For Bai Mo, Ya Yi, and the others, this method was naturally abandoned. Ya Yi and others did not want to be taken advantage of by anyone other than Bai Mo, even if the advantage was only visual.

As for Bai Mo, it is impossible for his woman to be taken advantage of by others.

The second is the traditional separate men's and women's baths, nothing to say.

The last type is the couple's bath, which is a special private room for couples.

Three kinds of baths can be selected according to the preferences or needs of the guests.

Bai Mo's heart couldn't help jumping now, because under normal circumstances, it is natural to soak in the hot spring separately.

After all, although among the few girls, except for Dream, the black-bellied little loli, the other girls are his girlfriends, but apart from Shanaido and Touzi who have a substantial relationship with him, the other girls and His relationship wasn't that close yet, at least, not yet to the point where he could meet frankly.

But now that Shanai Duo asked this question, and looking at the expressions of the other girls, it was obvious that Bai Mo had made up his mind, especially since Bai Mo could be sure that the girls definitely didn't wear any extra clothes in addition to the robes.

Bai Mo only felt that his heartbeat was fast for several points, especially the dreamy little loli didn't speak this time, but stood aside with an unprecedented blushing face, he really felt that his heart was about to jump out.

"Hmm!" With a light cough, Bai Mo asked the girls, "Well, do you all listen to me?"

"I'm going to wipe your back for Mo Mo!" Shanaido whispered, the meaning is self-evident.

"I also promised to wipe your back." Tou Zi blushed and played with his fingers.

"Where Tou Zi is, Ya Yi is there." Ya Yi was persistent, but her blushing face appeared to be far from what she thought.

"I definitely want to be with the master!" Minas habitually stretched out his hand and wrapped his arms around Bai Mo's arm, but this time, it was different from usual. There was nothing in her, so Bai Mo could really feel it. touch.

"Humph!" Monarch Snake just snorted coldly, hugging her chest, but the blush on her face betrayed her heart.

"I'm with everyone, too." Ram heard the words and replied in a low voice, as if he was a little shy, clutching the corners of his clothes with both hands and rubbing constantly, Aojiao observed that she showed her little daughter's attitude at this moment.

In fact, when he thought that if Bai Mo proposed to go to the couple's hot spring, he would have to be frank with each other. Ram couldn't help being shy, but he was only shy, but he didn't regret it.

"Whether you're annoying, decide now!" Dream was as pungent as ever, but on the surface of her blushing face, she seemed to be the shyest girl among all the girls.

Bai Mo thinks he is a gentleman, but he is definitely not Liu Xiahui who is not in a hurry, especially when several women are acquiesced and willing to take advantage of him.

So Bai Mo's decision doesn't need to be said at all.

One of the largest couples rooms.

A hot spring pool constantly emits a faint white mist.

Bai Mo leaned comfortably on a stone beside the pool, resisted the urge to use his superpowers, and unconsciously looked through the weapons to the other end of the pool, over there, Shanaido, Minas, Monarch Snake, Dream, Mei, Tou Zi, Ram, whispered and laughed from time to time.

And because of their shyness, everyone's body was completely turned away from Bai Mo, and it was looming under the cover of fog.

Although the women had already shrunk most of their bodies into the hot spring, the smooth skin exposed outside the hot spring had been dyed with an attractive blush because of the heat.

All of a sudden, Bai Mo felt a little regretful at this time. He knew that he would not pretend to be a big boss and would contract a smaller pool, so that the people on the opposite side would not be so far away from him, although it can be said that he has already feasted his eyes now.

In fact, although the girls on the other end are chatting, they are also trying to hide the nervousness in their hearts. If you observe with confidence, you can find that they are all a little absent-minded, especially when they feel the representative Bai Mo coming from behind. The scorching gaze made them ticklish and strange.

However, Bai Mo said that he is a real man, and naturally he will not be satisfied now. After watching it for a while, the girls should calm down. Bai Mo directly used teleportation and came to the girl's place. middle.

This time, he could clearly see what the girls looked like at the moment.

So what should be seen, finally seen it.

Bai Mo's sudden appearance made the girls' hearts that had just calmed down a little bit again. Every girl's face was full of blushes, whether it was hot or ashamed.

Fortunately, the girls were actually mentally prepared, so no one exclaimed.

Even the dreamy little loli just suddenly hugged her knees, burying her head in the hot spring and blowing bubbles there.

"Xiao Nai, Tou Zi, didn't you tell me before? Come and wipe my back now, and Ya Yi, that time in the middle line of the elf, you suddenly came to sleep with Tou Zi, haven't you already been seen by me? Well, what else is there to be shy about!?"

"Don't hide."

After Bai Mo sat down, he proceeded with his next plan. He knew that pursuing a girl should be done step by step, and boiling a frog in warm water would be the most perfect.

Hearing Bai Mo's shouting, the three women who were named were startled, and Yayi had the urge to faint. This matter had always been a secret between her, Bai Mo and Touzi.

Bai Mo said it now, even if she was confused, she would be dry.

Xiao Nai is a girl who already has a substantial relationship with Bai Mo, and she and Tou Zi have been 'bullied' by Bai Mo in the wilderness.

The most important thing is that she, who takes Bai Mo as her own, will not refuse any of Bai Mo's requests, and she will not hold back her face, she will stretch out her slender hand and start wiping Bai Mo's back.

Tou Zi was in a similar situation, and naturally he held out his hand obediently.

Apart from the two of them, the calmest person was not the usual carefree Ya Yi, nor the Minas who always called Bai Mo the master, nor the dreamy and arrogant Ram.

It was the monarch snake, she stood up directly, came to the opposite side of Bai Mo, stretched out her cold hand to wipe Bai Mo.

Of course, when the iceberg beauty came to Bai Mo's side and looked at some of his equipment up close, there were still a few glamorous red clouds on her face.

Bai Mo just stared at it directly!

And with the initiative of the monarch snake, Minas was not to be outdone, stood up and walked in front of Bai Mo.

"Master, let me wash you with these two of your favorite balls!"

Chapter 0214 Take advantage of it, the gym competition begins!

Hearing Minas's words, Bai Mo couldn't help but look up. The peaks and the rosy redness really made people wonder.

On the side, Monarch Snake, who was wiping Bai Mo's chest, immediately stood up. She was still very proud of her chest, but she was not inferior to Minas at all.

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