"You can't fight in close quarters!" Seeing the situation on the field, Mula knew that the hot beast in close combat was not as good as the super-type elf with super powers as auxiliary observation, and his reaction was more sharp, and he immediately changed his strategy in his heart.

"Fire Beast, shoot flames!"

Although the fiery beast was hit by the mind hammer and hit the ground, the previous flame wheel was not ineffective, so the fiery beast did not suffer too much, and at most it was slightly dizzy.

Hearing Mura's order, the fiery beast shook its head, and when it opened its mouth, a jet of flame was fired at Latias, who was retreating.

"Comparing the speed and distance of the ultimate move, we will not lose!" Seeing the situation on the field, Bai Mo immediately understood Mu La's plan and immediately ordered, "Thunder!"

In the arena, Latias, who received Bai Mo's order, flashed yellow lightning waves on his body, and after condensing for a while, he immediately launched them at the jet flame.

After the thunder and the jet of flames met, the sound of "breeding, nurturing, nurturing" came out.

Immediately, everyone saw that the entire column of fire was continuously opened from the middle under the attack of the thunder, and finally, the lightning of the thunder shrouded the body of the fiery beast.

A burst of electric sparks flickered around the fiery beast, and the fiery beast suddenly let out a sound of participation. When the electricity disappeared, it almost stumbled and almost fell. Yiliang took a few steps back to stabilize his body.

Under such a ferocious attack by the electricity, the Fire Beast immediately roared at Latias, and the flames on its neck burned even more intensely.

"As expected of a divine beast, this Latias is strong."

Looking at the two elves on the field, Mura was amazed. From the beginning of the game to the present, Latias, who was a little weaker, has hardly been attacked except for a blow of lightning and flint. Instead, he is a hot beast. He suffered counterattacks again and again, and his physical strength dropped a lot.

"Latias, you did a good job. Pursue the victory, and the water fluctuates!!"

At this time, Bai Mo smiled and ordered the excited Latias.

In fact, when Mura chose to attack Latias at close range, it was a mistake. Latias's specialty is speed, and this super ability helps to observe the situation around him, unless it is the kind of completely not to Latias Yas resisted Time's melee attack, otherwise Bai Mo would only seize the opportunity to launch a series of attacks.

However, for some unknown reason, Mura chose a melee attack again.

"Hot beast, lightning bolt!"

In the arena, Latias opened his mouth, and a water ball containing fluctuations began to congeal in front of him. After successfully condensing, he immediately launched it at the flaming beast.

The fiery beast dragged a white light belt and ran quickly in the field. After avoiding the water ball of water fluctuations, it hit Latias again and knocked Latias out.

"This level of impact is useless at all!" Bai Mo said indifferently to Mu La, and shouted again, "Latias, do it again!"

"The wave of water!"

"Fire Beast, Explosive Flame!" At this moment, Mura also shouted loudly.


Just when the fiery beast opened its mouth, the wave of water successfully hit the fiery beast, causing him to let out a roar, but even so, he insisted on fulfilling Mura's order.

He opened his mouth, and a huge column of blue and white fire shot out, and the water ball with the fluctuation of water was instantly evaporated before it exploded.

This pillar of fire also shot straight in the direction of Latias!

Seeing this, Bai Mo's pupils shrank!

"Explosive flames?!"

Chapter 0221 Crisis, Latias, Mega!

"Explosive flames?!"

"It turned out to be explosive flames!"

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo couldn't help but take a deep breath. This move was a fire-breathing dragon meeting, and it was also one of the fire-breathing dragon's ultimate moves.

What he didn't expect was that this ultimate fire skill would actually be displayed in such a form. You must know that even when a fire-breathing dragon is a Mega, it has to carry its own flames, and this flaming beast can actually spray directly.

But then, Bai Mo realized that he had made a mistake of empiricism. Thinking about the primal power used by the fire-breathing dragon in front of him, he would know, not to mention other things, that is, in the anime, the sickle helmet and the original cover turtle used The form of expression is completely different. The former produces khaki light waves when similar to the fire-breathing dragon, but the latter emits rocks.

Now, it's normal for Explosive Flames to have other uses.

These thoughts only stayed in Bai Mo's mind for a moment. When he discovered the situation on the scene, he immediately shouted, "Latias, avoid!"

Latias is very witty. She sensed the power of the explosive flames when her attack, that is, the wave of water, was dissipated. At this moment, listening to Bai Mo's order, she immediately used a mental force. Then dodge to the side!

The appearance of the strong mental will barely supported the explosive flames for a moment, but because Latias was distracted and fled, and the power gap was already huge, under the control of the flaming beast, he suddenly pushed back at a faster speed.

If the speed of this flame is faster than that of Latias at full speed, it can't be compared, but it takes time for Latias to start, and it is this time that gives the flame a chance to approach.

Although he dodged a little, the flames still enveloped one of Latias's wings.

Immediately, half of his body was submerged in the flames of the explosion, and Ladiaston showed a look of extreme pain.

Seeing this, Bai Mo immediately shouted worriedly:


In Bai Mo's shouting, the flames of the explosion disappeared, and Latias also fell to the ground. The red and blue wings on the left continued to emit red and blue heat waves.

After hearing Bai Mo's worried cry, Latias struggled to flap his wings again, trying to fly again.

But at this time, a scene that made Bai Mo's pupils shrink appeared. Originally, flames appeared on the body of the Fire Beast, who was in a state of rigidity and unable to move for a while due to the use of the explosive flame.

Afterwards, the flaming beast immediately turned into a spinning flame wheel and slammed into Latias.

When no one including Du Bai Mo could react, Latias was hit by the flame wheel and flew out again, and finally slammed into the wall on one side, causing a burst of smoke and dust, making people distinguishable No situation.

It was only at this time that the body of the fiery beast suddenly froze and froze there.

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo was also speechless for a while, but his mind was full of thoughts, and he already understood what happened before.

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