The current Crustacean happens to be at the peak of the elite level, and it is appropriate to send it out to absorb experience!

The baby dragon evolved from the intermediate level to the advanced crustacean, and the elite crustacean evolved to the blood-winged dragon of the quasi-king level, but because the crustacean will continue to accumulate energy when it evolves, as long as the qualifications are high enough and above, it will be enough. Break through directly to the existence of the quasi-king level peak, and comprehend the profound meaning of the dragon system in a very short time!

Said, probably thinking of getting a Mega Evolution Stone, Bai Mo jokingly said, "Uncle Xiangfei, although the Crustacea can't fly now, it will have the ability to fly when it evolves to its final form. This is much better than your Duduli."

Facing Bai Mo's show-off, Xiangfei couldn't help but twitch his mouth. Sister, you can use a quasi-god to kill me, is it really good?

Wouldn't it feel too advanced?

On the side, the three girls in Yayi couldn't help but cover their mouths and chuckle, even if they were dreaming, they smiled knowingly.

After teasing, Bai Mo's eyes changed, and he began to seriously direct the Crustacean to attack first.

"Carapace, use jet flame."

Although the body is cumbersome and the movement speed is very slow, the Crustacean uses the trick very quickly. When it opens, it shoots out a high-temperature flame to attack Duduli.

However, in the face of such a rigid attack, Duduli was very agile to dodge to the side. Although a elf like it can't fly, its powerful legs allow it to have a very fast movement ability to deal with a cumbersome carapacean. Elves have natural advantages.

"Duduli, rush towards the opponent with high-speed motion, and then use crazy attacks." Seeing that Duduli successfully avoided the jet flame attack of the Crustacean, Xiangfei immediately directed Duduli to rush towards the Crustacean at a very fast speed.

Duduli used those powerful thighs, combined with the effect of high-speed movement, to make it look very imposing.

Rush at the opponent at extreme speed, and then use crazy attacks combined with skills such as pecking and drilling, which has always been a good battle plan for speed-type elves.

In the arena, the speed of the Crustacean was obviously not fast. Even if it was specially trained by Bai Mo, it would not be able to surpass Duduli of the same level.

However, in order to succeed in the previous tactic, there is a prerequisite, that is, the attacking elf really needs to be able to rush to the opponent smoothly.

And Bai Mo naturally wouldn't let Duduli come over so easily. The first time he heard Xiangfei's order to Duduli, he also gave an order to the Crustacean.

"Cassatosaurus, use the ghost face."

The Crustacean stood there motionless after it came out of the Poké Ball, and now it is quietly watching Duduli rush towards him, with no plans to move.

Hearing Bai Mo's order, the face that originally had only two eyes suddenly became a little more ferocious, and it suddenly became terrifying.

When Duduli, who was sprinting straight ahead, noticed the ghost face in front of him, he immediately slowed down in fear, and finally stopped directly.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Bai Mo's mouth twitched slightly:

"My luck is good, and ghosts are the most effective when facing little elves like Duduli!"

Chapter 0224 Crustacean Evolution

To be honest, the reason why the ghost face effect is so good is because the elf like Duduli has three heads.

The three heads of Duduli are thinking at the same time, and their reactions are also different when facing the skill of ghost face.

Moreover, there is still an unexpected effect of Bai Mo. Among the three heads of Duduli, one of them is very afraid and wants to stop, but one of them becomes angry and wants to attack the opponent immediately, and the other simply Just random!

As a result, the three heads who disagreed made Duduli confused, and the attack was delayed.

Of course Bai Mo would not miss such an opportunity, and immediately shouted:

"Carapace dragon, dragon breath."

Saying that, Bai Mo stretched out his finger to Duduli's body.

After pondering for a while, a strong dragon breath burst out from the mouth of the carapace dragon instantly, and Duduli, whose three heads were still arguing, had no chance at all to dodge and was directly hit by the dragon breath.

Being hit by the dragon's breath in such a straight line, Duduli immediately fell to the ground in embarrassment, but soon, it shook three heads and stood up.

And fortunately, the attack of the Crustacea made Duduli's three heads temporarily unified, and Xiangfei shouted when he saw it.

"Duduli, fly up and use triple attack!"

Hearing Xiangfei's words, Bai Mo and others immediately turned to Duduli, wanting to see how it flew.

That is this time.

After getting Xiangfei's life, Duduli's legs jumped up with force, and a light ball was stored in the mouths of the three heads. The three light balls formed a triangle and locked the Crustacean, which could be fired at any time. Three colors of light!

"Uncle Xiangfei, jumping and flying are different!" Seeing that Duduli was just jumping, Bai Mo was really powerless to complain, and then said lightly, "Carapace dragon, use it to defend!"

The two skills of jumping and flying are indeed different.

Flying is free to dance in the air, and after jumping, it is impossible to change its position in the air. In order to expand the power of the trick, Duduli directly came not far from the crustacean.

Although Duduli has three heads, even if these three heads are combined, they are not as hard as a crustacean.

Although the power of the triple attack is not weak, but with a hard shell, Duduli's attack was blocked by the Crustacean.

Of course, at this time, although the Crustacean is not fast, but now that Duduli has attacked it, it will naturally not fail to seize the opportunity.

Without waiting for Bai Mo's order, Baby Dragon jumped up clumsily, and hit him with a missing head.

At this moment, the Crustacean hit Duduli's three heads with the thought of its own weight.

The three heads were violently concentrated, and Duduli fainted directly.

It was at the moment when Duduli lost his ability to fight.

As everyone watched, a burst of white light suddenly emerged from the crustacean dragon's body, covering it.

"Oh, has it evolved?" Seeing this scene, the corners of Bai Mo's mouth twitched.

Everyone around is also watching seriously, every moment of evolution is worth looking forward to.

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