The fire-breathing dragon flapped its wings again, and launched several air blades to cut across the coal tortoise. However, in the face of the crisis that he could not see and the coal tortoise, Mura recovered his calm after the initial tension.

The four heavenly kings of the alliance are not called hailing, and such a small problem is not a problem.It's just that I haven't encountered it for a long time, so I'm a little dull.

"Since you can't see it, then you don't play strategy anymore." Mu La's eyes became sharp and he shouted directly, "Coal turtle, overheating! (burned out)"


Hearing Mu La's order, Bai Mo was also taken aback. This move was second only to the explosive flames (explosive burning) in fire-type skills, and its power should not be underestimated.

This move is to use all of his strength to attack, and because of this, he will receive a certain degree of reaction force, causing his special attack to drop a lot.

In the past, Bai Mo had always wanted the fire-breathing dragon to learn this trick, but unfortunately he could not find a way to get started, so he gave up, and then because of a coincidence, he used the stored flame attack and the flash charge before, and learned to explode the flame .

Bai Mo also didn't plan to let the fire-breathing dragon learn this trick.

This trick, with the increase in use, will reduce the coal turtle's attack power. Now is the first time to use it, and it is the most powerful one. Bai Mo didn't want the fire-breathing dragon to confront it, so he said loudly, "Fire-breathing dragon, Keep it up!"

In the arena, on the side of the smoke, the coal turtle's entire body glowed red, as if it had gathered all its own flame energy. Then, it opened its mouth, and a huge three-color flame moved towards the fire-breathing dragon. The direction is sprayed out.

The air blade brought by the air slash used by the fire-breathing dragon was instantly defeated in this flame, and then the three-color flame continued to shoot in the direction of the fire-breathing dragon.

Feeling the fiery energy coming from the opposite side, the fire-breathing dragon also unfolded and defended the light curtain at this time, and the white light instantly covered it.

After all, the fire-breathing dragon and the coal turtle are of the same level. Even if the coal tortoise uses the ultimate move, under the protection of the light curtain, the fire-breathing dragon still uses the light curtain to protect itself from overheating.

However, although he was not injured, the huge power of overheating hit, and the fire-breathing dragon was directly against the light curtain and was forcibly pushed against the wall on one side of the gymnasium by the huge power of the flame.

It was only after the power generated by the overheating disappeared that the gasping fire-breathing dragon reappeared in the field. Obviously, it was also very difficult to maintain the light curtain just now.

The principle of defense is to form a defensive light curtain, and the degree of defense depends on the degree of power output by the elf. The more output, the stronger the defense, but the physical strength will also be lost, but it will be better than being hit by a trick much more.

This is also why when you are hit by an elf whose strength far exceeds your own, it will be useless to defend, because even if you gather all your strength, you cannot stop the power of someone's blow.

In the same way, if a low-level attack you, you can block the attack with a little energy in your body.

After successfully blocking this wave of overheating tricks, Bai Mo naturally would not miss the opportunity to attack, and said loudly, "Repay it, explode flames!"

In the arena, the fire-breathing dragon that received Bai Mo's order immediately gathered flames on his body, and then slammed into the coal turtle.

That is, at the same time, the flame accumulated in front of the coal tortoise exploded instantly, and the power generated was even greater than the previous overheating, and it also stirred up a cloud of smoke.

After the smoke and dust dissipated, the coal turtle had fainted.

"The Coal Turtle is out of combat, and the Fire-breathing Dragon wins!" The referee immediately announced the result.

It was only at this time that the people watching the battle around heaved a sigh of relief, yes, only heaved a sigh of relief.

The previous battle between Bai Mo and Mura was long, but it didn't take more than three minutes in total.

Three minutes, the winner was decided in just three minutes. While everyone sighed that the rhythm was really fast, they couldn't help but be shocked by Bai Mo's performance.

Of course, Tou Zi and other women are more proud of themselves.

It is the ground, rock, and water that restrain the fire system. Before, the fire-breathing dragon used the original power of the ground system and the rock wall of the rock system, and finally used the biggest move of the fire system. It is reasonable to defeat the coal turtle!

At this time, Bai Mo began to think about overheating the fire-breathing dragon's study. It is true that this skill is not as powerful as Explosive Flame, but it has the advantage of long-range attack and can be a good killer.

"Come back, Coal Turtle, thank you for your hard work!" Mu La took out the Poke Ball at this time and took the Coal Turtle back, and then smiled at Bai Mo, "Dr. Bai Mo, this is a very good offense and defense. Battle, quasi-celestial king-level battle, you can just go to those ordinary gym owners, I will be more serious now."

"Below is my second elf."

"Come out, fire-breathing camel!"

Although Mu La didn't say too many compliments, but even a sentence contained a lot of content, Bai Mo shook his head and temporarily stopped thinking about the overheating.

At this moment, seeing Mu La release the second elf, he instinctively swept it away with his super power.

"Elementary Heavenly King, best elf!"

"Very good, it's finally time to fight the Heavenly King." A fiery flash of fire flashed in his eyes, and Bai Mo immediately retracted the fire-breathing dragon who was out of breath because of the fast-paced battle, and then took out a Poké Ball and threw it out.

"Minas, this time, it's up to you!"

This time, Bai Mo sent Minas, who had broken through to the Heavenly King level!

"Oh, Minas, have you finally brought out the water elf!?" Mu La was also surprised by Minas. After all, although Minas is famous, there are very few people who own it. Of course, his combat power is also very strong. strong.

Moreover, Bai Mo took out Minas at this time, and the strength of Minas must be at least above the quasi-king level.

It will be another exciting battle.

Unconsciously, Mura's eyes also became serious!

Chapter 0217 King-level elves battle!

Hearing Mu La's words, Bai Mo smiled slightly, "Of course, Master Mu La, your fire-breathing camel's strength is obviously at the level of a heavenly king. Although the fire-breathing dragon is not very injured, it has survived the high-paced battle before. There won't be much energy left."

"It's not enough to fight with a fire-breathing camel of the Heavenly King class. It's just the right time to use a water-type elf."

"Oh?" Mu La is an old man, he immediately understood what Bai Mo meant, his eyes narrowed slightly and said, "So, you have the confidence that the third elf you sent out is confident to defeat my trump card even if it is not a water element. ?"

The trump card in Mu La's mouth is naturally not the real trump card, but the strongest combat power that the gym stipulates can be used, the king-level peak elf.

As for the championship level that Bai Mo thought about, um, that doesn't exist, the gym is a test place, not a hindrance!

"Hehe, this point, you will wait and see when the time comes, Master Mu La. Now let's go to the second round, I will give you a surprise first!" Said, Bai Mo ordered to Minas, " Minas, grab the fire-breathing camel with your mind power!"

"Mind power!!?"

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