengmeng that Latias's power is limited only because of his young age. After a while, if he trains well, he should be the first one in Bai Mo's hands to become a champion. Not a small trump card.

"Hmm!" Hearing Bai Mo's words, Latias nodded obediently, and then returned to the crystal again.

As Latias disappeared, Bai Mo's eyes slowly turned cold.

His super powers have improved, allowing him to observe farther and more carefully, and within this range, the shape of the rice spoon snake just appeared, and the snake did not leave the flower bush too far. Obviously, he also knows the situation of the flower bushes, and it is estimated that he has the idea of ​​returning to sneak attack later.

"Since you haven't left, it's just right, let's try my super powers now!"

A faint blue color flashed in the depths of his eyes, and Bai Mo's figure disappeared. When he appeared again, he was already on a tree. Looking down in the direction he was standing, he could just see the bushes. There was a spoon snake crawling there, like a hunter in the dark night.

However, before it knew it, the Spoon Snake had already been hunted.

"Spiritual strength!"

Bai Mo directly used the super power system's unique trick. On the ground, the rice spoon snake that was hiding was immediately floated up by super power control, and it was always in front of Bai Mo's position.

The moment she found out that she was being controlled by her superpower, the Snake Rice Spoon began to shake her body constantly, as if she wanted to break free, but this time, the power to control it was so powerful that she couldn't break free at all.

Being controlled by super powers and coming into the air, there was a humanized inconceivable flash in the eyes of the Snake Rice Spoon. It never thought that the person who controlled itself was the human man who was not in its eyes before.

The man who clearly couldn't control himself before.

Noticing the suspicious look in the eyes of the snake, Bai Mo's mouth curled into an arc, and said lightly, "To be honest, I can do whatever I want with you now, and I would also like to thank you for the good fortune you gave me earlier."

"Not only did it let me kiss Fang Ze, but it also gave me a breakthrough in super power."

"Although the poison system does not restrain the super power system, the super power system has twice the restraint effect on the poison system elves!"

"But I just broke through to the level of the king, and it's not too strong. Now I teach you, it's enough."

Saying that, a deep look flashed in Bai Mo's eyes.

"Let me taste the snake meat of the king-level rice spoon snake."

A few minutes later, Bai Mo returned to the campsite with the body of the Rice Spoon Snake.

Seeing Bai Mo's appearance, Yayi immediately pouted her cute little mouth, "Mo, this time, you and Sister Xirona have been away for a long time, did you do something bad!"

"You talk too much!" Seeing Ya Yi's cute appearance, Bai Mo put out a hand on her forehead in a funny way, "Hirona has already learned how to use that ability, she has been informed that she has to go back to Shenao in a hurry. gone."

"I'm in a hurry, I don't have time to say hello to you, I'll send it off!"

"Sister Xirona is gone!?" Hearing Bai Mo's words, the surrounding girls and the elf looked at Bai Mo in surprise. This inadvertent difference really caught people off guard.

What happened with Shirona was destined to be impossible to tell, so Bai Mo had to explain it in the words he had prepared a long time ago.

"So that's the case!" Ram suddenly realized, "So, Sister Shirona is quite busy, after all, she is the regional champion!"

"But it's too bad to say goodbye. If we have a chance to go to Shenao, we must let her treat us well."

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