Then Bai Mo's words fell, and Latias appeared in the field. After feeling the powerful strength of the opponent of the fiery beast, he felt that he was aroused to fight, and he immediately entered the fighting stance.

However, on the side, I saw that the shape in front of him was similar to a bird, with a streamlined body and glazed feathers. The upper half of the body was white, the lower half was red, the face was red, with triangular ears and white on the forehead. It has a pentagon-shaped pattern, with jet-like wings and fin-like feet on the back, and a blue triangle-shaped elf on the chest.

Everyone couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

This is Latias! ?

This is a beast!

Even the girls in Yayi were surprised. After Latias was taken over by Bai Mo, because of the incident with the Lightning Bird, he deeply felt the importance of having strength, so he has been training in the crystal. They seldom saw it. Thinking of it, Bai Mo actually took her out to fight.

Unbelievingly, he rubbed his eyes to make sure there was no mistake. Mu La took a deep breath. It was not that he had never seen a trainer with divine beasts, but it was the first time he had seen someone as young as Bai Mo. .

Moreover, Latias is a dragon type and a super energy type, with relatively powerful attributes.

Be careful this time around.

At this time, Bai Mo said lightly, "Latias only has the strength of a high-ranking Heavenly King, so please be merciful to the pavilion master Mu La."

"Be merciful to your sister!" Hearing Bai Mo's words, Mu La burst into foul language in her heart, joking, is the Heavenly King's high-level divine beast comparable to ordinary elves?

There was a lot of slander in his heart, but Mu La knew that the game had to go on, and that no one would lose, so he immediately said, "Bai Mo, I didn't expect you to take out an elves like Latias. Dias obviously doesn't have the strength of a champion, he hasn't grown up yet."

"It's up to my elder to teach you!"

That's what he said, but when Mu La spoke, there was also a cautious look in his eyes. With his old eyes, of course, it can be seen at a glance that Latias's strength is definitely the king level.

But even so, divine beasts are divine beasts, and the trainer who can use the legendary elf must not be simple. Just the two previous matches are not enough to explain Bai Mo's power.

"Hehe, Museum Master Mu La, thank you for the compliment!" Bai Mo didn't care that Mu La leaned against the old and sold the old, he smiled, and there was a hint of playfulness in his eyes.

Sure enough, it is more interesting to use strength to slap other people in the face.

Since he just pretended to be a senior, Mu La also wanted to save face, so he immediately said, "Okay, Bai Mo, as a challenger, attack first!"

Hearing what Mu La said, Bai Mo was not hypocritical and ordered directly, "Latias, Dragon Wave!"

"Fire Beast, shoot flames!" Mu La shouted immediately after hearing Bai Mo's order to Latias.

Listening to the move, Mura obviously wanted to make the Fire Beast and Latias directly confront each other.

Latias quickly opened his mouth, a purple energy ball condensed in his mouth, and then sprayed directly towards the fiery beast, and a wave of purple energy was launched.

The fiery beast seemed to react faster. Opening its mouth was a jet of flame. The two forces met in the middle, and after a stalemate for a while, it exploded, causing a cloud of smoke.

Obviously, the Dragon Element Fire Element does not restrain the opponent.

The power of the Fire Beast and the power of the flames are obviously stronger than those of Latias and Dragon Wave.

But the final confrontation was evenly matched.

Divine beasts have their own reasons for being divine beasts.

0220 Temporarily dominant Latias

"Strength is a part, but aptitude and racial values ​​are not decorations!"

Seeing the situation in the arena, Bai Mo's mouth curled up, and then he said loudly, "Latias, mist ball!"

The smoke had no effect on Latias, who had super powers, and Bai Mo immediately launched an attack.

"Hot Beast, Lightning Fire!" Mula also commanded the Beast to launch an attack at the moment when the trick came out.

After receiving Mura's order, I saw a fiery and blue figure flashing in the dust, dragging a white light strip in front of Latias in an instant, knocking Latias back.

"Flame Wheel!" With a successful strike, Mura gave a simple and powerful order again.

"Hmph, do you want to interrupt Latias' attack with this attack?" Bai Mo said lightly, and immediately shouted, "Latias!"

As Bai Mo's voice fell, he saw that Latias instantly shot a ball surrounded by misty feathers gathered in his mouth at the flaming beast.

The Mist Ball is a super power-type trick. It's powerful, extremely fast, and sometimes lowers the opponent's special attack.

The mist ball didn't give the Fire Beast a chance to dodge at all, and it came to its front in a breath. After hitting it, it exploded instantly, and the smoke and white mist also began to permeate.

But even so, Mura still looked calm, as if he didn't care about the mist ball's attack.

At this moment, a dazzling fiery red light emitted from the smoke and dust, and then, the fiery beast was wrapped in flames, pierced directly from the smoke, and rolled towards Latias.

"Latias, mind hammer!"

Although the power of Latias' mist ball is not very strong, it is by no means weak, but now the hot beast can attack immediately after resisting the mist ball, Bai Mo is also very surprised, but it is still the first time Respond, and immediately issue an order.

Latias is a little girl, and he was very happy when he saw his first official battle, and his skills accurately hit the opponent.

But now, after the opponent had endured her attack, she continued to attack her as if nothing had happened, which immediately aroused the fighting spirit in her heart, and a light curtain of blue light immediately appeared on her head.

The power of missing kept gathering on his forehead, and Latias slammed into the rushing flame wheel directly.

Immediately, I saw the thought hammer and the flame wheel stalemate with each other, and no one would let the other, as if they were stronger than the two.

However, it has been proved before that although Latias is weaker than Fire Beast, his strength is faintly stronger.

Now, the power of the mind hammer is stronger than the flame wheel. After it was used by Latias, it immediately took the advantage. As the power on the forehead continued to increase, the body of the fire beast began to be slowly pushed away. .

In the end, Latias slammed hard, and the light representing the power of missing stood on the forehead of the fiery beast, and drove it deeply into the field, blasting a pothole.

Latias, on the other hand, used the power of rushing forward to do a backflip, fly in the direction behind him, and finally looked at the fiery beast surrounded by smoke and dust again!

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