Seeing this scene, the girls around felt a little inferior. Dream looked down at her figure, pouted her lips in annoyance, and then lifted her feet in front of Bai Mo, turning her head with a blushing face, He said softly, "Bai Mo, wash my feet."

"Then I'll be more respectful than obedient!" Bai Mo immediately reached out and grabbed Dream's little feet and started to play with them. If the dreamy little Lolita wanted to say something that made Bai Mo unable to stop, it was these small and cute feet.

It really makes people want to take care of them, and can't help but want to play with them.

Feeling Bai Mo's touch, Dream's face turned even redder.

Around, seeing the dream and starting to take advantage of his own advantages, the girls such as Yayi are naturally not to be outdone.

This time, Bai Mo can be regarded as enjoying the blessings of Qi people.

Of course, if you want to start a group "pop", it is definitely not possible. Several girls are the first time, and they will definitely not want to hand over their first time in front of other women in this place.

However, Bai Mo felt that it was okay to go to Tou Zi and Shanaido to discuss life together at night. After all, so many benefits also ignited his inner flame to the highest level.

In the evening of Yige, Bai Mo and the girls took a hot spring bath, took a sand bath, and went shopping. The next morning, Bai Mo, Tou Zi and other girls came to the outside of the gym in Buyan Town.

"Is there anyone here? We are here to challenge the gym."

The Buyan Town Gym was built in the backyard of the residential house, so Bai Mo couldn't break in directly, so he had to stand at the door and ring the doorbell and shout.

"Hey~ finally another trainer is here to challenge." Bai Mo just rang the doorbell, but a girl with red hair, a navel-baring outfit and tight pants opened the door swiftly, with a surprised expression on her face, as if I'm glad someone came to this challenge.

"Hello, my name is Bai Mo. I'm here to challenge the owner of the museum. Is the owner of the museum at home?" Seeing the other party, Bai Mo recognized her identity, and it was when Xiaozhi came to Fangyuan to challenge. , Asha, the granddaughter of Mura who took over the job of the Gym trainer at the Buyan Gym!

"Yes, yes." When Yasha heard Bai Mo's words, she nodded quickly, her eyes brightened a little, and she said happily, "My name is Yasha, Mu La is my grandfather, come with me, I didn't expect Dr. Bai Mo, you are really here, and grandpa also said that you will definitely come to challenge him, and the venue should be ready."

Saying that, without giving Bai Mo a chance to speak, Yasha took Bai Mo and the other girls towards the inside first.

Seeing this, Bai Mo and the others looked at each other and followed with a smile.

The battle arena of the Fuyan Gym has no special features. It is an ordinary battle arena. When Bai Mo and his party followed Asha, a white-haired old man was already standing in the place of the venue owner, and the referee had already in place.

Yasha excitedly shouted to Mula, "Grandpa, you're right, Dr. Bai Mo really came to challenge him."

"Of course I can't be wrong!" Although Mu La was old, her voice was full of energy. She smiled at her granddaughter's doting, and then looked at Bai Mo with sharp eyes and said, "Dr. Bai Mo, I am getting When you get the news, you know that people like you will definitely come here."

"But, you must have heard that although I will not use the main elves as the Four Heavenly Kings, since I became the owner of the pavilion, very few people have been able to take away the flame badge. Therefore, many trainers will not Choose to challenge the Puyan Gym in the heat."

"You come here, regardless of whether you win or lose, it already shows that you are much better than the average trainer."

In this regard, Bai Mo looked confident and chuckled, "King Mu La, I came here to challenge, naturally, to win the badge, so the flame badge will definitely belong to me after the battle!"

"Hahaha~ Okay, I haven't met such a confident teenager as Dr. Bai Mo for a long time, let me see your strength!" Mu La laughed heartily, "But before the fight, let me ask you , do you want to play routine or formal!"

The regular season is the way of fighting in a normal Heavenly King-level gym. The gym trainer first releases a high-level elf to check whether the trainer is eligible to challenge, and then dispatches elite-level, quasi-celestial or even heavenly-level elfs to fight according to the situation. Examination school.

Formal, that is, the trainer directly takes out at least quasi-king level elves for the battle, and it is a formal battle.

"Of course it's an official match, so that my elf can grow faster." Hearing Mu La's words, Bai Mo made a decision without hesitation.

It is rare to fight against a elf of the level of the Four Heavenly Kings and his elf, so Bai Mo naturally has to make good use of it so that his elf can fully absorb the experience.

"Okay!" Casting an admiring look at Bai Mo, Mu La gestured to the referee beside him.

"Now, the competition between the trainer and challenger Bai Mo of the Fuyan Gym will start with the Gym badge as the bet. The number of elves used is three. When all the elves lose their combat effectiveness, the battle is over. During the game, only the challenger can Change the elf at will." The referee who got Mula's signal immediately announced the rules, and then saw that both of them were ready, and immediately shouted, "The game begins!"

"Go, Coal Turtle!" As the gym trainer, Mura first released the elf.

The Poké Ball was opened, and what appeared in the field was a body mainly orange-brown, with a black-gray turtle shell, a black-gray annular stripe on each of its limbs and long neck, and three claws on each foot. There is a short tail on the back, five fiery red depressions around the turtle shell, and a small hole at the top.

It was the coal tortoise, a tortoise with coal burning in its body!

Immediately after the coal turtle appeared in the field, a thick black smoke was sprayed out between the nostrils and the shells on its back.

"A coal turtle?"

"Excellent aptitude, intermediate level quasi-king, worthy of being the four heavenly kings with champion-level elf who have lived for such a large age!"

After thinking about it, Bai Mo also took out a Poké Ball.

"Come out, fire-breathing dragon!"

"Hey, flying-type and fire-type elf?" Seeing Bai Mo taking out the fire-breathing dragon, Mula asked a little depressedly, "Bai Mo, you know you want to challenge me, don't you prepare a water-type elf?"

"Master Mu La, the water-type elf is good for the fire element, but it doesn't mean that other attributes can't win." Bai Mo said lightly, "Also, my fire-breathing dragon is comparable to your coal ghost, this time, just Look at the level of the two of us!"

Of course, Bai Mo still has a fact that he didn't mention that this guy, Minas, has such a perverted aptitude. After being trained for more than a month, he has become a heavenly king. If he releases it, is he abusing vegetables?

At that time, Mu La was angry but took out the champion elf, where would he cry?

Dream there?

Chapter 0215 Champion Trainer Battle Rhythm

Hearing Bai Mo's domineering words, Mu La happily stroked his beard and said with a smile, "Haha, you're right, then let me see how you beat my coal turtle!"

"As you wish, fire-breathing dragon, air slash!" Bai Mo unceremoniously took the lead in attacking, Mu La has lived for as long as he has lived, and he is still a champion-level trainer like Tianwang, not Chiyan loosely comparable.

Such people must be treated with caution.

In midair, the flying fire-breathing dragon had a wing behind it, and several half-moon-shaped air blades immediately appeared in the void and cut towards the coal turtle.

"Coal turtle, spin at high speed!" Mu La calmly ordered.

On the ground, facing the fierce air blade, the coal turtle was not afraid, and quickly retracted its limbs into the shell, and then began to spin quickly in place.


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