"Yes, yes, eat special products of Shen'ao!" Mei immediately raised her cute little hand in agreement.

Tou Zi smiled silently, then looked at the rice spoon snake in Bai Mo's hand and asked, "This is the rice spoon snake, is there any other place around?"

"This is the leader of those rice spoon snakes!" Bai Mo explained with a smile, "I hid in the bushes and wanted to attack me."

"It has the strength of a king!"

"Heavenly King-level strength!!?" ​​The girls were already in their hearts, and Yayi immediately asked with concern, "Mo, are you alright, you didn't bring the elf with you, the elf of the heavenly king level, how did you escape?"

Hearing this, Touzi and Ram suddenly collapsed, the dream could not stand any longer, and said speechlessly, "You can't see it, are you okay, why did you escape, didn't you see the corpse of the snake with a spoon."

"It's obvious that he took care of the rice spoon snake, okay?"

Tou Zi said badly, "There's Latias on Mo's body. The super energy system restrains the poison system, how can something happen?"

Hearing this, Ya Yi stuck out her little tongue cutely, "Yeah!"

The corners of the girls' mouths twitched, but Bai Mo laughed at this moment:

"Actually, I solved this rice spoon snake myself."

Chapter 0210 Meteor Town, the future power base!

"You solved it yourself!?" Hearing Bai Mo's words, the girls exclaimed again, and it was rare for Yayi to come here without being confused, surprised, "Mo, you are a high-level superpower, you said you The current level of superpower is also comparable to that of a quasi-king-level super-type elf."

"So you can't even perform Mega evolution with Shanaido. Although the Snake is a poisonous type, it is restrained by the super power type, but it is impossible for you to defeat it."

"Did you break through with your superpowers?"

Saying the last guess, Mei Yi doesn't believe it at all. Does she have such a perverted superpower?Is it okay to be a king at the age of sixteen?

However, this is the case.

Bai Mo nodded and said with a smile, "It may have been an accidental encounter with danger, and after being stimulated a bit, he really broke through."

"My God!" The girls exclaimed in unison, but then they were pleasantly surprised. After all, Bai Mo was their man. Well, even if it wasn't now, it would definitely be in the future.

On the side, there was also a strange look in the dreamy eyes. She realized the moment Bai Mo broke through, the top superpower of sixteen years old, maybe, there is really that possibility.

Xiao Nai also held Bai Mo's hand with great joy. Bai Mo broke through, and she could link with him again with superpowers, and she could help Bai Mo even more.

Minas also hugged Bai Mo's shoulder in a similar fashion, and rubbed there, um, this girl is now more and more sticky to Bai Mo.

Facing Shanaido with a gentle smile, he reached out and touched Minas' head. Bai Mo flicked the rice spoon snake in his hand, and suddenly remembered the mongoose. He glanced around, but he couldn't find its figure. asked curiously.

"By the way, what about the mongoose chop?"

"That Mongoose Slash was too cautious. As soon as he was rescued by Shanaido with Healing Wave, he jumped to the tree before I could speak, and a few ups and downs disappeared." Ram said angrily, "It's true. For some reason, if it wasn't for it, Mei and I would not have been nearly attacked!"

"Okay, okay, this is considered a small episode in the trip. Besides, aren't you all right?" Bai Mo said, reaching out and rubbing the heads of the two girls!

The next few days also passed during Bai Mo and Liu Yuan's travel and training in the forest. During this time, they saw many kinds of elves.

Doi Ninja, who can evolve two kinds of elves, Shelling Ninja and Iron Ninja, at one time.

A tropical dragon with the attributes of flight and grass.

A cunning tengu that lives on top of the tallest trees in the forest.

Yo-yo candy balls gliding on the water in a small pond and nymph moths flying over the pond.

These elves have left a mark in the memories of Bai Mo and others.

This morning, Bai Mo, Tou Zi and the other girls finally walked out of the dense forest. The houses were already visible in the distance. The eyes of the girls who had not smelled the city for a long time were almost filled with tears. Even Bai Mo breathed a sigh of relief. .

Finally arrived at Meteor Town!

Arriving at Meteor Town, everyone immediately rushed towards the center of the elf at the fastest speed.

"Miss Joey, these little elves and this elf egg will be yours!" As soon as they arrived at the center of the elf, Bai Mo, Tou Zi and the others immediately attracted everyone's attention.

But most of them have no superfluous ideas, because every traveler who comes here is like this on the first day.

What really attracted the attention of these people was the combination of Mei Nas, Monarch Snake, Xiao Nai, Tou Zi, Ram, Ya Yi, and Dream Girls.

Also, there is a more dazzling existence on the side, Bai Mo, the famous Dr. Bai Mo!

But at the moment, Bai Mo and the girls obviously didn't care about these gazes. Now all they want to do is take a good bath and then roll on the comfortable big bed.

Of course, Bai Mo said that by the way, it would be good to take a bath with Xiaonai and Touzi and do something good for your physical and mental health.

In the wild, after all, there are still many inconveniences.

Field battles, once in a while, are more interesting!

"Don't worry, I'll take good care of them." It was Miss Joy who was empathetic. After seeing Bai Mo and others, she knew what they needed now, and reached out to take the Poké Ball and the others. After Bai Mo's elbow held the elf egg, he handed another key to Bai Mo and said:

"Dr. Bai Mo is an alliance doctor and can enjoy VIP treatment. This is the key to the only private room at the top of the house. The space is large enough, with a computer and a large bathroom!"

"Thank you, Miss Joey." Bai Mo said without being pretentious, reaching out to take the key and smiling, "I really need to take a shower. After a period of travel, I have a new report to publish, and the computer is also very useful!"

After speaking, a faint blue flashed across Bai Mo's eyes, and the figures of her and the girls disappeared in front of Miss Joy!

But Bai Mo walked lightly, and the trainers around him, including Joey, were not calm.

Is Bai Mo going to publish a report?

Everyone tacitly took out the navigator, ready to get first-hand information, including Joey, who also paid close attention, because Bai Mo's report was sometimes very helpful for their treatment!

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