Obviously, this is a combination move that Mula still uses to train the Fire Beast.

The core point of this combination move is the hidden characteristics of the hot beast, start the fire!

Pokémon with fire attribute will not be affected by fire attribute moves. When hit by fire attribute moves, the pixie will be marked as fire mode until it is replaced or loses this attribute.

And as long as this elf is in a state of ignition, when this elf uses fire attribute attack moves, the attack and special attack will be multiplied by 1.5 times!

As a fiery beast, as an existence at the peak of the heavenly king level, Bai Mo would not believe it if he had completely overcome the sequelae of the fire element's biggest move, but if he could endure the onset of this sequela for a while, Bai Mo believed it.

Before, the fiery beast was temporarily refraining from letting his body fall into a rigid state, but at this time, other skills are obviously not easy to use. Once used, he will instantly fall into a rigid state due to the backlash of the power in his body.

However, there is one skill that is an exception, and that is the flame wheel. With the flame wheel, a flame skill that wraps itself in flames, it is not possible to use the ignition characteristics to improve itself to a certain extent, and in this neutral position, he can also Use the flame wheel to attack to a certain extent.

And this attack is the key to Mulla's plan.

At least now, Latias has suffered a lot of damage.

But it's just a lot of damage.

Bai Mo's eyes became sharp at this time, his eyes stared straight at the arena, the corners of his mouth curved a little, and he said lightly:

"Originally, looking at the previous game, I thought that Latias could just win like this, but now it seems that I still underestimate you, the current Four Heavenly King of Fang Yuan and Flame Department, the champion trainer. !"

"But the game isn't over yet, since you asked the hot beast to give me and Latias such a big gift, come and go without being indecent!"

"Let's also show our strongest strength!"

As Bai Mo's voice fell, the people around didn't understand what he meant, but the next moment, their eyes widened in disbelief.

In the arena, Bai Mo's pupils shone with a dazzling blue color. The superpower in his body that was comparable to that of a Heavenly King-level elf became active at this time, and finally condensed into substance, surging out towards Latias. shot in the direction.

At the same time, Bai Mo's firm voice resounded in the gym!

"Latias, super power link!"

"Mega, evolve!"


In the midst of the smoke, hearing Bai Mo's voice, Latias's superpower also condensed into a surging substance and then touched everything in midair with Bai Mo's superpower.

Immediately afterwards, the two superpowers began to run in constantly, and finally after finding a suitable point, a link was formed, and all of them came to Latias' body.

After absorbing this power and feeling Bai Mo's connection with him, Latias' eyes became brighter than ever before, and a dazzling white light appeared on her body and instantly enveloped her!

Seeing this light, no one could explain the shock in their hearts.

A divine beast is going to evolve in front of them?

Bai Mo didn't care about this, even though there was an Alliance camera around.

As long as the elf itself has superpower attributes and uses Mega, Bai Mo doesn't care. Who made him a superpower?

If someone doesn't agree, that's ok, you go to become a superpower first, I'm willing to teach you!

Chapter 0222 Super Latias' Strong Victory


"How handsome!"

In front of the wall on the side of the venue, the smoke and dust dissipated lightly, and the white light that enveloped Latias also disappeared.

Appearing in front of everyone was a little elf whose entire body was red except for the upper body, face and claws.

Different from Latias' original state, Super Latias's hands became abnormally thick, his eyes became sharper, and a pair of small feet became shorter and the wings on the back grew to the arms.

Like the others around him, Bai Mo was also shocked.

He and Latias had trained the Mega in normal times, so this time it was successful, but this time was different from the past, the color of Super Latias' body turned out to be red.

how could be.

Obviously, during training, it will turn into purple like Latios Mega, just like in the anime, so why is it red this time?

But soon, Bai Mo stopped thinking about this problem. Originally, his and Latias' Mega methods were different, and it was normal for them to be different. As long as their strength was really enhanced.

Now, Super Latias has the strength of the peak of the king level, and the opponent's hot beast has a big advantage!

"Latias, the wave of water!" No more wasting time, probably because of suppressing the rigid state and using the flame wheel, the time of the fiery beast's rigid state is relatively long this time, and Bai Mo will naturally not let it go Such an opportunity!

After receiving Bai Mo's order, Latias was naturally unambiguous. Although he was hit by the explosive flames on his wings before, luckily it wasn't a complete hit, and the damage he suffered should be smaller. After that, the power of the flame wheel was not too strong. Otherwise, even if he didn't lose his combat effectiveness, he would never stand up so quickly.

And all of this has been changed after the brief Mega evolution. Therefore, Super Latias condensed water balls with water fluctuations in an instant, and there were many water balls. Taking advantage of the time when the hot beast fell into a state of rigidity, All of them were fired directly, and the flaming beasts that exploded directly roared in pain.

However, when the fifth wave of water was about to arrive, the fiery beast finally regained its ability to move, and without waiting for Mura's order, it used the electric light to dodge the next few waves of water.

But even so, its situation has become quite bad at this moment, and the whole body is breathing heavily there.

"The stamina of the fiery beast is running out." Mu La didn't know how many times he sighed this day. When he felt the battle was full and vivid, he also felt the difficulty of the battle, especially Bai Mo who didn't follow the routine at all. The cards he played were completely unstoppable.

At this moment, the fiery beasts have not much physical strength, and they are simply not enough to launch the ultimate move. It will take a lot of time to let go. Instructing the opponent to attack the opportunity, Wei Wei weighed it and ordered, and Mula immediately shouted. , "Fire Beast, shoot flames!"

"Latias, the wave of water!" This time, Super Latias had the upper hand in both attack and physical strength, and Bai Mo chose to face the enemy head-on.

In the arena, the two elves began to prepare their skills after hearing the orders of their respective trainers, and then issued them.

Because of the possession of physical strength, the attack power is also stronger, and because water overcomes fire, Latias's water fluctuations eventually suppressed the fire beast's jet flame, and it burst into his mouth.

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