"Haha, it's rare for your Minas to be able to achieve this level. The following is the last blow, fire-breathing camel, release your power, fire-breathing (volcanic eruption)!"

When Mu La was fighting, he felt that he had unknowingly fallen into the feeling of fighting against several other heavenly kings.

The imposing aura revealed invisibly made the surrounding Yayi, Tou Zi and other women a little breathless.

But Bai Mo, who was directly targeted by this aura, seemed to be calm.

Seeing this scene, Mu La's eyes were even more applauded, while Tou Zi and Ya Yi felt a little strange in their hearts. The two looked at each other and made a tacit decision in their hearts.

The fire-breathing camel stopped running and stopped below the whereabouts of Minas. Then, with a loud roar, the tissue on the back of the crater sounded like a volcanic crater. With a loud "bang", a column of fire like magma spewed out. He came out and charged straight towards Minas.

"Fire-breathing?!" Bai Mo was shocked when he heard Mura's order to the fire-breathing camel, and then immediately said loudly, "Minas, hold on!"

Fire-breathing is some special fire-type elf whose maximum power is no less than the fire-type skills of bursting and burning. Of course, the final power depends on the physical strength of the elf. The more physical strength, the greater the power.

This is the first time Bai Mo has seen such a skill. While he was shocked, he also used his superpower to directly issue an order in Minas' heart.

Hearing Bai Mo's order, Minas immediately used the hold skill.

However, before the light curtain on Minas completely protected her, the pillar of fire that spewed from the back of the fire-breathing camel had already rushed towards her at this time, covering her body instantly.

Seeing this scene, everyone around is not clear about Minas' situation, and Bai Mo doesn't know whether Minas has guarded it or not.

Looking at the towering fire pillar, the three girls in Yayi couldn't help clenching their hands, Ram also forgot to press the shutter button, and Bai Mo's eyes were solemn, but he didn't use his superpower to observe, because it was unnecessary.

Fire-breathing is an explosive skill, so it cannot last for a long time. The fire column gradually dissipated after it rushed, and the situation of Minas was revealed again in front of everyone in the blink of an eye.

After seeing the dazzling white curtain of light in the gradually dissipating pillar of fire, the women's clenched hands slowly loosened. At this moment, they only felt that their entire palms were wet, and their backs were completely beaten by sweat. wet.

If Minas is hit by a fire-breathing skill with a fire-type mystery, even if he is a water-type elf, the effect will be halved, and the damage will definitely be a lot!

Bai Mo also let out a sigh of relief at this time, and then said loudly, "Minas, water cannon!"

After Minas undid the light curtain on her body, her body showed a free fall motion, and upon receiving Bai Mo's order, she immediately opened her mouth, and a huge stream of water with the power of mystery sprayed straight through the power of her whereabouts. To the fire-breathing camel, it was even injected directly into the "crater" on the back of the fire-breathing pile.

"Roar!" Accompanied by a painful muffled sound, the fire-breathing camel suddenly let out a huge roar, and its demeanor wilted in an instant.

"Oops, the substance in the fire-breathing camel's body is similar to magma. This time it was directly hit by the water cannon, and the water flow directly into the body, it will definitely cool down and cool down, and even the body's response has dropped."

Of course, Mula knew very well about his own fire-breathing camel. How could he not know the situation of the fire-breathing camel when he saw this situation, it was really going from heaven to hell.

In the past, the fire-breathing dragon was still in a position to win, and all kinds of violence restricted Minas, but now he was instantly crippled.

"Good opportunity, Minas, use the water cannon with all your might!" As a doctor or a traveler, Bai Mo also knows a lot about the fire-breathing camel.

At this moment, the fire-breathing camel's body response is almost the same as no, but as long as the body temperature recovers after a while, the fire-breathing camel will also recover.

But at this moment, will Bai Mo give it?

The answer is naturally no.

At this time, Minas tried his best to open his mouth, and the abilities and profound meanings of the water system continued to converge. In the end, when the fire-breathing camel did not respond at all, he sprayed it straight at its head!


A big wave instantly drowned the fire-breathing camel from its head. After the big wave dissipated, the fire-breathing camel had shrunk into a ball and fainted.

Upon seeing this, the referee immediately announced.

"The fire-breathing camel loses its combat effectiveness, and Minas wins!"

Chapter 0219 Latias debut

"Fire-breathing camel!!"

It wasn't until the referee shouted that Mu La recovered from the daze. She gave a worried cry, then took out the Poke Ball and said to Bai Mo, "Bai Mo, you are really good, it's been a long time since you were there. The trainer can pass my test, beat my two pixies so easily, and let me take out a third pixie."

"Hehe, Mura Hall Master, it's not easy for me to fight. Although Minas and Fire-breathing Dragon didn't lose their fighting power, they also lost a lot of physical strength. Basically, I won't take it out and fight again."

"And at the level of the elf that we will release at the end, the previous battle is now equivalent to me and you only have one elf left."

"I'm just looking forward to the power of your third elf, Master Mu La!"

Bai Mo laughed, then took out the Poke Ball and took Minas back.

"Okay, since that's the case, come out, my old man!" Hearing Bai Mo's words, Mu La stopped the hand that was going to reach the first Poké Ball on the left side of the Elf's belt, and took out the Elf ball in the row. The fourth Pokeball on the right side of the belt was thrown.

As the Poke Ball opened, a flash of white light flashed, and a tall flaming beast appeared in the field, standing in a standing position.

The moment he appeared, flames burst out from his neck, blazing hot.

"It's the elf of the peak of the king, and only has high-grade qualifications!?" Using his superpower to look at the hot beast, Bai Mo was shocked. Before, Mu La obviously didn't intend to take the hot beast out, it should be to take out his first The second echelon, that is, the elves in the first poke ball on the left side of the pixie belt.

According to Bai Mo's estimation, this elf should be an intermediate level, not more than an advanced level. Given that he can play a Mega with Shanaido now, he still has a chance to compete.

After all, after this period of time has passed, Shanaido has also realized the profound meaning of the fairy system to the third level, and then it is a small breakthrough. If it is Mega, it is not difficult to have intermediate strength.

But maybe because Bai Mo's last sentence was a little provocative, Mu La actually released his fourth-ranked elf.

From this point of view, Bai Mo felt that the top three elves on the right of Mu La should all be champion-level existences.

Taking out the flaming beast, Mura's face was light and calm:

"Bai Mo, this is my strongest Heavenly King-level elf. I went to the Chengdu area to conquer it when I was a child. Although my qualifications are a bit poor, it is only a top-ranked elf, but I have been with me for a long time, and now I have a Heavenly King-level peak. The strength, I hope, you can fight against it."

When speaking, Mula still had a faint smile, quite a bit, and said to Bai Mo, "Let you provoke me, regret it now!" The meaning is in it.

Seeing Mu La's awkward expression, Bai Mo couldn't help feeling a little unhappy. He stretched out his hand to grab the pokeball gesture at his neck, then pulled off the pink crystal and held it to his chest, saying loudly, "Latias, This time, it's up to you!"

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