Hearing Bai Mo's words, let alone Mura, the surrounding Yayi and others all exclaimed.

Although there are not many users of Minas, but because of its beauty and strength, it is very well-known, but no one has ever known that Minas can use such skills as Psychic.

Among the crowd, only the dreamy expression was indifferent. Minas could use his mind power, or she told Bai Mo.

Every goddess elf has a special talent. This talent is more than the flashing elf. Minas has been alone in the cave for so long. Prominence is an advantage.

During this period of time, under the guidance of Dream and Shanaido, the initial use of mind power has been possible.

Bai Mo readily accepted this kind of thing, because he remembered the thousand-year-old ghost in Kanto and the superpower Nine Tails in Chengdu.

Also because of this thought, Bai Mo couldn't help but feel a little hot. These two elves definitely have at least perfect aptitude, and their strength must be above the heavenly king level.

"Haha, Bai Mo, you underestimate my fire-breathing camel too much, don't you think that superpower is omnipotent because you are a superpower? And it's the superpower used by Minas!" Right here At that time, Mula, who was the first to recover from the fact that Minas would know the power of mind, laughed a few times and said aloud, "Fire-breathing camel, show your strength, use a slam (dash)!"

In the arena, the eyes of Minas who received Bai Mo's order were filled with blue light, and a superpower that was not weak instantly appeared around the fire-breathing camel, which dominated it.

But just when Minas was about to take control, the fire-breathing camel, which was ordered by Mu La, suddenly roared, and the whole body exerted force to break free from the power of thought. The two hind legs were forced, and the four limbs stepped forward, quickly rushing towards Minas.

This sudden scene didn't give Minas time to react, it only allowed her to step on the surface with a layer of mental power, isolating her contact with the fire-breathing camel, and Minas was knocked out.

At this time, the fire-breathing dragon kicked and continued to charge towards Minas, apparently wanting to give Minas a continuous blow with this blow.

"What a power! What a fast speed!" He was slightly startled, seeing the fire-breathing camel continuing to hit the smashed Minas, a sneer appeared on the corner of Bai Mo's mouth, "Minas, the waves of water. !"

As Bai Mo's voice fell, Minas, who was still flying backwards, did not release his superpowers to protect his body, but quickly stabilized his body, and then when the fire-breathing camel was about to hit him, a flash of light flashed in his eyes. A hint of dark blue.

An aqua blue energy ball appeared on the chest of Minas, just printed on the head of the fire-breathing camel. Immediately, the waves of the water spread out completely, like a fountain that knocked the fire-breathing camel backwards.

Concentrated by such water fluctuations, the fire-breathing camel suddenly let out a painful cry.

"What an accurate judgment!" Mu La couldn't help but exclaimed at this moment. Before, if Bai Mo's order was given too early, he might have come up with a way to order the fire-breathing camel to avoid it.

In the evening, even for a brief moment, the fire-breathing camel will seize the opportunity to hit it directly.

But the fact is such a scene on the field. It can be seen that the time it took for Bai Mo to make a move against Minas and the time for the fire-breathing camel to slam into Minas have been carefully calculated...

The most important thing is that it can cause such damage to the fire-breathing camel. The strength of Minas is definitely at the level of the king, and the water-type trick already contains the profound meaning of comprehension.

"Minas, chase after the victory, the water fluctuates!" At this moment, Bai Mo ordered again.

Seeing that after Minas returned to the ground with the help of his mind power, a water ball of water fluctuations gathered in his chest again and smashed it towards the fire-breathing camel.

"Fire-breathing camel, smoke-breathing, slamming!" Mu La is not easy to deal with. Although he just suffered a loss, he quickly counterattacked and used a combination of moves!


With a muffled sound, everyone saw that the two crater-like humps on the back of the fire-breathing camel suddenly spewed out a black smoke glowing red.

The black smoke came along with the heat waves, and soon spread out in the jet of the fire-breathing camel, covering himself and blocking the sight of Minas.

And the black smoke is still spreading, shrouding Minas.

"Minas, hold on!" Seeing this scene, Bai Mo could only let Minas passively defend.

At this moment, a red figure rushed out of the smoke and instantly slammed into Minas. Fortunately, Minas' body was covered by a white light curtain and was not harmed.

And at this time, the fiery red figure didn't succeed in one blow, and quickly rushed into the smoke, and then rushed out again.

Hold on to the light and start to be hit continuously!

There were faint signs of breaking apart.

At this moment, the fire-breathing camel can be described as a fish in water in the smoke, and the rapid attack makes Minas have no time to find out the position of the fire-breathing camel, and can only passively use the light to withstand the attack.

Seeing that the holding light was about to dissipate under the constant slamming of the fire-breathing camel with the power of flame, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Bai Mo's eyes, and he immediately shouted after discovering the situation on the field:

"Minas, make waves of water on the ground!"

Chapter 0218 Outbreak after suppression, Minas wins

In the arena, Minas' holding light was hit by the fire-breathing camel again at this time, and finally disappeared.

At the same time, Minas also heard Bai Mo's order, his beautiful eyes flashed, and immediately a wave of water gathered in his chest and blasted towards the ground.

Immediately, after hitting the ground, the water ball turned into a wave of water exploded and turned into a large wave of water rushing in all directions.

The fire-breathing camel that was about to rush over from the side of the smoke to inflict damage to Minas didn't react, and was instantly thrown out by the water waves. Although the injury was not serious, it bought Minas time.

Seizing the opportunity, Bai Mo immediately ordered, "Minas, tornado!"

Minas listened to the order, his eyes glowing with a strange purple light, his entire body began to twist, and a tornado was generated, swept straight towards the fire-breathing camel that was flying towards her.

By the way, it also blew away the smoke made by the surrounding fire-breathing camels.

It was at this time that the fire-breathing camel had recovered from the spreading water fluctuations just now, slammed directly over, and spewed a long-brewed flame at Minas.

The sudden arrival of the flames immediately hit Minas, and then took her out into the air.

But the action of the fire-breathing camel made it fall into the tornado created by Minas again, and its movement was temporarily blocked, and it was continuously injured.


Seeing Minas flying into the air, Bai Mo was startled and shouted anxiously. You must know that Minas has been under attack since the beginning. Physical strength, now being completely hit, is really worrying.

Fortunately, after hearing Bai Mo's voice, Minas immediately made a kind cry at Bai Mo, which made Bai Mo feel relieved.

Minas is a water elf in the end, and the damage he receives from being hit by a fire-type trick is not very large.

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